Nome dell'autore: Anglistica

CfP: LINGUAE & Rivista di lingue e culture moderne. Vol. 18 (2019) No 2

LINGUAE & Rivista di lingue e culture moderne Call for papers: Vol. 18 (2019) No 2 Safe and Sound. Listening to British and American Languages and Cultures Deadline for paper submission: July 15, 2019 Remapping he literary canon through listening practices means giving the aural dimension of poetry, prose, or simply language a fascinating chance to match the wonders of visual representation. Fiction and storytelling are actually strongly based in the universe of sounds and often involve something very similar to acousmatics, sound design, soundmarks, and sound icons. As a matter of fact, every single page is a soundscape, whether the sounds it contains be realistic, symbolic, or imaginary. This issue will collect essays which – by focusing on sounds, noises, voices, music, and silences as they appear in literature (including song lyrics), and with reference to the existing critical and scientific works in the multifaceted field of soundscape studies – reflect on the sonic construction of texts and acoustically deconstruct them. Issues concerning memory, ethnicity, class, religion, and gender are welcomed, together with translation studies, cultural studies, and intermodal studies. However, any idea will be eagerly evaluated. Authors wishing to propose a paper for this special issue should register on the journal web site and upload their papers preferably in English, no later than July 15th, 2019. See Information for Authors Only papers which fully comply with the requirements in the “Guidelines” and in the “Authors’ Statement” (the latter’s point 1.a in particular) will be accepted for the double-blind peer review process. ________________________________________ Rimappare il canone letterario mediante pratiche di ascolto significa offrire alla dimensione orale della poesia, della prosa o semplicemente del linguaggio l’affascinante opportunità di eguagliare le meraviglie della rappresentazione visiva. Narrazioni e racconti sono in verità fortemente radicati nell’universo dei suoni e spesso implicano qualcosa di assai simile all’acusmatica, al sound design, ai marcatori sonori e alle icone sonore. In realtà ogni singola pagina è un paesaggio sonoro, indipendentemente dal fatto che i suoni che lo compongono siano realistici, simbolici, o immaginari. Questo numero della rivista raccoglierà saggi che – focalizzandosi su suoni, rumori, voci, musica e silenzi così come appaiono in letteratura (inclusi i testi delle canzoni) e con riferimento alle opere critiche e scientifiche esistenti nel multiforme ambito dei soundscape studies – riflettano sulla costruzione sonora dei testi e li decostruiscano acusticamente. Tematiche concernenti la memoria, l’etnicità, la classe, la religione, e il genere sono le benvenute, insieme agli studi sulla traduzione, agli studi culturali e agli studi intermodali. Tuttavia, valuteremo con interesse ogni idea che ci verrà proposta. Si invitano gli autori che desiderano sottoporre i propri contributi, preferibilmente in inglese, a registrarsi sul sito della Rivista e a caricarli entro e non oltre il 15 luglio 2019. Vd. Information for Authors Solo gli articoli che saranno caricati nel sito secondo quanto richiesto dalle “Linee guida per gli Autori” e dalla “Dichiarazione degli Autori” (si veda in particolare il punto 1.a di quest’ultima) saranno avviati al processo di referaggio “double-blind”.

CfP: LINGUAE & Rivista di lingue e culture moderne. Vol. 18 (2019) No 2 Read More »

AIA Pre-Conference Symposium for Early-Career Researchers

AIA Pre-Conference Symposium for Early-Career Researchers CALL FOR PAPERS L’Associazione Italiana di Anglistica ha, tra i suoi obiettivi primari, quello di promuovere e incoraggiare gli studi di anglistica in Italia, sostenendo e coordinando la ricerca scientifica in questo settore e facilitando i contatti tra gli studiosi a livello nazionale e internazionale. Strumento principe a tal fine è il convegno che l’Associazione organizza con cadenza biennale ogni volta in un diverso ateneo, un evento che forse rappresenta il principale punto di convergenza degli studiosi di anglistica e offre un’importante occasione d’incontro, confronto e dibattito tra accademici nelle tre principali aree di ricerca rappresentate dall’Associazione: Letteratura, Cultura e Lingua. Ispirandosi a esperienze internazionali ormai consolidate come, ad esempio, l’ESSE Doctoral Symposium, l’AIA Pre-Conference Symposium for Early-Career Researchers vuole contribuire alle finalità scientifiche dell’Associazione creando un momento aperto a tutti, ma dedicato particolarmente ai ricercatori accademicamente giovani iscritti all’Associazione, e cioè dottorandi, dottori di ricerca e assegnisti di ricerca. Lo scopo del Simposio è quello di promuovere la riflessione sui temi che i giovani ricercatori indagano nei singoli atenei creando uno spazio istituzionale di confronto e discussione, un’occasione per condividere informazioni, idee, approcci, scoperte e risultati relativi alla propria attività di ricerca in corso o svolta. Il Simposio, che sarà aperto da un intervento di rappresentanti dell’AIA e dell’Ateneo ospitante, si articolerà in tavole rotonde in cui i giovani studiosi illustreranno le loro ricerche con presentazioni della durata di cinque minuti. A queste presentazioni individuali seguiranno sessioni di discussione, domande e risposte, coordinate dai giovani referenti di area e da rappresentanti dell’AIA. Questo momento di confronto sarà reso particolarmente proficuo dal fatto che ciascun partecipante sarà invitato a condividere la propria relazione con tutti gli altri prima del Simposio, così da stimolare e favorire domande puntuali e riflessioni meditate. I referenti di area proporranno infine delle osservazioni conclusive che possano fungere da sintesi delle sessioni, così da mostrare le prospettive di ricerca dell’anglistica contemporanea nel suo insieme e, al contempo, favorire una disseminazione costruttiva e interdisciplinare dei saperi. Sul fondamento di questa progettualità, la prima edizione del Simposio si svolgerà presso l’Università degli Studi di Padova il pomeriggio del 4 settembre 2019, giorno precedente l’inizio del convegno nazionale, dalle ore 14:15 alle ore 18:30, secondo il programma seguente: 14.15-14.30 Saluti di benvenuto 14.30-17.30 Relazioni e discussioni di gruppo 17.30-18.30 Osservazioni conclusive Modalità di partecipazione: Rispondendo a questa Call for Papers, pubblicata tramite i consueti canali AIA, i giovani studiosi iscritti all’Associazione che rientrano nelle categorie sopradescritte sono invitati a presentare una relazione (anche schematica) di ca 500 parole che descriva la loro ricerca, con particolare riferimento all’inquadramento teorico-metodologico, all’attività analitica e ai risultati attesi o ottenuti. L’abstract, corredato dei dati personali (nome, sede accademica, ruolo, email), va inviato a entro il 31 marzo 2019. P.S.: Ovviamente, la partecipazione al pre-conference symposium non impedisce ai partecipanti di presentare una proposta di paper per il Convegno AIA vero e proprio. Organizzatori / Rappresentanti di area Lingua Silvia Pettini (Università degli Studi Roma Tre) Francesca Raffi (Università degli Studi di Macerata) Gianmarco Vignozzi (Università di Pisa) Letteratura Paolo Bugliani (Università di Pisa) Camilla Caporicci (Università degli Studi di Padova) Emanuel Stelzer (Università degli Studi di Bergamo) Cultura Barbara Franchi (Newcastle University) Alessia Polatti (Università degli Studi di Verona) Ilaria Villa (Università degli Studi di Milano)

AIA Pre-Conference Symposium for Early-Career Researchers Read More »

*** AIA CONFERENCE *** Padova, 5-7 September 2019

*** AIA CONFERENCE *** Padova, 5-7 September 2019 Thinking out of the Box in Language, Literature, Cultural and Translation Studies: Questioning Assumptions, Debunking Myths, Trespassing Boundaries “Thinking out of the Box” is a powerful metaphor, one that challenges us to consider possibilities previously not even imagined, and to extend our vision – of the world and ourselves – to include alternative, complementary, or even contrasting perspectives. It means engaging in self-reflective, creative and/or lateral thinking, beyond what is obvious or commonplace, or even implicit in what we say and do. Most of all, it means becoming aware of the existence of “the box” (i.e. what we take for granted and how this conditions our conduct) and also being willing to question the validity of our convictions so as to expand our knowledge. It does not mean being innovative at all costs or for its own sake – in fact, it may mean going back to old practices. Rather, it requires the humility to pose “simple” questions meant to ascertain the accuracy of commonly held beliefs and taking stock of the findings. Thinking out of the box is an act of the imagination that brings new insights into our values and cultural assumptions, and an act of courage pushing us away from our comfort zone. At this AIA conference we ask colleagues to be bold and curious enough to open the door of their scholarly “box” and to explore the research space around it on a quest for evidence of what we assume or claim we already know. We ask them to be non-conformist, generating ideas that may challenge prevailing practices and beliefs; to dare to cross the boundaries of their sub-disciplines, interacting with scholars from neighbouring fields; and to try out something “unfashionable” that is not guaranteed to succeed, be understood or be well-received in order to pursue knowledge. 1. Language Workshop CALL FOR PAPERS Thinking out of the Box in Language Studies – in linguistic, language teaching and translation studies – may involve relabelling phenomena and concepts; investigating familiar communicative practices through novel methods; checking whether the concepts we use are suitable for describing the phenomena we study; determining to what extent our claims and assumptions are supported by the evidence available; and exploring approaches that are sometimes claimed to have reached the limits of their potential. Thinking out of the box may also be considered in terms of innovation, creativity, a rethinking of attitudes and approaches, and even a ‘daring’ return to theories and practices that may have been swept aside in the drive to move ever forward. For this reason, analyses are also welcome to take a historical /diachronic approach to different genres. Topics that could be addressed in this domain include but are not limited to the following: Comparing and contrasting (the accuracy of) definitions of key concepts. Challenging old and new trends in English language and translation teaching (e.g. cooperative learning, competitive learning, rote-learning, drills, creativity, project-based learning, curriculum-centred learning). Cutting edge cognitive approaches to phonology, morphology, semantics, syntax, pragmatics/discourse and interpreting/translation. Standard and non-standard approaches to English language and translation testing. Language/translation learning and soft skills development. Metalinguistic awareness. Gender in linguistics, language teaching and translation. Student perceptions of language learning and teaching practices. Emerging real-world settings, goals and materials. Proficiency, translanguaging and engagement in English-medium instruction. Corpora in linguistics, language teaching and translation. World Englishes, ELF and ‘standards’ of English. Convergence-divergence of theories, practices and findings in linguistics, language teaching and translation. Literature and linguistic description, language learning and translation practices. Exploring aspects of register and genre in linguistics, language teaching and translation. Challenging established research methods and developing innovative research practice. Describing, teaching and translating cross-linguistic verbal and non-verbal behaviour. Alternative approaches to media in linguistics, language teaching and translation. Convenors: Katherine Ackerley Marina Dossena Sara Gesuato Stefania Maci Maria Teresa Musacchio Giuseppe Palumbo We will take into consideration both proposals for individual papers and for panels (3-4 participants). Proposals for each individual paper should be approx. 400 words long. Please send also a 200-word bio for each participant. Please send your proposal by 31 March 2019 to: Maria Teresa Musacchio 2. Literature Workshop CALL FOR PAPERS Thinking out of the Box in Literary Studies means rethinking, finding new approaches, challenging not only assessments on individual authors or works, but sometimes the very structure of our approach to literature. This perspective prompts a number of large-scale questions on the scope of English literature in relation to the wider frame of literatures in English. It also invites us to reassess our own remit as scholars, prompting us to interrogate the very notion of literature as system and, by extension, even our very notions of the literary and literariness. The 2017 AIA Conference (‘Worlds of Words: Complexity, Creativity, and Conventionality in English Language, Literature and Culture’) focused on the dichotomy of convention and creativity, and thus constitutes an excellent starting point for the discussion to which the 2019 Conference invites the scholarly community. We may start with the issue of canonization, the most obvious ‘box’ for literary studies. It is an immensely helpful and equally dangerous tool, which demands adherence to general rules, striving to fit each individual writer to a norm. Often, challenges to the canon, whether they come from feminist, Marxist, postmodern, or new historicist studies, have resulted in the creation of an alternative canon. In this conference we seek to interrogate canonicity itself: by looking at case studies, critical schools, influential anxieties and maverick figures, we intend to explore the tensions between creativity, old and new conventions, critical clichés. World Literature interrogates the possibility of a national canon, and asks us to look, instead, at book circulation, reception, translation, and adaptation. As we move away from the idea of national literature (based on the conventional equation ‘one nation: one language’) and towards transnational or world literature, literary genres acquire new centrality. The recent insistence on categories such as the global novel underlines this concept, but we may find this

*** AIA CONFERENCE *** Padova, 5-7 September 2019 Read More »

Convegno: William Shakespeare e il senso del comico, 9-10 gennaio 2019, Napoli

CONVEGNO: William Shakespeare e il senso del comico, Palazzo Du Mesnil, Via Partenope 10/A Via Chiatamone 61/62 9-10 gennaio 2019 organizzazione: Simonetta De Filippis Mercoledì 9 gennaio h. 9.30 Saluti delle Autorità 1. Il senso del comico Presiede: MARINA VITALE SIMONETTA DE FILIPPIS: “Shakespeare e il senso del comico” LAURA DI MICHELE: “Il comico shakespeariano tra ambivalenza e mutevolezza” MARIA LAUDANDO: “Da Falstaff a Yorick. Il corpo e il fantasma della vis comica shakespeariana” STEFANO MANFERLOTTI: “Le cinquanta sfumature del nero. Ironia e black humour in Shakespeare” h. 11.30-12.00 Pausa caffè Presiede: MARA DE CHIARA ROBERTO D’AVASCIO: “Le commedie velenose di Shakespeare” ANNAMARIA SAPIENZA: “Il viaggio di Falstaff: transcodificazione di un fool” PAOLO SOMMAIOLO: “La forza comica e perturbante del Sogno di una notte di mezza estate nei recenti allestimenti del Teatro dell’Elfo” h. 14.00 -16.00: Pausa pranzo h. 16.00 Il mercante di Venezia Regia: LAURA ANGIULLI Teatro Galleria Toledo Via Concezione a Montecalvario 34 Giovedì 10 gennaio h. 9.30 2. I modi del comico Presiede: MARIA TERESA CHIALANT ANNA MARIA CIMITILE: “La commedia The Merchant of Venice” ROSSELLA CIOCCA: “Tra farsa e commedia. L’antropologia patriarcale di The Taming of the Shrew” GIUSEPPE DE RISO: “I ‘luoghi’ del desiderio e riconfigurazioni dello sguardo nelle commedie di Shakespeare” LORENZO MANGO: “Il comico come controdiscorso del senso” h. 11.00-11.30: Pausa caffè h. 11.30 3. I linguaggi del comico Presiede: ANNAMARIA LAMARRA BIANCA DEL VILLANO: “Touchstone, flyter (s)cortese” AURELIANA NATALE: “Il Co-mix shakespeariano: generi e linguaggi tra parole e immagini” ANTONELLA PIAZZA: “Esilio e ‘comic mode’ in Cymbeline”

Convegno: William Shakespeare e il senso del comico, 9-10 gennaio 2019, Napoli Read More »


In linea con la politica di sostegno dell’attività scientifica dei giovani ricercatori che hanno aderito all’Associazione, il Consiglio Direttivo IASEMS è lieto di annunciare che anche quest’anno sono stati messi a disposizione dei soci junior (studenti magistrali, dottorandi, addottorati, assegnisti, contrattisti), in regola con la quota di iscrizione IASEMS: N. 8 borse dell’importo di 150 euro riservate ai soci junior che parteciperanno attivamente (ovvero presentando un paper o partecipando allo Young Scholars’ Workshop): • alla Graduate Conference di Firenze presso il British Institute (12 aprile 2019, “Enter the Crowd”. Mass Communication in Early Modern England). • oppure all’ottavo convegno annuale dell’Associazione presso l’Università degli Studi di Genova (22-24 maggio 2019, Plagiarism, Imitation and Borrowing in Early Modern England). Le richieste dovranno essere inviate per posta elettronica entro il 31 gennaio 2019 al Segretario ( e alla Presidente (, indicando titolo del paper e sede di presentazione (Firenze o Genova). Le borse verranno erogate a convegno avvenuto su richiesta dei vincitori della borsa. I vincitori sono tenuti a partecipare per l’intera durata del convegno. Verrà data comunicazione dell’attribuzione delle borse entro il 28 febbraio 2019. Il Direttivo IASEMS


CfP: The 10th IASEMS Conference, Università degli Studi di Genova, 22-24 May 2019

“Of Bought Wit”: Plagiarism, Imitation and Borrowing in Early Modern England The Tenth IASEMS Conference Università degli Studi di Genova, 22-24 May 2019 Wit is never good till it be bought. Thy wit is dear bought, and yet stark nought. John Heywood, Epigrams upon Proverbs, xiv (1562) Early modern textuality seems directly to point at postmodern and contemporary visions of the text as a site of dynamic and multiple contribution. Given the role played in the foundation of an English national literature by a massive activity of rewriting and translating classical and contemporary foreign literature, early modern texts were also intrinsically inter-systemic and derivative. While early modern English began to come into its own as a national language, its more cultivated speakers felt the need to enrich and systematize its vocabulary mainly through borrowing and translation (a process contrasted by the so-called ‘purists’), so that it might compete with the more prestigious classical and continental languages. Indeed, competition with ancient or current models permeated the literary and cultural domain, and notions of imitation and borrowing were variously debated and practiced. Writers used their sources in a variety of ways, ranging from allusion to quotation to plagiarism; in the absence of legal protection of intellectual property, authorship, as well as co-authorship, was performed within more or less established patterns of literary and cultural production. In a context shaped by religious and political controversy, authorial identity was itself related to contemporary anxieties and experiences of dissimulation. The Tenth Iasems Conference will investigate the various ways in which originality, creativity, appropriation, and borrowing were inscribed in early modern British literature and culture. Proposals meant to explore critical paradigms and counter-paradigms in the approach to early modern textuality and authorship are particularly welcome, as well as papers focused on the relationship between textual theory/practice and the political, religious, philosophical and sociological context in which the debate is situated. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:  imitation and creativity in early modern literature  theories and ethics of textual production  borrowing in literary theory and practice  language policies: borrowing, enrichment, exclusion  translation in theory and practice  the debate on plagiarism  plagiarism on the stage  textual appropriation as discourse and metaphor  textual appropriation and gender  anonymity and authorship as literary practice and strategy  literary debts in manuscripts, unpublished writings  parody and satire  rewriting knowledge in early modern textuality (historiography, treatises, unpublished writings, patchwriting, commonplace books, diaries)  multiple authorship and collaborative writing  publishers, printers, authors  digital humanities and the early modern text Selected Bibliography: Biørnstad H. (ed.), Borrowed Feathers: Plagiarism and the Limits of Imitation in Early Modern Europe, Oslo, Oslo Academic Press, 2008. Clare J., Shakespeare’s Stagetraffic: Imitation, Borrowing and Competition in Renaissance Theatre, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2014. Cook T., Nielson J., Plagiarism and Proprietary Authorship in Early Modern England, 1590-1640, Department of English, University of Toronto, 2011 (PhD Thesis). Hope J., Shakespeare and Language: Reason, Eloquence and Artifice in Early Modern England, London, Arden, 2010. Hug T., Impostures in Early Modern England, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2013. Kerrigan J., Shakespeare’s Originality, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018. Kewes P., Plagiarism in Early Modern England, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2002. North M. L., The Anonymous Renaissance. Cultures of Discretion in Tudor-Stuart England, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2003. Orgel S., The Authentic Shakespeare, and Other Problems of the Early Modern Stage, London-New York, Routledge 2002. Randall M., Pragmatic Plagiarism. Authorship, Profit and Power, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2001. Terry R., The Plagiarism Allegation in English Literature from Butler to Sterne, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. Van Es B., Shakespeare in Company, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013. Wells S., Shakespeare and Co: Christopher Marlowe, Thomas Dekker, Ben Jonson, Thomas Middleton, John Fletcher and the Other Players in His Story, London, Allen Lane, 2006. White H. O., Plagiarism and Imitation during the English Renaissance. A Study in Critical Distinctions, New York-London, Frank Cass, 1963. We welcome proposals for twenty-minute papers (maximum). Please send a 500-word abstract and 200-word curriculum vitae by 20 December 2018 to: Luca Baratta: Giuliana Iannaccaro:

CfP: The 10th IASEMS Conference, Università degli Studi di Genova, 22-24 May 2019 Read More »

CfP: Gender and the Graphic Novel, Barcelona, 8 March 2019

2nd Pop@UBarcelona Symposium: Gender and the Graphic Novel 8 March 2019, Aula Magna, Universitat de Barcelona In celebration of International Women’s Day, the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures and English Studies at the Universitat de Barcelona invites proposals for panels and papers on any aspect of gender and the graphic novel or comics. This one-day symposium is both an academic and a outreach event, intended for researchers, secondary school students, and the general public. Papers should be lively and accessible to non- specialists. The official languages of the symposium are English, Spanish, and Catalan: English-studies specialists are encouraged to submit abstracts, and deliver their papers, in English. Possible topics included: • Women creators in comics and graphic novels • Superheroines (and superheroes) and bodies • Gender and re-worked graphic characters • Gender and graphic novel readerships/fandom • Gender and graphic genres • Gender and comic/graphic novel publishing houses • Gender-swapping characters (e.g. in cases of retroactivity continuity) • Comics and intersectionality (cue Ms Marvel) • Gender and mutants/aliens Abstracts of 150-250 words should be sent, in English, Spanish, or Catalan, to by 15 December 2018. A selection will be made by 20 December 2018. Abstracts should include the author’s or authors’ name(s) and affiliation, title, and 3-5 keywords, as well as the abstract proper.

CfP: Gender and the Graphic Novel, Barcelona, 8 March 2019 Read More »

CfP: “Enter the Crowd”. Mass Communication in Early Modern England. Florence, 12 April 2019

Call for Papers “Enter the Crowd” Mass Communication in Early Modern England Florence, 12 April 2019 The 2019 IASEMS Graduate Conference at The British Institute in Florence is a one-day interdisciplinary and bilingual English-Italian forum open to PhD students and researchers who have obtained their doctorates within the past 5 years. This year’s conference will focus on the multifaceted connections between communication and the crowd in early modern English literature, language and culture. John Stow’s A Survey of London (1598) provides a narrative of a crowded city whose identity was being shaped by masses of people arriving from outside the city boundaries. In the early modern period, the crowd is associated with contradictory ideas of uniformity and disorder, coherence and monstrosity, and with potential sovereignty. It embodies a cultural space of variability and instability, reflecting contemporary social and political anxieties. In a context shaped by urgent nationalistic political agendas, public communication and rhetoric played a vital role. To investigate the nexus between communication and the crowd means to explore arenas of debate and political control, representations of collective identities and leadership, but also networks of relationships. The theatre was itself a potent medium of mass communication. The goal of this Conference is to develop an understanding of the various ways in which the tie between public communication, politics and collective identity is inscribed in early modern English literature and culture. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following: – representations of the crowd in early modern writing – rhetoric and politics in theoretical treatises – the rhetoric of public communication in proclamations, speeches, sermons – public discourse and the construction of class, gender, national identity – church regulations, the construction of the citizen(s), and dissenting voices – communication and mass control in drama – language as instrumentum regni – narrative strategies in polemical writing – rhetoric and propaganda across genres – visual propaganda – representations of mass leaders and historiography – shaping/questioning collective identities – the orator and popularity – theatre, communication and audiences – crowds, networks and urban spaces in early modern writing Select Bibliography: Anderson B., Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origins and Spread of Nationalism, London, Verso, 1983. Hopkins, L., The Cultural Uses of the Caesars on the English Renaissance Stage, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2008. Low, J, Myhill, N. (eds), Imagining the Audience in Early Modern Drama 1558-1642, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. Munro, I., The Figure of the Crowd in Early Modern London: The City and its Double, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. Peltonen M., Rhetorics, Politics and Popularity in Pre-revolutionary England, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2012. Richards J., Thorne A. (eds), Rethoric, Women and Politics in Early Modern England, London-New York, Routledge, 2006. Shepard A., Withington P. J., Communities in Early Modern England: Networks, Place, Rhetoric, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2000. Shnapp J., Tews M. (eds), Crowds, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 2006. Stage K., Producing Early Modern London: a Comedy of Urban Space, 1598-1616, Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2018. Candidates are invited to send a description of their proposed contribution according to the following guidelines: – the candidate should provide name, institution, contact info, title and a short abstract of the proposed contribution (300 words for a maximum 20-minute paper), explaining the content and intended structure of the paper, and including a short bibliography; – abstracts are to be submitted by Sunday 23 December 2018 by email to and; – all proposals will be blind-vetted. The list of selected papers will be available by Monday 7 January 2019; – each finished contribution should not exceed 20 minutes and is to be presented in English (an exception will be made for Italian candidates of departments other than English, who can give their papers in Italian); – candidates whose first language is not English will need to have their proposals and final papers checked by a mother-tongue speaker; – participants will be asked to present a final draft of the paper ten days before the Conference. Selected speakers who are IASEMS members can apply for a small grant ( For further information please contact Luca Baratta (

CfP: “Enter the Crowd”. Mass Communication in Early Modern England. Florence, 12 April 2019 Read More »

AIA SEMINAR: “Translation: Theory, Description, Applications”, Bari 4-6 April 2019

AIA SEMINAR “Translation: Theory, Description, Applications” 4-6 April 2019 Centro Polifunzionale Studenti – Piazza Cesare Battisti 1 – Bari Call for Papers In his famous paper “The Name and Nature of Translation Studies,” presented at the 3rd World Congress of Applied Linguistics (Copenhagen, 21-26 August 1972), the Amsterdam-based American literary translator and theorist James Stretton Holmes (1924-1986) outlined the scope and structure of the emerging field of research concerned with the theory, description and praxis of translation. Holmes shared his vision of the new discipline at a time when linguistic-oriented approaches to translation study had been elaborated, and the practice-oriented North American workshop approach to literary translation had been developing in American universities since 1963. Today, the world status of English and its leading role in the international translation system are interrelated socio-cultural phenomena that characterize the era of globalization, and are reflected in the rapid growth of Translation Studies as an interdisciplinary field of scholarly enquiry and practice. The last two decades in particular have witnessed a steady rise in the number of undergraduate and graduate translation programmes worldwide together with the publication of dedicated journals, general overviews, reference works, anthologies, textbooks, and bibliographies. As we approach the fifth decade since the foundation of Translation Studies, it is important to reflect on the state of the art of the academic study of English and translation. This is a broad research area that is attracting scholars in fields as varied as literary theory, cultural studies, linguistics, pragmatics, history, critical discourse analysis, philosophy, politics, journalism, multilingualism, educational linguistics, anthropology, sociology, and film studies. Against this backdrop, the 2019 AIA Seminar will focus on three research domains from a contemporary and an historical perspective: Literary Translation, Translation and Culture, and Language and Translation. The call is open to early career scholars, including PhD students, post-doc fellows and temporary researchers (RTD-A and RTD-B). To encourage lively and productive exchanges, written papers will be circulated in advance and presentations will be short – 10 minutes – followed by a 30-minute discussion. The programme will include a number of invited speakers. A selection of papers will be published. Topics for presentations might include, but are not limited to: LITERARY TRANSLATION TRANSLATION AND CULTURE LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION Fictional and non-fictional prose Social context, ideology and translation Text analysis and translation Poetry Translation and colonialism Discourse analysis and translation Children’s literature Cultural translation Genre analysis and translation Comics, the graphic novel and fan fiction Cultural resistance Stylistics and translation Theatre Museums and cultural representations Language and translation in film, news media, and on the web Biographies and memoirs Translation and culture in professional settings: legal, medical, scientific, international relations, media and journalism, business, and education ESP and translation If you wish to participate, please, send a 300-word abstract and title by 31 January 2019 to Sara Laviosa (, Maristella Gatto ( and Segreteria AIA ( A preliminary programme and dedicated webpage will be available soon. For information, please write to

AIA SEMINAR: “Translation: Theory, Description, Applications”, Bari 4-6 April 2019 Read More »

Cfp: Millennium’s Children, 23-24 May 2019, University of Naples “L’Orientale”

The South Asian literary scene, after the breakthrough of the Indian Anglophone novel, is now in its complex entirety a space of extremely lively and variegated narrative production. After the groundbreaking postcolonial sweep of the 80s and 90s with Rushdie, Roy, Seth, Mistry to set the model, in the third millennium a vast train of authors continue to experiment with a multifarious variety of trends, genres, forms and voices, exploring also the intersections between English and the other regional languages and literatures of the subcontinent. Among the different nation-states comprising South Asia, namely India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan and Nepal, a new generation of writers chart out a vibrant and energetic literary landscape in which the novelistic and other modes, such as the graphic novel, the autobiography or the diary, question changing notions of authorship and interrogate the role of translation in creating reading communities across national borders. Millennium’s Children intends to explore new possible foreground subjects, styles and genres, so as to contribute to a reflection on the expressive possibilities of narrative prose in English and in translation in the 21st century. What devices does it still offer to the children of the new Millennium, those heirs of 1981 Rushdie’s novel in need of attuning to a particularly challenging contemporary scene? How do these writers delineate new political geographies necessary to locate the position of those who have lost their voice or are in need to speak for the first time? Due to the unmatched variedness of its social composition, the complex network of relations between different castes, religions, ethnic and social groups, the political unrest of the region, and the rapid growth of its economic and technological capabilities, it is no surprise that in South-Asian literature the themes dominant in writing from and about the subcontinent cannot but engage intensely with civic, public, political, historical and at the same time personal, individual, affective issues. In welcoming essays dealing with development and ecological emergencies, persisting casteism and limited access to literacy, internal displacement and diaspora, gender troubles and religious violence together with the exhilarating effects of neo-liberal globalization, modernity’s fast-changing pace in megalopolises and global cities, communication, the media and the economy of call centers and reality shows, we invite scholars to discuss the expansion and specialization of the publishing industry in response to new reading practices. Dalit and tribal literature, women fiction, the novel of the North-East and other border regions, as well as chick-lit, crick-lit, crime, detective and sci-fi fiction will be welcome areas of analysis. With Millennium’s Children we wish to gather scholars actively willing to discuss, to paraphrase once again Salman Rushdie, how newness enters the novel.…/cfp-sub

Cfp: Millennium’s Children, 23-24 May 2019, University of Naples “L’Orientale” Read More »

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