Settembre 2024

Call for abstracts – Textus issue 3/2025 – Cross-disciplinary issue – “Text Analysis and Digital Humanities in English Studies”

Call for abstracts Textus issue 3/2025 – Cross-disciplinary issue Text Analysis and Digital Humanities in English Studies   Guest co-editors: Maristella Gatto (University of Bari) Michaela Mahlberg (University of Birmingham) Lorenzo Mastropierro (University of Insubria) Francesca Saggini (University of Tuscia) Copy Editor: Eileen Mulligan (University of Bari) Over the past decades, Digital Humanities have moved from being a niche discipline to a fast-growing research field, covering all areas where the humanities meet digital methods, resources, and tools. This digital revolution has triggered paradigm shifts in disciplinary fields as diverse as philology, history, geography, music, cultural heritage, literature, and linguistics. Indeed, the impact of the digital turn in literary and linguistic studies can be felt in a number of areas, from archiving, to editing, to computer-aided critical and stylistic analysis, as well as in the development of tools for the representation and visualization of language data in texts of any kind (Schreibman et al. 2016). More crucially, the huge amount of textual data available in digital format to the literature and language scholars alike has had a significant impact on the range of research questions that it is possible to address (Hiltunen et al. 2017). Nonetheless, digital approaches to text analysis in English Studies – mostly in the field of corpus linguistics and corpus stylistics – have had limited interactions with Digital Humanities, while it is exactly these interactions that will bring about true innovation. The time has come, therefore, for corpus linguistics, literary stylistics, and Digital Humanities to finally come together as they “theoretically have much in common, but in practice more often than not operate within disciplinary boundaries” (Mahlberg and Wiegand 2020: 323). Methodological triangulation that builds on commonality and convergence among these cognate areas will be beneficial to understand further the dialogical relationship among them, and be conducive of interdisciplinary development. This issue of Textus aims to foster such interdisciplinary dialogues and encourage methodological triangulations between Digital Humanities, corpus approaches, and other methods for computer-aided text analysis in English Studies. It will provide a forum to showcase cutting-edge research and stimulate reflections on the potential of the interplay between computer-based approaches to text analysis and Digital Humanities in English Studies, from both the perspective of literature and language studies. References: Adolphs, S. and Knight, D., 2020, The Routledge Handbook of English Language and Digital Humanities, London, Routledge. Crompton, C., et al., 2016, Doing Digital Humanities. Practice, Training, Research, London, Routledge. Hiltunen, T., et al. 2017, Big and rich data in English Corpus Linguistics. Studies in Variation, Contacts and Change in English, 19, Maci, S. and Sala, M., 2022, Corpus Linguistics and Translation Tools for Digital Humanities: Research Methods and Applications, London, Routledge. Mahlberg, M. 2013, Corpus Stylistics and Dickens’s Fiction, London, Routledge. Mahlberg, M. and Wiegand, V., 2020, “Literary Stylistics”, in Adolphs S. et al. (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of English Language and Digital Humanities, pp. 321-345, London, Routledge. Martin, P. E. 2022, The Digital Humanities and Literary Studies, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Underwood, T., 2019, Distant Horizons. Digital Evidence and Literary Change, Chicago, Chicago University Press. Submission of abstracts Please send abstracts to:,,, Timeline Deadline for abstracts submission (400 words plus references): 15 December 2024. Please put as subject line “Textus Cross-disciplinary Issue 3/2025 – abstract submission” Notification to authors: 15 January 2025 Deadline for submission of first draft of article (maximum 7500 words including references): 31 May 2025 Request for revisions following peer review: 15 July 2025 Deadline for final version of article: 1 September 2025  

Call for abstracts – Textus issue 3/2025 – Cross-disciplinary issue – “Text Analysis and Digital Humanities in English Studies” Read More »


DICTIONARY DAYS 2024III EDIZIONEDipartimento di Scienze Linguistiche e Letterature Straniere Università Cattolica del Sacro CuoreLargo A. Gemelli, 1 – Milano29 ottobre-8 novembre 2024 La terza edizione dei “Dictionary Days” si presenta come un evento ricco di iniziative dedicate al mondo della lessicografia e della lingua; scopriremo come le parole plasmano la nostra cultura e il nostro pensiero. Dal 29 ottobre all’8 novembre, esperti e studiosi offriranno conferenze e laboratori che esploreranno temi affascinanti come la nascita dell’Oxford English Dictionary, i dizionari come fonte di ispirazione letteraria per l’Avanguardia viennese e gli strumenti lessicografici digitali. La manifestazione sarà affiancata da un’esposizione di poster elaborati dagli studenti, un’occasione per vedere la creatività in azione.   The third edition of ‘Dictionary Days’ offers a range of initiatives dedicated to the world of lexicography and language; attendees will explore how words shape culture and thought. From 29 October to 8 November, experts and scholars will give lectures and workshops exploring fascinating topics such as the creation of the Oxford English Dictionary, the influence of dictionaries on the Viennese Avant-Garde, and digital tools for lexicography. The event will also feature an exhibition of student-created posters, highlighting creativity in action.


L. M. Crisafulli, S. Baieri, Carlotta Farese (eds) Imprinting Anglo- Italian Relations in The Liberal (Peter Lang)

Imprinting Anglo- Italian Relations in The Liberal by Lilla Maria Crisafulli (Volume editor)Serena Baiesi (Volume editor) Carlotta Farese (Volume editor)  ©2023Edited Collection262 Pages   When the first issue of The Liberal was published on 10 October 1822, the periodical was largely dismissed by the British press as a political project conceived by well-known and controversial figures (L. Hunt, P.B. Shelley, Lord Byron, W. Hazlitt, and Mary Shelley). They were all members of the so-called “Pisan circle”, an Anglo-Italian community of liberal writers aspiring to cultural and social reform. Even though The Liberal was addressed to an English public, it was entirely conceived in Italy, a country which had become a symbolic as well as a geographical space, playing a crucial role in defining the journal’s aims and themes. This collection of essays examines the short and difficult life of the periodical, reassessing its cultural politics, its relationship to Italy, the controversial British reception, and its relevance to Romantic (and indeed contemporary) debates on Liberalism.

L. M. Crisafulli, S. Baieri, Carlotta Farese (eds) Imprinting Anglo- Italian Relations in The Liberal (Peter Lang) Read More »

“English Language Teaching in Italy (1900-2000). A historical archive of ELT materials at the University of Milan” (20 Settembre 2024)

English Language Teaching in Italy (1900-2000). A historical archive of ELT materials at the University of Milan 20 settembre 2024 Università degli Studi di Milano Via Festa del Perdono 7 Aula 309   L’Italy ELT Archive è un progetto diretto dalla Professoressa Luciana Pedrazzini e dal Professor Andrea Nava presso il Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature, Culture e Mediazioni dell’Università degli Studi di Milano. Il suo obiettivo è quello di promuovere la ricerca storiografica nel campo dell’insegnamento della lingua inglese in Italia, fornendo a ricercatori, studenti e docenti uno strumento per comprendere i principi linguistici e metodologici sottesi ai materiali didattici per l’apprendimento dell’inglese pubblicati nel contesto italiano del XX Secolo. Il 20 settembre 2024 si terrà una giornata di studi che vedrà riuniti esperti provenienti da diversi ambiti: università, scuola e associazioni di insegnanti. I partecipanti avranno anche la possibilità di prendere parte ad un laboratorio incentrato sulla valutazione e lo sviluppo di materiali didattici utilizzando le risorse presenti nell’Archivio digitale.   Programma 9:00 Introduzione e saluti Marco Castellari (Direttore del Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature, Culture e Mediazioni dell’Università degli Studi di Milano) Monica Barsi (Università degli Studi di Milano/CIRSIL) Andrea Angelone (USR Lombardia) 9:30- 11:30 ELT materials: a historical perspective Richard Smith (University of Warwick): An ELT Archive – how can it be relevant to teaching today? Lucilla Lopriore (Università degli Studi Roma 3/TESOL Italia): Beyond natives: tracing and valuing Italian authors’ contributions to ELT coursebooks and materials in Italy: lessons to be learnt from non-native speakers’ perspectives Gisella Langé (Ministero dell’Istruzione e del Merito): Evolution in language learning, teaching and training in Italian schools Paola Vettorel (Università degli Studi di Verona): Teaching and learning English to communicate: a change of perspective for ELT coursebooks? 11:30-12:00 Pausa 12:00-12:30 Luciana Pedrazzini, Andrea Nava, Martin Ruskov ed Emanuela Tenca (Università degli Studi di Milano): A digital archive of ELT materials in Italy (1900-2000) 12.30-13:30 Tavola rotonda: Il ruolo delle riviste e delle associazioni nell’ambito dell’insegnamento dell’inglese in Italia Modera: Stefania Nuccorini (Università degli Studi Roma 3/CIRSIL) Intervengono: Lucilla Lopriore (Università degli Studi Roma 3/TESOL Italia), Silvia Minardi (LEND), Gianfranco Porcelli (ANILS), Maria Cecilia Rizzardi (Università degli Studi di Milano) 13.30: Conclusioni 14:30-16:00 Workshop Sharon Hartle (Università degli Studi di Verona): ELT methodologies and materials: exploring learning design   Modalità di iscrizione L’iscrizione obbligatoria all’evento sarà possibile da lunedì 2 settembre a venerdì 13 settembre 2024. I partecipanti potranno scegliere di iscriversi alle sessioni della mattina e/o al workshop del pomeriggio compilando il modulo dedicato che sarà reso disponibile sul sito La partecipazione è gratuita ma a numero chiuso (100 posti per la sessione del mattino e 30 posti per il workshop del pomeriggio). Gli iscritti ammessi riceveranno una conferma della loro partecipazione tramite e-mail proveniente dall’indirizzo del progetto Ai partecipanti verrà consegnato un attestato di frequenza. L’evento è organizzato con il patrocinio di • AILA Research Network for the History of Language Learning and Teaching – HoLLT • Associazione Italiana di Anglistica – AIA • Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca sulla Storia degli Insegnamenti Linguistici – CIRSIL • Società Italiana di Didattica delle Lingue e Linguistica Educativa – DILLE • Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per la Lombardia – USR Comitato scientifico: Luciana Pedrazzini, Andrea Nava, Emanuela Tenca e Giovanni Iamartino Per il Comitato organizzativo:  

“English Language Teaching in Italy (1900-2000). A historical archive of ELT materials at the University of Milan” (20 Settembre 2024) Read More »

A serendipitous journey: symposium in honour of Alan Partington

A serendipitous journey: symposium in honour of Alan Partington 18 OCTOBER 2024 from 15:00 to 19:00 Lecture room13 – Teaching Hub – via F. Corridoni, 20 – Campus di Forlì – In presence and online event A celebration of Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies (CADS) and the work of Alan Partington. Talks by Tony McEnery, Paul Baker, Alison Duguid, Alan Partington. Presentation of contributions to the Special issue of JCaDs in honour of Alan Partington by Eugenia Diegoli and Daniele Polizzi. PROGRAM 15:00 -15:10 Welcome (Silvia Bernardini – University of Bologna) 15:10-15:50 Alison Duguid (University of Siena): “Forced priming and delegitimisation” 15:50-16:30 Tony McEnery (Lancaster University): “A key but which lock? Some reflections on keywords” 16:30-17:10 Paul Baker (Lancaster University): “Sex differences and gendered discourses on a forum about anxiety” 17:10-17:20 Presentation of the Special issue of JCaDs in honour of Alan Partington (Anna Marchi – University of Bologna) 17:20-17:40 Eugenia Diegoli (University of Bologna): “‘Only idiots get vaccinated w’: A Corpus-Assisted analysis of laughter-text in Japanese online (anti-)vaccination discourses” 17:40-18:00 Daniele Polizzi (University of Bologna): “Evaluation in a cross-linguistic perspective: Investigating semantic prosody across English and German near-synonyms” 18:00-18:40 Alan Partington: “Reflections and suggestions on patterns and meanings and connections” If you wish to attend the event in person please contact Anna Marchi by September 30th (registration is free, but due to room capacity we have a limit of 40 participants). A serendipitous journey: symposium in honour of Alan Partington — Corpora, Linguistics, Technology (CoLiTec) (

A serendipitous journey: symposium in honour of Alan Partington Read More »

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