Members’ Events

3rd International ELT Conference “New Trends in English Language Teaching, Learning and Education” (University of Ferrara 19-20 September 2024)

3rd International ELT Conference New Trends in English Language Teaching, Learning and Education University of Ferrara 19-20 September 2024   The 3rd International ELT Conference “New Trends in English Language Teaching, Learning and Education” will be held at the University of Ferrara on 19- 20 September 2024. The event follows the international debate launched by the first and second editions of the Conference hosted in 2022 by the University of Naples “L’Orientale” at its Procida Summer School, and in 2023 by the “G. d’Annunzio” University of Chieti- Pescara. The 3rd International ELT Conference aims to foster ongoing debates on the challenges of language teaching, language learning, and special needs education. The conference intends to develop critical discussion along two main axes: firstly, the post-pandemic scenario, which challenges traditional in-person learning environments; secondly, the importance of addressing special needs education in language learning. Digital technologies, AI, and student engagement  tools  have been reshaping rapport in the classroom, and the demand for distance learning and fully online language learning (OLL) has been growing exponentially, especially in higher education and continuing education settings. ELT professionals are faced with an increasing demand for flexibility, and have had to adapt lesson planning, target language selection, presentation and practice tasks, correction techniques, and assessment. This scenario proves even more challenging in the context of special needs education and the need for ELT professionals to receive dedicated training. Against the backdrop of such a demanding scenario, the conference wishes to provide an international forum for ELT educators and scholars to discuss current challenges, share their innovative educational and teaching experiences, and further reflect on special needs education, digital technologies and their relevance for teachers and learners. All abstract submissions will be peer-reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research depth, accuracy and relevance to the conference theme and topics. Keynote Speakers Elena Di Giovanni, University of Macerata Franca Poppi, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia Elena Refraschini, EFL Teacher and Owner of “Inglese Americano” Heath Rose, University of Oxford   Possible themes and topics for papers include, but are not limited to: special needs education teaching methods, approaches, and teacher beliefs in the post-Covid scenario new technologies for online, blended, and hybrid learning environments  e-learning methods and the use of digital content  the Companion volume and distance/digital learning and teaching varieties of the English language, including ESP social media, smartphones and apps in ELT and ELL online assessment digital content for test prep courses and certifications e-tutoring and virtual LMS (Learning Management Systems) educational multimedia, animation, 3D applications corpus linguistics and ELT Abstracts    (of    about     200    words)    and     a     short     bio     should     be     sent to: Conference Dates: Abstract submission deadline: 30 June 2024 Notification of acceptance: 5 July 2024 Registration deadline: 25 July 2024 Conference dates: 19-20 September 2024 Fees for Full Conference participation: 122 € (Fees include registration costs, lunches, and coffee breaks. Travel and accommodation are not included) Scientific Committee: Anna Anselmo, Giuseppe Balirano, Marco Canani, Richard Chapman, Dario Del Fante, Maria De Santo, Maria Luigia Di Nisio, Eleonora Federici, Giuseppina Scotto di Carlo, Tamara Zappaterra, Tania Zulli. Organising Committee: Anna Anselmo, Richard Chapman, Dario Del Fante, Eleonora Federici, Valentina di Francesco, Ilaria Iori, Tamara Zappaterra.

3rd International ELT Conference “New Trends in English Language Teaching, Learning and Education” (University of Ferrara 19-20 September 2024) Read More »

“After Shock: New Perspectives in Literary Studies and Linguistics” (Sapienza University of Rome, 10th & 11th June 2024)

“After Shock: New Perspectives in Literary Studies and Linguistics” Sapienza University of Rome, 10th & 11th June 2024   Email address: Website:

“After Shock: New Perspectives in Literary Studies and Linguistics” (Sapienza University of Rome, 10th & 11th June 2024) Read More »

Alessandro Serpieri Lecture: Thursday 23 May at 11 am

Alessandro Serpieri Lecture Thursday 23 May at 11 am Emma Smith (Hertford College, Oxford) will hold the second Alessandro Serpieri Lecture on Thursday 23 May at 11 am (Italian time) in Biblioteca Frinzi (Verona) and on Zoom. The lecture is organised by Silvia Bigliazzi, Fernando Cioni, and Rocco Coronato. Prof. Smith’s lecture is entitled “Who Wrote Pericles? Shakespeare and Authorship in the 21st Century” and will be preceded by a conversation (with Silvia Bigliazzi and Emanuel Stelzer) on her book Portable Magic. For attendance via Zoom write to:

Alessandro Serpieri Lecture: Thursday 23 May at 11 am Read More »

CfP: International Conference Marginalities/Marginalità (Tor Vergata University of Rome, 9-11 October 2024)

International Conference Marginalities/Marginalità (Tor Vergata University of Rome, 9-11 October 2024) After the Inaugural Symposium held at the University of Calabria in 2022, the research group Margini/Margins is pleased to announce its International Conference Marginalities/Marginalità. Whilst the former gathered momentum with questions of spatiality, the latter hinges on the broader quality or state of being marginal across the Humanities. In this sense, directors C. Bruna Mancini (Unical) and Elisabetta Marino (Uniroma2) wish to foster interdisciplinary dialogue by investigating marginality through four thematic areas (e.g. gender and animal studies), which seek to grasp its multifaceted nature, thus enhancing the need for the plural form ‘marginalities’. Proposals for individual presentations, in either English or Italian, must be submitted by 10 July2024, to the following email address: For more information, please visit our website:

CfP: International Conference Marginalities/Marginalità (Tor Vergata University of Rome, 9-11 October 2024) Read More »

International Conference: «Food x Language: Adapting and representing food across media and genres in English and in Spanish/Lengua y comida: adaptaciones y representaciones de la comida a través de los medios de comunicación y de los géneros textuales en inglés y español» (Venice, 17-18 October 2024)

International Conference «Food x Language: Adapting and representing food across media and genres in English and in Spanish/Lengua y comida: adaptaciones y representaciones de la comida a través de los medios de comunicación y de los géneros textuales en inglés y español» (Venice, 17-18 October 2024) Sala B – Ca’ Bernardo – “Ca’ Foscari” University of Venice The Organising Committee is happy to present the International Conference on “Food x Language: adapting and representing food across media and genres in English and in Spanish” (“Lengua y comida: adaptaciones y representaciones de la comida a través de los medios de comunicación y de los géneros textuales en inglés y español”). The event will take place on 17th and 18th October 2024 in Ca’ Bernardo, one the buildings hosting the Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.   Call for Papers Food is an important means for human societies not only because it provides nutrition but also for its socializing function. The rituals accompanying its preparation and consumption have always favoured social bonding in any kind of human civilization. However, the participants in communication about food and the ways in which this form of communication happens vary according to several factors, which include gender and age of the participants as well as their role and status in society as well as the reciprocal relations they have with the other members of a specific group. Traditionally, communication about food has happened asynchronously through printed material, however, new technologies and – in recent years – social media have introduced a new element of interaction that has changed the way in which food and foodways are narrated and constantly remediated between individuals and social groups.   The two-day conference seeks to bring together scholars who conduct their research on food-related communication. The focus of the conference is communication involving English and Spanish, either alone or in a contrastive perspective. Particularly welcome are contributions that investigate the communicative strategies and dynamics through which cultural elements connected to food-related communication in these two languages and cultures are adapted using several media and genres through which food is narrated and represented. Socio-linguistic, socio-cultural, multimodal, and linguistic approaches are especially welcome.Therefore, we invite contributions addressing the main conference theme as well as relating to the following specific themes: Proposals should be sent no later than 30th June 2024 as email attachments in .doc, .docx, or .rtf format. Abstracts should be in either English or Spanish and should be no longer than 300 words (references included). Prospective participants should also provide a short bio note (no longer than 100 words).Emails should be sent to – object of the email: “CONFERENCE FOOD X LANGUAGE/LENGUA Y COMIDA – ABSTRACT PROPOSAL”. Plenary speakers   Committees Organising committee Scientific committee English component Spanish component Contacts

International Conference: «Food x Language: Adapting and representing food across media and genres in English and in Spanish/Lengua y comida: adaptaciones y representaciones de la comida a través de los medios de comunicación y de los géneros textuales en inglés y español» (Venice, 17-18 October 2024) Read More »

English for Tourism Discourse. A Focus on Translation Practice (Università di Palermo, 8 and 15 May 2024)

The cycle of seminars which will be held by Eleonora Federici and Cinzia Spinzi on the language of tourism and translation practices at the University of Palermo aims to offer an overview of the relationship between Tourismand Translation Studies, as well to investigate the difficulties translators may face when dealing with culture-specific terms. A corpus of texts belonging to different genres is explored within the context of intercultural communication and mediation by also highlighting the role of metaphors in the creation of tourist text types and their transfer within translation settings.

English for Tourism Discourse. A Focus on Translation Practice (Università di Palermo, 8 and 15 May 2024) Read More »

Ciclo di seminari su Multimodality and Identity Representation – Università degli Studi di Palermo (2 maggio e 23 maggio 2024)

Ciclo di seminari su:Multimodality and Identity Representationorganizzato da: Ester Gendusa (RTDA – Dip. Scienze Umanistiche)Università degli Studi di Palermo – 2 maggio e 23 maggio 2024 Aula Magna, Ed. 12 – Viale delle Scienze, Palermo. 2 maggio 2024 EMILIA DI MARTINO (Professoressa ordinaria di Lingua inglese, Università Suor Orsola Benincasa, Napoli) The Semiotic Construction of Chavettes as Working- Class Folk Devils 23 maggio 2024GIUSEPPE BALIRANO (Professore ordinario di Lingua inglese, Università L’Orientale, Napoli – Presidente AIA) Masculinity and Representation: A Multimodal Approach to Male Identity Construction

Ciclo di seminari su Multimodality and Identity Representation – Università degli Studi di Palermo (2 maggio e 23 maggio 2024) Read More »

William Shakespeare and Early Modern Literatures – Doctoral Symposium and International Conference – University of Calabria (7 May 2024)

William Shakespeare and Early Modern Literatures: Doctoral Symposium and International Conference University of Calabria (7 May 2024)   9:30-10  Welcome address and conference opening: Bruna Mancini (Università della Calabria) and Carla Tempestoso (Università della Calabria) 10-11 Lucy Munro (King’s College London, Co-Director Shakespeare Centre London), “Heminges and Condell and Shakespeare: Actors and the Editing of the First Folio”.11-12 Carlo Bajetta (Università della Valle D’Aosta), “Writing at the Court of Queen Elizabeth I”. 15-16 Brett Greatley-Hirsch (University of Leeds), “What Can Computers Tell Us About Shakespeare’s Dramatic Genres?”.16-17 Iolanda Plescia (Sapienza – Università di Roma), ““Shakespeare, the father of English? Multilingualism on the Early Modern English stage”.   Link:  

William Shakespeare and Early Modern Literatures – Doctoral Symposium and International Conference – University of Calabria (7 May 2024) Read More »

CfP: Epidemic Remedies In Medical Writing (1500 – 1920), 18-19 June 2024

CfP: Epidemic Remedies In Medical Writing (1500 – 1920)18-19 June 2024 Department of Humanities – University Language CenterUniversity of Ferrara (FIRD Grant) This conference aims to discuss the representation of epidemic remedies in medical writing in England and in France between 1500 and 1920. Prospective presenters are invited to address epidemic remedies across five centuries, bearing three main methodological observations in mind. Firstly, the pivotal role of the plague and the Spanish influenza as opening and closing points to the selected timeframe. Secondly, the working definition of “remedy” as a cure “for a disease, disorder, injury, etc.; a medicine or treatment that promotes healing or alleviates symptoms.” (OED, remedy 2). This comprehensive definition intends to allow for historical specification and diachronic terminological variation, which the prospective presenters are invited to explore and specify. Thirdly, the definition of representation as “the process by which members of a culture use language (broadly defined as any system which deploys signs, any signifying system) to produce meaning” (Hall 1997: 61), with particular emphasis on language use at lexical and discourse level, as well as the interaction between semiotic systems (e.g. word and image).A vast body of research has explored medical writing across the centuries. Several of these studies have delved into how text types, discourses, and specialised vocabulary evolve diachronically (Gotti, 2006; Taavitsainen, 2006; Taavitsainen & Pahta, 2011; Taavitsainen et al., 2022) as well as into how they manifest synchronically (Gotti & Salager-Meyer, 2006). Remedies, too, have been addressed from a diachronic perspective (Jacobus et al., 1990; Laycock, 2008; Mullini, 2013).The present aim is not only to offer a diachronic perspective on the linguistic and visual representation of remedies, but also to focus on remedies prescribed during epidemics, with a view to better understanding the history of medical and health communication.Potential research questions straddle multiple standpoints – historical linguistics, the analysis of discourse, the analysis of lexis, as well as images – and multiple text types (medical treatises, medical dictionaries, periodical publications, medical advertisements through time). They include but are not limited to: – The lexical description of remedies in medical writing– The metaphorical description of remedies in medical writing– The rhetorical construction of ethos in medical writing dealing with epidemic remedies– The visual representation of remedies in medical writing– The visual representation of remedies in newspapers/magazines– The linguistic-visual construal of remedies in texts containing multiple semiotic systems (i.e. advertisements)– the insurgence of misinformation and disinformation in/about health communication (these categories may be epistemologically relevant in papers dealing with the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries) We invite proposals from a wide range of methodological perspectives. To name but a few: corpus-assisted critical discourse analysis, critical discourse analysis, multimodal discourse analysis, historical lexicography and terminology, new historicism, cultural theory, epistemology, philosophy of science, gender medicine, and gender theory.Please submit a one-page abstract (ca. 200 – 300 words excluding references). Presentations (in English or in French) will consist of a 20-minute talk followed by 10 minutes for questions and discussion.All research papers should be delivered in person. All abstracts should be submitted to All abstracts should be anonymised and include a title and up to five keywords. Key dates: – The call for papers opens on 15 January 2024.– The deadline for abstract submission is 30 March 2024.– Notification of acceptance (or rejection) will be sent out by 15 April 2024.– Registration commences on 1 May 2024.– The conference will take place from 18 to 19 June 2024. The conference is organized as part of the FIRD project “Il rimedio tra divulgazione scientifica e fake news in Francia e in Inghilterra nel XVI e nel XX secolo”, which is financed by the Department of Humanities at the University of Ferrara. Scientific and Organizing Committee: Dario Del Fante (Principal Investigator), Anna Anselmo, Daniele Speziari, Vera Gajiu. ReferencesGotti, M., & Salager-Meyer, F. (2006). Advances in Medical Discourse Analysis: Oral and Written Contexts. Retrieved from, S. (1997). Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices. London: Sage.Jacobus, M., Keller, E. F., & Shuttleworth, S. (1990). Body/politics: Women and the discourses of science. New York : Routledge. Retrieved from, C. (1996). Plague and its Metaphors in Early Modern France. Representations, 53, pp. 97-127.Laycock, D. (2008). How Remedies Became a Field: A History. The Review of Litigation, 27(2), 164–267.Montagne, V. (2017). Médecine et rhétorique à la Renaissance. Le cas du traité de peste en langue vernaculaire. Paris: Classiques Garnier.Ramsey, M. (1982). Traditional Medicine and Medical Enlightenment: The Regulation of Secret Remedies in the Ancien Régime. Historical Reflections / Réflexions Historiques, 9(1/2), 215–232.Taavitsainen, I., & Pahta, P. (2011). Medical Writing in Early Modern English. Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from, Irma. (2006). Audience guidance and learned medical writing in late medieval English. In M. Gotti & F. Salager-Meyer (Eds.), Advances in Medical Discourse Analysis (pp. 431–456). New York: Peter Lang.Taavitsainen, Irma, Hiltunen, T., Smith, J. J., & Suhr, C. (Eds.). (2022). Genre in English Medical Writing, 1500–1820: Sociocultural Contexts of Production and Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781009105347Thomas, Daniel. (2022). La grippe espagnole 1918-1919. Le virus H1N1 et la grande pandémie du XXe siècle, Collection Les Cahiers de Rennes en sciences, 15, Rennes : ChantepieVinet, Freddy. (2018). La grande grippe 1918. La pire épidémie du siècle. Collection Chroniques. Paris: Vendémiaire

CfP: Epidemic Remedies In Medical Writing (1500 – 1920), 18-19 June 2024 Read More »

CfP: Metaphors, Argumentation, and Institutions- 17-18 October, 2024, University of Turin, Italy

CfP: Metaphors, Argumentation, and Institutions – 17-18 October, 2024, University of Turin, Italy 17-18 October, 2024, University of Turin, Italy CIRM (Inter-University Research Centre on Metaphors – announces its 2024 Annual Conference, which will look at metaphors in relation to their argumentative function in a wide range of institutional contexts. The concepts of metaphor and argumentation, which have always been central to the analysis of institutional discourse, will be investigated from different viewpoints and epistemological perspectives. We call for linguistic, discursive, and rhetorical-argumentative contributions, with a special focus on topics of economic, political, and social interest such as inclusion, sustainability, artificial intelligence and innovation, immigration, and economic development. Special attention should be given to national, European and non-European governmental institutions, international organisations, as well as educational, health, social, economic, and financial institutions. We welcome contributions that pursue the following research objectives: Proposals (a 250-word abstract including at least 5 bibliographical references, institutional affiliation and contact details) should be sent to by 30th April 2024. Important dates: 30/04/2024 deadline for submission of proposals. 31/05/2024 Notification of acceptance by CIRM Scientific Committee. 30/06/2024 Preliminary programme and opening of registration. 30/09/2024 Registration deadline and publication of the final programme. 17-18/10/2024 CIRM Conference. 31/12/2024 Deadline for submission of papers for publication. The conference proceedings (peer-reviewed) will be published in the series “I Quaderni del CIRM” (TAB edizioni) in 2025. The conference will be in hybrid modality. In-person attendance will take place at the Department of Economics, Social Studies, Applied Mathematics and Statistics (ESOMAS), Corso Unione Sovietica 218/bis, Turin. Organising committee: Cecilia Boggio ( Ilaria Cennamo ( Ilaria Parini ( Scientific Committee: Michelangelo Conoscenti (University of Turin) Annamaria Contini (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia) Ruggero Druetta (University of Turin) Elisabetta Gola (University of Cagliari) Adriana Orlandi (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia) Paola Paissa (University of Turin) Ilaria Rizzato (University of Genoa) Micaela Rossi (University of Genoa) Daniela Francesca Virdis (University of Cagliari)

CfP: Metaphors, Argumentation, and Institutions- 17-18 October, 2024, University of Turin, Italy Read More »

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