Nome dell'autore: Anglistica


Call for Papers WORKSHOP: THE CONCEPT OF LIGHTNESS: NEW PERSPECTIVES AND APPLICATIONS LOCATION: University of Perugia (Italy), Department of Humanities DATE: April 16, 2020 CONTACT PERSONS: Roberta Mastrofini (University of Perugia); Marco Bagli (University of Genova) EMAILS:; CONVENORS: Roberta Mastrofini, Marco Bagli INVITED SPEAKER: Aleksandra Bagasheva (University of Sofia) CONFERENCE FEES: € 35 students; € 45 Professors and Academics (the fee includes two coffee breaks and a lunch break). Information can be found on Our workshop proposal wants to bring together scholars working on lightness from any type of perspective ranging from syntax to semantics, in English, or even better in a cross-linguistic perspective. Diachronic, typological, and corpus-based approaches are welcome. The aim is to find an answer to the following unsolved questions: What is a LVC and what is not? Should we consider “light” only the prototypical instances retrieved by Jespersen or postulate different degrees of lightness in verbal constructions? And, if so, how, and by which parameters is lightness assessed? Would it be plausible to say that any lexical predicate may turn “light” under specific syntagmatic conditions? If so, which ones? Is lightness only a verbal property? Can lightness in LVEs be the result of a metaphorical shift? If so, could a semantic cognitive approach be relevant? How can lightness be considered from a Cognitive Linguistics approach? Is it a matter of conceptual metaphor extension (Lakoff, 1990; Lakoff & Johnson, 1999, 2003)? When did lightness emerge, in a diachronic perspective? Can we apply Prototype Theory to distinguish LVCs from LVEs? Students and scholars are asked to submit an abstract of max 500 words (including examples, excluding references) to: or Deadline for abstract submission is February 15, 2020. Notification of acceptance will be given by March 1, 2020.


Summer School di traduzione letteraria: “Tradurre la narrativa”, Andalo (TN), 15-19 giugno 2020

Dear all, siamo liet* di segnalare la Summer School di traduzione letteraria “Tradurre la narrativa”. Nella Summer School “Tradurre la narrativa”, cinque tra i maggiori traduttori letterari operativi in Italia, Ilide Carmignani (letteratura spagnola), Franca Cavagnoli (letteratura inglese), Fulvio Ferrari (letteratura svedese), Enrico Ganni (letteratura tedesca), Yasmina Melaouah (letteratura francese), terranno un corso e dirigeranno un laboratorio di traduzione letteraria per la narrativa moderna e contemporanea. La Summer School, che si svolgerà ad Andalo, nota località turistica dell’altipiano della Paganella, nel cuore delle Dolomiti di Brenta in Trentino, è organizzata da LETRA, Seminario di traduzione letteraria, afferente al Laboratorio Letterario (LaborLET) del Centro di Alti Studi Umanistici (CeASUm) del Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia, con il contributo del Comune di Andalo. Destinatari Studenti magistrali, laureati magistrali, dottorandi e dottori di ricerca dell’Università di Trento e di altre università italiane. Crediti formativi È previsto il riconoscimento di 3 CFU. Programma e docenti Per informazioni sul programma si veda la sezione Box Download Docenti: Ilide Carmignani (letteratura spagnola) Franca Cavagnoli (letteratura inglese) Fulvio Ferrari (letteratura svedese) Enrico Ganni (letteratura tedesca) Yasmina Melaouah (letteratura francese) Ammissione e iscrizione Alla Summer School sono ammessi un massimo di 15 partecipanti per ciascuna area linguistica, per un totale di 75 iscritti. Agli studenti dell’Università di Trento sono riservati 30 posti sul totale degli iscritti. Per partecipare alla Summer School è necessario presentare una domanda di ammissione online disponibile a questo link. La domanda dovrà essere corredata dai seguenti allegati obbligatori: – curriculum vitae; – lettera di motivazione di massimo 3000 caratteri. I candidati dovranno inoltre dimostrare di possedere un livello B2 di conoscenza linguistica nell’area prescelta. Scadenza presentazione domande: 28 febbraio 2020.  La selezione dei candidati ammessi alla Summer School sarà effettuata dal Comitato Scientifico. Ai candidati ammessi sarà data comunicazione tramite email entro il 15 marzo, con le indicazioni necessarie per completare l’iscrizione e pagare la quota di partecipazione. Quote di partecipazione Studenti Università di Trento: 200 € Studenti di altre Università: 400 € La quota di partecipazione comprende: – soggiorno in hotel 3 stelle superior con trattamento di pensione completa (4 notti in stanza singola); – materiale didattico. La quota di partecipazione non comprende – tassa di soggiorno (2 € al giorno); – escursione in montagna. La quota di partecipazione non è rimborsabile. Comitato scientifico Gerardo Acerenza, Antonio Bibbò, Andrea Binelli, Luca Crescenzi, Massimiliano De Villa, Francesca Di Blasio, Fulvio Ferrari, Valentina Nider, Massimo Rizzante, Paolo Tamassia, Pietro Taravacci Responsabile scientifico Paolo Tamassia Si vedano le informazioni al seguente link:  

Summer School di traduzione letteraria: “Tradurre la narrativa”, Andalo (TN), 15-19 giugno 2020 Read More »

CfP: «Ticontre. Teoria Testo Traduzione», XIV, novembre 2020

Call for Papers relativa alle sezioni Saggi e Teoria e pratica della traduzione di «Ticontre. Teoria Testo Traduzione» per il primo numero del 2020 («Ticontre» XIV, novembre 2020). Per gli interessati, la proposta di articolo, da inviare all’indirizzo, deve contenere il titolo, uno stringato profilo dell’autore (massimo 150 parole), un abstract esteso (minimo 800 parole, massimo 1200 parole) e una bibliografia di riferimento. All’interno dell’abstract devono essere indicati anche il taglio critico e/o le metodologie che si intende adottare. La scadenza per l’invio degli abstract è il 3 marzo 2020; la Redazione comunicherà l’esito della valutazione entro il 19 marzo 2020. Il termine ultimo per inviare gli articoli selezionati sarà il 10 maggio 2020. Per maggiori informazioni consultare il link:…/announcement/view/26

CfP: «Ticontre. Teoria Testo Traduzione», XIV, novembre 2020 Read More »

CfP: “Australia as a Risk Society: Hope and Fears of the Past, the Present and the Future”, University of Naples “L’Orientale”, 13-16 October 2020

In allegato, la locandina con la seguente Call for Papers: European Association for Studies of Australia (EASA) International Conference Australia as a Risk Society: Hope and Fears of the Past, the Present and the Future Convenor: Katherine E. Russo University of Naples “L’Orientale”, Italy 13-16 October 2020 Call for Papers EASA International Conference 2020 Risk Society

CfP: “Australia as a Risk Society: Hope and Fears of the Past, the Present and the Future”, University of Naples “L’Orientale”, 13-16 October 2020 Read More »

CfP: Ninth International Contrastive Linguistics Conference (ICLC9)

We are pleased to announce that the Ninth International Contrastive Linguistics Conference (ICLC9, will be organized by the Department of Modern Languages of the University of Genoa (Italy) and held at Villa Durazzo in Santa Margherita-Portofino on 14-15 May 2020.   Submissions must be made through the EasyChair system, which may be accessed at , no later than 15th February 2020. We invite contributions comparing two or more languages or (synchronic/diachronic) varieties of the same language from a functional-cognitive perspective and addressing topics from one or more of the following areas: phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics. Both theoretical and empirical research is welcome. We also welcome workshop proposals (with a maximum of five speakers per workshop). We are very much looking forward to meeting you in the gorgeous Gulf of Portofino. Annalisa Baicchi & Cristiano Broccias (conference chairs)

CfP: Ninth International Contrastive Linguistics Conference (ICLC9) Read More »

“Precarious Lives, Uncertain Futures”, Università di Tor Vergata, Roma – 29-31 gennaio 2020

Dear all, ecco il programma completo e i keynote speaker del convegno internazionale: “Precarious Lives, Uncertain Futures”, Università di Tor Vergata, Roma – 29-31 gennaio 2020, organizzato da Elisabetta Marino, University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy), Om Prakash Dwivedi, Auro University (India) e Janet Wilson, University of Northampton (UK). Precarious Lives, Uncertain Futures 2020 Definitive Plenary Speakers DefinitivePrecarious Lives, Uncertain Futures 2020 Definitive

“Precarious Lives, Uncertain Futures”, Università di Tor Vergata, Roma – 29-31 gennaio 2020 Read More »

“C’era una volta Calibano”, Università Sapienza di Roma, 21 gennaio 2020

ll giorno 21 gennaio, nell’Aula 103 di Marco Polo, Università Sapienza di Roma, Circonvallazione Tiburtina 4, dalle ore 15 in poi, si terrà un seminario-pomeriggio di studi, organizzato dal Dottorato di Ricerca in Studi di Letterature, Lingua e Traduzione Inglesi e intitolato: “C’era una volta Calibano” La rivista Calibano, nata nella seconda metà degli anni 70 per iniziativa di un folto gruppo di allora giovani studiosi (Carole Beebe Tarantelli, Benedetta Bini, Beniamino Placido, Guido Carboni, Paola Colaiacomo, Mario Corona, Nadia Fusini, Barbara Lanati, Franco Moretti, Alessandro Portelli), ridisegnò in maniera radicale gli studi anglistici e americanistici nel nostro paese. Certo, non fu l’unica iniziativa importante in tal senso, ma fu senza dubbio una delle più significative, anche alla luce di quelle che, scioltasi la rivista, sarebbero poi state le carriere da “solisti” dei suoi redattori. Lo scopo dell’incontro non è puramente rievocativo, anche se certo ci si propone di discutere delle circostanze e delle ragioni che resero possibile quell’innovativa impresa intellettuale. Il seminario non vuole però solo riflettere su un passato importante, ma soprattutto su come quel passato può dialogare e interrogare la nostra situazione presente di “lavoratori culturali”, al di là degli specifici steccati disciplinari. In particolare, sarà utile interrogarsi su cosa sono oggi le riviste di critica letteraria nel nostro paese, nell’era dell’ANVUR e della scomparsa (?) di pubblicazioni “militanti”. Cosa è cambiato in questi 40 anni? Come si è andato riconfigurando il panorama delle riviste studi culturali e letterari? All’incontro – apertissimo a tutti – hanno assicurato la loro partecipazione la quasi totalità dei già redattori di Calibano. Giorgio Mariani Coordinatore Dottorato di Ricerca in Studi di Letterature, Lingua e Traduzione Inglesi. Università Sapienza di Roma

“C’era una volta Calibano”, Università Sapienza di Roma, 21 gennaio 2020 Read More »

Cfp: “Semiosis of coloniality and cultural dynamics at times of global mobility”, Echo. Rivista interdisciplinare di comunicazione. Linguaggi, culture, società.

“Semiosis of coloniality and cultural dynamics at times of global mobility” Mobility intended either as departure/escape from the native place for political or economic reasons or as desire to conquer “new worlds” is deeply rooted in the human experience of all individuals and communities. In the last twenty years of the 20th century – while the Western colonisation of many areas outside Europe was excluded from mainstream discourse – scholars, theorists, and creatives opened up a discussion on the encounter/clash of cultures and powers. Since then, the experiences of colonised, diasporic, and racialised subjects have been brought back to the fore by anti-colonial Caribbean scholars. Books such as Contrapunteo cubano del tabaco y el azúcar (1940) by Fernando Ortiz Fernández, Discours sur le colonialisme (1950) by Aimé Césaire, and Peau Noire, Masques Blancs (1952) by Ibrahim Frantz Fanon represented a departure from traditional and established Western canons. Therefore, a novel “discourse” was framed by Francophone, Anglophone, Lusophone, and Hispanophone artists and theorists (whose languages, together with Italian, have dominated the modern world) which developed along two different paths: postcolonial and decolonial thinking. Both had the same goal, to achieve epistemic decolonisation as well as political and cultural emancipation from the Western imperium. Consequently, the postcolonial perspectives (mostly related to British colonialism) adopted by Edward Said (Orientalism, 1978), Gayatry C. Spivak (“Can the Subaltern Speak?”, 1988) and Homi Bhabha (The Location of Culture, 1994) as well as the decolonial perspectives (mostly related to Spanish colonialism) adopted by Aníbal Quijano (Colonialidad y modernidad / Racionalidad, 1991) and Enrique Dussel (1492: El encubrimiento del Otro. Hacia el origen of the “mito de la Modernidad”, 1992) are closely linked with the concepts of belonging, roots, nativism, and authenticity. This gradually led to the culturalist/translation discourse of “contact zone” (M.L. Pratt), centre and margin (bell hooks), hybridisation and creolisation (Édouard Glissant), “provincialising Europe” (Dipesh Chakrabarty), and the theorization of the poetic/politics of mestizaje (Gloria E. Anzaldua), “border communities” (Ngũgĩ wa T hiong’o), and (black) diaspora (Paul Gilroy, Stuart Hall, among others). The forced exodus and/or the status of refugees (due to the “democracy” exported by Western powers in a context of globalism and capitalism) demonstrated that colonisation practices did not stop after World War II. Moreover, it showed that the postcolonial system did not implement real decolonisation processes either in the former colonial countries or in the former imperial countries; in fact, these processes were conceived and implemented in the context of the nation-state model inherited from Europe. This led the decolonialidad/modernidad group to propose a distinction between “colonialism” and “coloniality”. ECHO invites scholars from any discipline and trans-discipline as well as creatives in the fields of music, cinema, literature, visual, and digital arts to submit a proposal. Essays may deal with literature, cultural politics, demographics, economics, cultural geography, social and linguistic phenomena, semiotics, epistemology, religion, environment as well as gender, race, and class in the media and the arts. The aim of this issue is to offer new comparative and transnational perspectives which may challenge the Eurocentric concepts of nation and continent, West and East, thus opening a new debate on the categories of world and planetarity. Suggested topics and research fields: Reworking of the concept/feeling of belonging in literary, linguistic, and visual narratives of creative residents and migrants. The concepts of origin/root and here/elsewhere/now as represented/narrated in relation to race, language, nationality, religion, and gender by forcibly displaced individuals or groups. Postcolonialism and decolonisation: the evolution of perspectives, practices, theories, and poetics in the languages of creativity, social policies, and “geo-body-spellings”. Border-crossing theories and practices in the linguistic, visual, literary, multimedia, and transmedia domains, including studies on fashion/clothing, advertising, video art, street art, photography, etc. Postcolonial representations and/or alternatives to postcolonial discourse on identity, gender, and sexuality, including transnational perspectives (in the fields of music, cinema, TV, and other visual media). Connectivity and technology: impact of traditional media (radio and TV), smartphones, social media, and other ways of connecting to (resident) users, power groups, people “on the move”, and displaced individuals. Economics: work and social security for diasporic communities. Diaspora and power: production and evolution of arts and languages in contexts of liminality, (in)visibility, semi-segregation, and in-betweenness. Beyond the limits of authenticity and nativism: the elaborations of the Afro-Futurist model in different cultures of postcolonial diaspora. Deadlines: Abstract (500 words): 8 March 2020 Notification of acceptance: 30 March 2020 Article submission: 14 June 2020 Publication: 30 November 2020 Length of articles: max 7000 words To submit an article write to:  

Cfp: “Semiosis of coloniality and cultural dynamics at times of global mobility”, Echo. Rivista interdisciplinare di comunicazione. Linguaggi, culture, società. Read More »


CHANGING THE (CULTURAL) CLIMATE WITH ECOCRITICISM AND ECOLINGUISTICS INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara Thursday 21 to Friday 22 May 2020 The discourse of the environment permeates attitudes towards the present, representations of the past and perceptions of the future. How do languages, literatures and other modes of meaning-making promote ecocritical frameworks that interrogate Western and Eastern anthropocentric assumptions, biases and expectations? How do the environmental humanities test new hermeneutic tools to assess the interdependence between natural and anthropic ecosystems? Our focus is on new narratives of fragile and resilient environments; the im/material wellbeing of the organisms that live in them; the interconnections between diverse forms of life. Topics and areas of research include: Climate change fiction Climate change and visual culture Ecopoetry Ecology and the theatre Ecology and performativity Ecosomatic approaches The formation of ecological identity Opinion formation on environmental issues Public awareness and social media The sustainability of heritage We encourage contributions by scholars of Ecocriticism, Ecolinguistics, Ecofeminism, Green Cultural Studies, Media Studies, Semiotics, Translation Studies, Critical Discourse Analysis and Corpus Linguistics, Heritage Studies, Ecotourism. Please send a 300-word abstract and a 100-word bio-note by the 13th of March 2020 to:, Acceptance of abstracts will be communicated to speakers by the 25th of March 2020. Scientific Committee Paola Spinozzi Eleonora Federici Richard Chapman Vanessa Leonardi The Workshop will be hosted by the Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara, in collaboration with the innovative PhD Programme in Environmental Sustainability and Wellbeing,


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