CTS SPRING-CLEANING: A CRITICAL REFLECTION Special Issue of MonTI Guest Editors: María Calzada Pérez (Universitat Jaume I) and Sara Laviosa (Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro)   This special issue is intended to be a self-reflexive research work that looks back and forward upon corpus-based translation studies (CTS). Similarly to other publications in the field (e.g. Laviosa 1998; Laviosa 2002; Olohan 2004; Kruger et al. 2011), looking back brings us to at least 1993, when Mona Baker officially envisaged a turning point in the history of the discipline. Baker was not the first person to undertake corpus-based research (see, for example, Gellerstam 1986; Lindquist 1989), but she was undoubtedly the scholar who most forcefully predicted what the future had in store. And her premonitions were realized in virtually no time. Research has grown exponentially from 1993 onwards in the very aspects Baker had anticipated (corpora, methods and tools). We believe it is time we pause and reflect (critically) upon our research domain. And we want to do so in what we see is a relatively innovative way: by importing Taylor and Marchi ‘s (2018) spirit and methodologies from corpus-assisted discourse studies (CADS) into CTS. Like them, we want to place our emphasis precisely on the faulty areas within our studies. We aim to deal with the issues we have left undone; or those we have neglected. In short, and drawing on Taylor and Marchi’s (2008) work, we propose to devote this volume to revisiting our own partiality and cleaning some of our dustiest corners. Regarding partiality, Taylor and Marchi (2018: 8) argue that “[u]nderstandably, most people just get on with the task of doing their research rather than discussing what didn’t work and how they balanced it.” Going back to our previous research, identifying some of its pitfalls, and having another go at what did not work is a second chance we believe we deserve. Looking at our object of study from different viewpoints or within new joined efforts, plunging into (relatively) new practices, such as CTS triangulation (see Malamatidou 2017), may be one of the ways in which we can now contribute to going back to post-modernity; and do things differently. As to dusty corners (“both the neglected aspects of analysis and under-researched topics and text types” (Taylor and Marchi, 2018: 9), like Taylor (2018) we need further work on (translated) absence; similarities (as well as differences); silent voices, non-dominant languages, amongst many other concerns. The present CFP, then, is interested in theoretical, descriptive, applied and critical papers (from CTS and external fields) that make a contribution to tackling CTS partiality and dusty spots of any kind. We particularly (but not only) welcome papers including: critical evaluation of one’s own work awareness of (old/new) research design issues use of new protocols and tools to examine corpora identification of areas where accountability is required and methods to guarantee accountability cases of triangulation of all kinds studies of absences in originals and/or translations studies of new voices, minoritised (and non-named) languages, multimodal texts, etc. pro-active proposals to bring CTS forward Practical information and deadlines Please submit abstracts (in Catalan, English, Italian, and Spanish) of approximately 500 words, including relevant references (not included in the word count), to both and Abstract deadline: 1 November 2019 Acceptance of proposals: 1 January 2020 Submission of papers: 31 May 2020 Acceptance of papers: 15 September 2020 Submission of final versions of papers: 15 November 2020 Publication: December 2020