11 Gennaio 2019

CfP: 6th Annual Conference of the International Crime Fiction Association, 12-15 June 2019

*** REMINDER *** Deadline approaching – 15th February 2019 6th Annual Conference of the International Crime Fiction Association Captivating Criminality 6: Metamorphoses of Crime: Facts and Fictions 12-15 June 2019 G. d’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy Call for Papers The Captivating Criminality Network is delighted to announce its sixth conference, which will be held in Italy. Building upon and developing ideas and themes from the previous five successful conferences, Metamorphoses of Crime: Facts and Fictions will examine the ways in which Crime Fiction as a genre incorporates elements of real-life cases and, in turn, influences society by conveying thought-provoking ideas of deviance, criminal activity, investigation and punishment. Since its inception, the genre has drawn inspiration from sensational crime reports. In early nineteenth-century Britain, for example, Newgate novels largely drew on the biographies of famous bandits, while penny dreadfuls popularized the exploits of criminals and detectives to appeal the taste for horror and transgression of their target audience. In similar ways, notorious cases widely reported in the mid-Victorian press, such as the Road Murder (1860) or the Madeleine Smith trial (1857), exerted a significant influence on the imagination of mid- to late-Victorian novelists, including early practitioners of the sensation genre who laid the premises for the creation of detective fiction. In other cases, criminal actions were triggered by literary texts or turned into appealing fictions by journalists. Suffice it to consider the sensation created by Jack the Ripper’s murders in late-Victorian Britain or the twentieth-century recent cases of murders committed by imitators of criminals and serial killers featured in novels like A ClockWork Orange (1962), The Collector (1963), Rage (1977), and American Psycho (1991). In more recent times, the interaction between reality and other media (TV series, films, computer games, websites, chats, etc.) has raised the question of how crime continues to glamorize perturbing, blood-chilling stories of law-breaking and law-enforcement. In addition to exploring these complex relations between facts and fictions, the conference will focus on the metamorphoses of crime across media, as well as cultural and critical boundaries. Speakers are invited to explore the crossing of forms and themes, and to ascertain the extent to which canonized definitions suit the extreme volatility of a genre that challenges categorization. From an ideological viewpoint, moreover, crime fiction has proved to be highly metamorphic, as it has been variously used to challenge, reinforce or simply interrogate ideas of ‘law and order’. The enduring appeal of the genre is also due to its openness to historical and cultural movements – such as feminism, gender studies, queer politics, postmodernism – as well as to concepts drawn from specific fields of knowledge, such as sociology and psychology. Similarly relevant to the ‘metamorphoses of crime’ are cultural exchanges among remote areas of the world, which add new perspectives to the genre’s representation of customs and ethnical issues. Scholars, practitioners and fans of crime writing are invited to participate in this conference that will address these key elements of crime fiction and real crime, from the early modern to the present day. Topics may include, but are not restricted to: • True Crime, Fictional Crime • Crime Reports and the Press • Real and Imagined Deviance • Adaptation and Interpretation • Crime Fiction and Form • Generic Crossings • Crime and Gothic • The Detective, Then and Now • The Anti-Hero • Geographies of Crime • Real and Symbolic Boundaries • Ethnicity and Cultural Diversity • The Ideology of Law and Order: Tradition and Innovation • Gender and Crime • Women and Crime: Victims and Perpetrators • Crime and Queer Theory • Film Adaptations • TV series • Technology • The Media and Detection • Sociology of Crime • The Psychological • Early Forms of Crime Writing • Eighteenth-Century Crime • Victorian Crime Fiction • The Golden Age • Hardboiled Fiction • Contemporary Crime Fiction • Postcolonial Crime and Detection Plenary speakers will be Eric Peter Sandberg (City University of Hong Kong) and Maurizio Ascari (University of Bologna). Please send 200 word proposals to Professor Mariaconcetta Costantini and Dr Fiona Peters to the following email account: captivatingcriminality6@unich.it by 15th February 2019. The abstract should include your name, email address, and affiliation, as well as the title of your paper. Please feel free to submit abstracts presenting work in progress as well as completed projects. Postgraduate students are welcome. Papers will be a maximum of 20 minutes in length. Proposals for suggested panels are also welcome. . TRAVEL AND CONFERENCE VENUE INFORMATION G. d’ Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara is located in Abruzzo, Central Italy. One part of the campus is in Chieti on the Abruzzo hills. The other part, which will be the main venue of the conference, is in Pescara. The Pescara campus, which is near the city center, is very close to the Adriatic coast and the pinewood celebrated by poet Gabriele D’Annunzio in his verse. Pescara is the biggest city in the region of Abruzzo, and it boasts a vibrant cultural life, with an important jazz festival (Pescara Jazz Festival), a national literary festival (Festival delle Letterature dell’Adriatico), and an international film festival and competition (Flaiano Film Festival and International Awards). The city has a small airport with direct connections to London Stansted, which might be a useful option for those of you travelling from the UK (Ryanair flight). There are also some Ryanair flights from other European cities). Anyone planning to travel from British and Continental cities can consider taking a flight to Rome and then take a bus to Pescara (we advise against travelling by train, since the connections are complicated and it takes longer than the bus). You can check timetables and prices on the following website (for connections from either Fiumicino or Ciampino airports): https://booking.prontobusitalia.it/public/ricerca.jsf?lang=en https://www.flixbus.co.uk/ or on the website http://www.dicarlobus.it/ (only for buses departing from Fiumicino) CONFERENCE FEES € 110 (euro) € 80 (euro): students Fees include: 6 coffee breaks, 2 light buffet lunches, 1 conference dinner. A second optional dinner will be organized (costs: about € 25). Delegates will

CfP: 6th Annual Conference of the International Crime Fiction Association, 12-15 June 2019 Read More »

CfP: LINGUAE & Rivista di lingue e culture moderne. Vol. 18 (2019) No 2

LINGUAE & Rivista di lingue e culture moderne Call for papers: Vol. 18 (2019) No 2 Safe and Sound. Listening to British and American Languages and Cultures Deadline for paper submission: July 15, 2019 Remapping he literary canon through listening practices means giving the aural dimension of poetry, prose, or simply language a fascinating chance to match the wonders of visual representation. Fiction and storytelling are actually strongly based in the universe of sounds and often involve something very similar to acousmatics, sound design, soundmarks, and sound icons. As a matter of fact, every single page is a soundscape, whether the sounds it contains be realistic, symbolic, or imaginary. This issue will collect essays which – by focusing on sounds, noises, voices, music, and silences as they appear in literature (including song lyrics), and with reference to the existing critical and scientific works in the multifaceted field of soundscape studies – reflect on the sonic construction of texts and acoustically deconstruct them. Issues concerning memory, ethnicity, class, religion, and gender are welcomed, together with translation studies, cultural studies, and intermodal studies. However, any idea will be eagerly evaluated. Authors wishing to propose a paper for this special issue should register on the journal web site and upload their papers preferably in English, no later than July 15th, 2019. See Information for Authors Only papers which fully comply with the requirements in the “Guidelines” and in the “Authors’ Statement” (the latter’s point 1.a in particular) will be accepted for the double-blind peer review process. ________________________________________ Rimappare il canone letterario mediante pratiche di ascolto significa offrire alla dimensione orale della poesia, della prosa o semplicemente del linguaggio l’affascinante opportunità di eguagliare le meraviglie della rappresentazione visiva. Narrazioni e racconti sono in verità fortemente radicati nell’universo dei suoni e spesso implicano qualcosa di assai simile all’acusmatica, al sound design, ai marcatori sonori e alle icone sonore. In realtà ogni singola pagina è un paesaggio sonoro, indipendentemente dal fatto che i suoni che lo compongono siano realistici, simbolici, o immaginari. Questo numero della rivista raccoglierà saggi che – focalizzandosi su suoni, rumori, voci, musica e silenzi così come appaiono in letteratura (inclusi i testi delle canzoni) e con riferimento alle opere critiche e scientifiche esistenti nel multiforme ambito dei soundscape studies – riflettano sulla costruzione sonora dei testi e li decostruiscano acusticamente. Tematiche concernenti la memoria, l’etnicità, la classe, la religione, e il genere sono le benvenute, insieme agli studi sulla traduzione, agli studi culturali e agli studi intermodali. Tuttavia, valuteremo con interesse ogni idea che ci verrà proposta. Si invitano gli autori che desiderano sottoporre i propri contributi, preferibilmente in inglese, a registrarsi sul sito della Rivista e a caricarli entro e non oltre il 15 luglio 2019. Vd. Information for Authors Solo gli articoli che saranno caricati nel sito secondo quanto richiesto dalle “Linee guida per gli Autori” e dalla “Dichiarazione degli Autori” (si veda in particolare il punto 1.a di quest’ultima) saranno avviati al processo di referaggio “double-blind”. http://www.ledonline.it/index.php/linguae/

CfP: LINGUAE & Rivista di lingue e culture moderne. Vol. 18 (2019) No 2 Read More »

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