CfP: “CONTAct, CONTAmination, CONTAgion in English linguistic, literary and cultural communication”, Rome, 27-28 April 2021

CONTAct, CONTAmination, CONTAgion in English linguistic, literary and cultural communication
Rome, 27th-28th April 2021
The second edition of the annual conference organized by Research Group TrAdE draws inspiration from current events, in order to explore how translation and adaptation deal with such topics/themes as contact, contamination and contagion.
Despite undisputable negative aspects, dramatic events in history have also offered stimulating occasions to experiment new translational/adaptational scenarios and scientific issues (e.g. translating and/or adapting lockdown literature, the risks of translating/adapting news and information from one language into another without expert medical validation, the role of Knowledge Translation platforms in time of pandemic, etc.).
All the above things considered, the transdisciplinary conference shall be focused on (but not limited to) the following topics:
Contact linguistics and language contact: explore the means and consequences of contact between the two languages, especially in times of media expansion (e.g. discourse analysis; story-telling, etc.);
Contamination of genres both in diachronic and synchronic perspective, including literature, art, and culture as a whole (adaptations; translations; hybrid texts; multimodality);
Contagion in its various forms (e.g. cultural contagion and hegemony; adaptability and contagion; fear, paranoia, anxiety vs bravery; inclusion vs exclusion; chaos vs order; pain, illness, ageism, death vs salvation, hope; solidarity, ethics, trust vs treason, punishment; isolation, distance, boundaries, travel, exile; geo-criticism; eco-criticism).
Confirmed Keynote Speaker:
Iolanda Plescia, Sapienza University of Rome
Due to the global health emergency, the conference will be held online via MS Teams.
Panels/Abstracts Submission
Proposals for panels that will take place in one-hour online sessions (with each proposal no longer than 500 words) should include a session title, the name and contact information of the chair and abstracts no longer than 200 words from each presenter, with his/her name and affiliation. Each paper presentation should last 20 minutes.
Please send panels and/or individual proposals of no more than 250 words and a 50-word bio sketch to:
Deadline for proposals: 15th February 2021
Notification of acceptance: by 28th February 2021
Scientific Committee
Daniela Guardamagna
Elisabetta Marino
Rossana Sebellin
Fabio Ciambella
Giulia Magazzù
Valentina Rossi
Angela Sileo
For more information, please visit:
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