Nome dell'autore: Anglistica

International Conference 20-22 June 2019 Rome, University of “Tor Vergata”

Approaches to Multimodal Digital Environments: from theories to practices (A-MODE) Multimodal digital communication is the main theme of this conference meant to attract multidisciplinary research on a wide range of issues from teaching and learning to analysing multimodal digital data appearing in multiple communication arenas. Drawing on the work related to the European project EU-MADE4LL, European Multimodal and Digital Education for Language Learning, the conference intends to bring together international scholars belonging to various fields of research sharing an interest in exploring recent developments in multimodal digital communication. We wish to tackle the complex arenas of digitality by reflecting on a broad range of multimodal texts, social practices and communities: content management systems, corporate web pages, institutional web pages, blogs, corporate videos, mash up, fanvids, etc … We are keen to address this ever-increasing complexity of digital communication by adopting a broad range of multimodal, semiotic and educational perspectives. Keynote speakers: Marina Bondi, University of Modena, Italy Carey Jewitt, UCL – Institute of Education, London, UK Rodney Jones, University of Reading, UK Gunther Kress and Jeff Bezemer, UCL – Institute of Education, London, UK David Machin, Örebro University, Sweden Theo van Leeuwen, University of Technology, Sidney Detailed information about the conference can be found at TITOLO DEL CONVEGNO Approaches to Multimodal Digital Environments: from theories to practices (A-MODE) ORGANIZZATORI Elisabetta Adami (University of Leeds) Ilaria Moschini (Università di Firenze) Sandra Petroni (UNiversità di Roma ‘Tor Vergata) Maria Grazia Sindoni (Università di Messina) DATA 20-22 June 2019 SEDE Rome, University of “Tor Vergata” LINK

International Conference 20-22 June 2019 Rome, University of “Tor Vergata” Read More »

Journal of Corpora and Discourse Studies

The Journal of Corpora and Discourse Studies publishes original empirical research employing corpus methods for the analysis of language in use as a vehicle of communication. We welcome contributions from any disciplinary background and theoretical standpoint that present research based on the systematic examination of naturally-occurring language in specific settings and contexts using corpus techniques. In order to maximise the accessibility of research across disciplinary boundaries and to foster open and critical analysis, JCaDS places emphasis on the explicit and comprehensive documentation of discovery procedures, and encourages authors to publicly deposit the data and code used in their analysis whenever possible. The journal also publishes reviews of books, software tools and corpora.

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