CfP: ESPRit Conference, Budapest, 8-9 September 2022

ESPRit Conference, Budapest Call for Papers Conference theme: Periodicals beyond Hierarchies: Challenging Geopolitical and Social “Centres” and “Peripheries” through the Press Time and venue: 8– 9 September 2022, Museum of Fine Arts – Central European Research Institute for Art History (KEMKI) – Artpool, Budapest, Hungary. The hybrid event is co-organized with the Petőfi Literary Museum (PIM) – Kassák Museum. Scientific committee: Gábor Dobó (PIM–Kassák Musem); Dávid Fehér (KEMKI); Emese Kürti (KEMKI – Artpool); Eszter Őze (KEMKI – Artpool); Evanghelia Stead (UVSQ Paris Saclay); Merse Pál Szeredi (PIM – Kassák Musem). Contact persons: Gábor Dobó (dobo.gabor@pim.hu), Merse Pál Szeredi (szeredi.merse.pal@pim.hu), and Eszter Őze (eszter.oze@szepmuveszeti.hu). Call for papers: For the first time in East-Central Europe, the European Society for Periodical Research (ESPRit) convenes its 2022 (10th) international conference in Budapest, Hungary, to focus on the following theme Periodicals beyond Hierarchies: Challenging Geopolitical and Social “Centres” and “Peripheries” through the Press The conference should reflect on how periodicals challenge, transform or interpret the notion of “centres” and “peripheries” in a context of permanently shifting and historically unstable situations. Papers should investigate these questions through essential forums of the public sphere, namely periodicals, from the mid-18th century to the present day. The generation of knowledge, social dialogue, and transnational communication (both textual and visual) hosted by periodicals gave visibility and platforms to politically and economically “peripheral” areas, as well as socially marginalized groups. At the same time, other journals provided means to maintain cultural and political hegemony of “central” social classes or global powers. We invite scholars to reflect on the ways periodicals represented, created, maintained, or challenged, even deconstructed the notions of “centre” and “periphery” as related to the status of their community, audience, editorial board or geographical areas. We are particularly interested in encounters, and negotiations between geopolitical or social “centres” and “peripheries” taking place in periodicals. The conference should focus on matters, including but not limited to, such as: • Theoretical reflections on “centres” and “peripheries” and the possible contribution of Periodical Studies to define the shifting meaning of this conceptual model • Circulation, adaptability and reworking of periodical models and genres, including the mainstream press; middlebrow periodicals and “little magazines” • Hybridity, performativity, materiality – how researching periodicals opens up new perspectives in literary, art and media history? • Shifting, emerging, and declining geopolitical centres and the press, from the Napoleonic wars to the end of the Cold War and beyond • Challenging the concept of “Eastern”, “Western”, “Southern” and “Central” – the periodicals in the entangled history in Empires – from a post-Empire perspective • Colonization, decolonization, and the periodicals – a postcolonial perspective • The effect of dominant discourses on marginal/”peripheral”/”provincial”/local contexts – and vice versa. • The role of journals in social conversation, including the voice of marginalized groups in/out of/against the mainstream press: the rise of counter-publics in periodicals • The diachronic and political dimension of artistic canons, and the role of periodicals in canonizing, theorizing, and financing art and culture • De-centring established cultural “centres” through a transnational network of “little magazines”. Establishing “imagined communities” (a term coined by Benedict Anderson) in periodicals The working language of the conference is English. We welcome proposals from researchers at all stages of advancement. Proposals of around 250 words (references not included) for 20- minute papers and a short CV (no more than 200 words) should be sent to 2022esprit@gmail.com by February 28 2022. We also welcome proposals for joint panels of three papers. Please include a brief rationale for the panel along with an abstract and CV for each presenter. Updates can be found on the 10th ESPRit Conference website, forthcoming. We look forward to welcoming you to the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest!

CfP: ESPRit Conference, Budapest, 8-9 September 2022 Read More »

CfP: ESPRit Conference, Budapest, 8-9 September 2022

ESPRit Conference, Budapest Call for Papers Conference theme: Periodicals beyond Hierarchies: Challenging Geopolitical and Social “Centres” and “Peripheries” through the Press Time and venue: 8– 9 September 2022, Museum of Fine Arts – Central European Research Institute for Art History (KEMKI) – Artpool, Budapest, Hungary. The hybrid event is co-organized with the Petőfi Literary Museum (PIM) – Kassák Museum. Scientific committee: Gábor Dobó (PIM–Kassák Musem); Dávid Fehér (KEMKI); Emese Kürti (KEMKI – Artpool); Eszter Őze (KEMKI – Artpool); Evanghelia Stead (UVSQ Paris Saclay); Merse Pál Szeredi (PIM – Kassák Musem). Contact persons: Gábor Dobó (dobo.gabor@pim.hu), Merse Pál Szeredi (szeredi.merse.pal@pim.hu), and Eszter Őze (eszter.oze@szepmuveszeti.hu). Call for papers: For the first time in East-Central Europe, the European Society for Periodical Research (ESPRit) convenes its 2022 (10th) international conference in Budapest, Hungary, to focus on the following theme Periodicals beyond Hierarchies: Challenging Geopolitical and Social “Centres” and “Peripheries” through the Press The conference should reflect on how periodicals challenge, transform or interpret the notion of “centres” and “peripheries” in a context of permanently shifting and historically unstable situations. Papers should investigate these questions through essential forums of the public sphere, namely periodicals, from the mid-18th century to the present day. The generation of knowledge, social dialogue, and transnational communication (both textual and visual) hosted by periodicals gave visibility and platforms to politically and economically “peripheral” areas, as well as socially marginalized groups. At the same time, other journals provided means to maintain cultural and political hegemony of “central” social classes or global powers. We invite scholars to reflect on the ways periodicals represented, created, maintained, or challenged, even deconstructed the notions of “centre” and “periphery” as related to the status of their community, audience, editorial board or geographical areas. We are particularly interested in encounters, and negotiations between geopolitical or social “centres” and “peripheries” taking place in periodicals. The conference should focus on matters, including but not limited to, such as: • Theoretical reflections on “centres” and “peripheries” and the possible contribution of Periodical Studies to define the shifting meaning of this conceptual model • Circulation, adaptability and reworking of periodical models and genres, including the mainstream press; middlebrow periodicals and “little magazines” • Hybridity, performativity, materiality – how researching periodicals opens up new perspectives in literary, art and media history? • Shifting, emerging, and declining geopolitical centres and the press, from the Napoleonic wars to the end of the Cold War and beyond • Challenging the concept of “Eastern”, “Western”, “Southern” and “Central” – the periodicals in the entangled history in Empires – from a post-Empire perspective • Colonization, decolonization, and the periodicals – a postcolonial perspective • The effect of dominant discourses on marginal/”peripheral”/”provincial”/local contexts – and vice versa. • The role of journals in social conversation, including the voice of marginalized groups in/out of/against the mainstream press: the rise of counter-publics in periodicals • The diachronic and political dimension of artistic canons, and the role of periodicals in canonizing, theorizing, and financing art and culture • De-centring established cultural “centres” through a transnational network of “little magazines”. Establishing “imagined communities” (a term coined by Benedict Anderson) in periodicals The working language of the conference is English. We welcome proposals from researchers at all stages of advancement. Proposals of around 250 words (references not included) for 20- minute papers and a short CV (no more than 200 words) should be sent to 2022esprit@gmail.com by February 28 2022. We also welcome proposals for joint panels of three papers. Please include a brief rationale for the panel along with an abstract and CV for each presenter. Updates can be found on the 10th ESPRit Conference website, forthcoming. We look forward to welcoming you to the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest!

CfP: ESPRit Conference, Budapest, 8-9 September 2022 Read More »

Cfp: Audiovisual Translation and Minority Cultures, Pescara, 3-4 June 2022

Audiovisual Translation and Minority Cultures International Conference Sponsored by CenTras (Centre for Translation Studies @UCL – UK), AIA (Italian Association for English Studies) and CUSVE (The University Centre for Victorian and Edwardian Studies) Museo delle Genti d’Abruzzo Pescara, 3-4 June 2022 Call for Papers Within translation studies, minority has been the concern of scholars and translators whose interest has focused on language varieties (dialects, registers, styles, and discourses) linked to cultures that occupy subordinate positions in social formations, or what J.C. Catford defines as “states of language, ethnicity or sex with their own ghetto territorialities” (1987: 106). Minority languages and cultures challenge dominant, homogenising systems by posing resistance in the form of innovation, particularly when considered within the framework of our globalised world. This two-day conference aims to explore the unpredictable linguistic and cultural variations that minority might introduce in the study of audiovisual translation. We want to consider not only the uses of nonstandard linguistic items, multilingualism, and minor languages in audiovisual media, but also the range of cultural, social, and political issues raised by such uses, especially when affiliated with minor cultures. If we side with Abé Mark Nornes’s view that “to the extent that skilled translators disregard conventional practices and creatively work through translation problems – both typical ones and those arising from the specificities of dubbing and subtitling – the outlook and possibilities for moving image translation are both hopeful and intriguing” (Nornes 2007: 16), how might the study and practice of audiovisual translation be reformulated in relation to minorities in the 21st century? We particularly invite contributions that encourage interdisciplinary discussions between scholars and translators about how audiovisual media can give voice to voiceless cultures and how such media might redefine the identity and role of the translator in the 21st century. Suggested topics may include, but are not limited to: •       Standard vs. nonstandard language varieties, multilingualism, and minor languages in audiovisual translation •       Audiovisual translation and the formation of identity •       Translation activism in today’s global media landscape •       The social and political implications of translating humour in audiovisual material •       Dubbing and subtitling in world cinema understood as relations between film cultures positioned in global hierarchies, major and minor, central and peripheral •       The Cinema of Minorities: Film adaptation and minority cultures KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Jorge Díaz-Cintas (University College London – UK) Mona Baker (Oslo University – Norway) Delia Chiaro (University of Bologna – ITALY) INDIVIDUAL PAPERS (20 minutes) Please attach a single document including: •       Title and abstract of your proposal (300 words max.) •       5 keywords •       Author’s name, affiliation, email address and biography (100 words max.) Deadline for submissions: 7th May 2022 Conference fee: 150 EUR (standard) / 80 EUR (student) by 19th May 2022 All questions and submissions should be emailed to Eleonora Sasso (“G. d’Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara) to the following address: avt-minoritycultures@unich.it

Cfp: Audiovisual Translation and Minority Cultures, Pescara, 3-4 June 2022 Read More »

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