7 Maggio 2023

CfP: “Im/politeness on the Big Screen”, 1st December 2023, University of Naples “L’Orientale” 

Call For Papers   Im/politeness on the Big Screen  Friday 1st December 2023, University of Naples L’Orientale  Im/politeness is an integral part of the language, aesthetic value and cultural significance of  cinema. The conference seeks to analyse the languages of im/politeness in a variety of  cinematic texts (shorts, featurettes and feature films). Pragmatics, stylistics, multimodal  analysis, characterization, and conversation analysis are particularly relevant for investigating  im/politeness as conversational behaviour in cinematic discourse. With a focus on areas such  as banter, mock-politeness, irony, humour, and related phenomena, the conference will  explore the interconnections between these linguistic and social practices across cinematic  texts.  We welcome proposals for 20-minute papers (in Italian or English) on a broad range of topics  related to im/politeness in cinematic discourse. While we encourage submissions on the  following themes, we also welcome related contributions:  Im/politeness and characterization in cinema;  Innovative approaches to analysing linguistic and multimodal im/politeness;  Banter, pseudo/mock-politeness and similar phenomena (irony, humour, etc.);  Impoliteness and storytelling in cinema;  Further methodological considerations regarding analysis of film dialogues;  Taboo language;  Audio-visual translation and Im/politeness Theory.  Overall, this conference aims to provide a platform for interdisciplinary discussion on  im/politeness strategies in cinema. We welcome contributions from scholars across various  disciplines, including, among others: linguistic pragmatics, stylistics, film and media studies,  and sociolinguistics.  Abstracts (250 words max.) should be sent as email attachments in .doc or .docx format to  abeville@unior.it and emma.pasquali@uniecampus.it by 16/06/2023.  Abstracts should include:  ➔ full name;  ➔ academic position;  ➔ affiliation;  ➔ contact information (email);  ➔ up to 5 keywords;  ➔ up to 5 key references. Notice of acceptance will be sent by 31/07/2023.  A selection of papers will be proposed for publication in a collection of essays.  Organising and Scientific Committee  Aoife Beville (University of Naples L’Orientale)  Emma Pasquali (eCampus University)  Selected bibliography  Androutsopoulos, Jannis. 2012. “Introduction: Language and Society in Cinematic  Discourse”. Multilingua 31 (2–3): 139–54.  Bousfield, Derek. 2007. “‘Never a Truer Word Said in Jest’: A Pragmastylistic Analysis of  Impoliteness as Banter in Henry IV, Part I”. Pp. 209–20 in Contemporary Stylistics,  edited by M. Lambrou and P. Stockwell. London; New York: Continuum.  Brown, Penelope, and Stephen C. Levinson. 1987. Politeness: Some Universals in  Language Usage. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press  Chepinchikj, Neda and Thompson, Celia. 2016. “Analysing cinematic discourse using  conversation analysis”, Discourse, Context & Media, 14:40-53.  Culpeper, Jonathan. 1996. “Towards an Anatomy of Impoliteness”. Journal of Pragmatics 25(3):349–67.  Culpeper, Jonathan. 2001. Language and Characterisation: People in Plays and Other  Texts. Harlow England, New York: Longman.  Culpeper, Jonathan. 2011. Impoliteness: Using Language to Cause Offence. Cambridge  University Press.  Dynel, Marta. 2011. “‘I’ll Be There for You!’ On Participation-Based Sitcom Humour”. Pp.  311–34 in The Pragmatics of Humour across Discourse Domains, edited by M.  Dynel. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.  Dynel, Marta. 2016. “Conceptualizing Conversational Humour as (Im)Politeness: The  Case of Film Talk”. Journal of Politeness Research 12 (1): 117–47.  Dynel, Marta. 2017. “(Im)Politeness and Telecinematic Discourse”. In Pragmatics of  Fiction, edited by Miriam A. Locher and Andreas H. Jucker, 455–88. Berlin: De  Gruyter Mouton.  Janney, Richard. 2012. “Pragmatics and Cinematic Discourse”. In Lodz Papers in  Pragmatics 8.   Kádár, Dániel Z., and Michael Haugh. 2013. Understanding Politeness. Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press.  Kress, Gunther, and Theo van Leeuwen. 2006. Reading Images: The Grammar of Visual  Design. Second Edition. London: Routledge.  Leech, Geoffrey. 1983. Principles of Pragmatics. London: Longman.  McIntyre, Dan. 2008. “Integrating Multimodal analysis and the stylistics of drama: a  multimodal perspective on Ian McKellen’s Richard III”. In Language and Literature 17(4): 309-334. Nørgaard, Nina. 2010. “Multimodal Stylistics: the Happy Marriage of Stylistics and  Semiotics”. In Semiotics: Theory and Applications, edited by S. C. Hamel, 255-260.  Nova Science Publishers.   — . 2014. “Multimodality and Stylistics”. In The Routledge Handbook of Stylistics, edited  by Michael Burke, 471-485. Oxon: Routledge.  Piazza, Roberta, Monika Bednarek, and Fabio Rossi. 2011. Telecinematic Discourse:  Approaches to the Language of Films and Television Series. Amsterdam: John  Benjamins Publishing Company.  Toolan, Michael. 2014. “Stylistics and Film”. In The Routledge Handbook of Stylistics,  edited by Michael Burke, 455–69. Routledge.

CfP: “Im/politeness on the Big Screen”, 1st December 2023, University of Naples “L’Orientale”  Read More »

CfP: “Figurative Thought and Language (FTL 7).Cognitive, bodily, and cultural processes in Figurative Thought and Language”,University of Genova,20-22 September 2023

CALL FOR PAPERS Figurative Thought and Language (FTL 7) Cognitive, bodily, and cultural processes in Figurative Thought and Language University of Genova, Dipartimento di Lingue e Culture Moderne 20-22 September 2023 https://sites.google.com/view/ftl7symposium/home-page The 7th International Symposium on Figurative Thought and Language (FTL 7) will be organised by the Department of Modern Languages at the University of Genoa. Following the previous biannual meetings, which have gathered scholars working on the broad spectrum of figuration, the theme of this year’s meeting is Cognitive, bodily, and cultural processes in Figurative Thought and Language. We invite contributions from different theoretical (cognitive linguistics, cognitive science, neuroscience, cognitive psychology, cognitive anthropology), methodological (experimental protocols, cross-linguistic comparison, synchronic and diachronic analyses, corpus studies, quantitative and qualitative analyses), and applied perspectives dealing with the role of figuration in motivating linguistic phenomena and conceptual processes. Suggested topics include (but are not restricted to): – role of figuration in morphology, syntax, lexis, semantics, pragmatics; – role of figuration in grammar (grammatical constructions, grammatical categories, parts-of-speech); – role of figuration in grammaticalization; – role of figuration in synchronic and diachronic language change and variation; – figurative elaboration of perceptual stimuli; – figuration in different types of discourse (e.g., business, media, literature, law, politics, science, sports, religion, psychotherapy, etc.); – cognitive stylistics; – corpus-based approaches to figuration; – experimental protocols, quantitative and statistical analyses of figurative mechanisms; – cultural variation of figurative mechanisms; – emotional aspects of figurative language; – development of figurative language in first and second language acquisition; – figuration in artificial intelligence; – figuration in gestures and sign languages; – multimodal figuration in images, music, cultural artifacts and practices; – humour, irony, sarcasm; Invited Speakers: Anna Borghi, Sapienza Università di Roma, IT Laura Hidalgo Downing, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, SP Chloe Harrison, Aston University, UK Francisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibañez, Universidad de La Rioja, SP SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACT has been extended to 30th May 2023. – The abstract, both in a .pdf and a .doc(x) format, should be sent to the following address: ftl7symposium@gmail.com – Abstracts should not exceed 500 words (including examples, and excluding figures and references), and should include 5 keywords and state research questions, approach, method, data and (expected) results. – Abstracts should be written using Times New Roman 12, single spaced, with a minimal use of special fonts, a minimum of figures and tables, and no footnotes. – All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by two referees, members of the Scientific Committee. – Please, do not mention the author’s name, institution or address in the abstract. – The subject header of your email should include: FTL7 submission – name(s). – Please include the following information in the main body of your email: (1) name of author(s), (2) affiliation, (3) title of the presentation, (4) email address(es). – SUBMITTING MULTIPLE PAPERS. In order to guarantee diversity, nobody is allowed to present or co-present more than two papers (EITHER one as first author and one as co-author OR two as co-author).

CfP: “Figurative Thought and Language (FTL 7).Cognitive, bodily, and cultural processes in Figurative Thought and Language”,University of Genova,20-22 September 2023 Read More »

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