Members’ Events

Shakespeare Summer School Programme – Transforming Shakespeare “into something rich and strange”: The Tempest and its rewritings & adaptations (24-28 June 2024, Sardinia, Italy)

Shakespeare Summer School ProgrammeTransforming Shakespeare “into something rich and strange”: The Tempest and its rewritings & adaptations24-28 June 2024, Sardinia, Italy Host University: University of Cagliari, Via Università, 40; AssocProf Maria Grazia Dongu, Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Italy “This is a timely and very welcome summer school, which by focussing on The Tempest allows us to reflect on the uniqueness of the island trope — both in the text and, as it were, in the location. The range of scholars participating in the summer school is impressive; I am also struck by the fact that, rather than being offered as a series of lectures, as sometimes happens, this summer school is attentively built around activities and exercises that put the students at the centre, and drive them to elaborate their own reflections on the topic. I cannot but applaud this initiative.” (Alessandra Petrina, University of Padova) Summer School programme Sardinia_The Tempest

Shakespeare Summer School Programme – Transforming Shakespeare “into something rich and strange”: The Tempest and its rewritings & adaptations (24-28 June 2024, Sardinia, Italy) Read More »

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE — Pandemic Remedies across History. The Cultural and Discursive Representation of Pandemic Remedies Between the XVI and the XX Centuries (18-19 June 2024 – Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici)

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE — Pandemic Remedies across History. The Cultural and Discursive Representation of Pandemic Remedies Between the XVI and the XX Centuries. 18-19 June 2024 Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici   Keynote speakers/Conférences plénières: Massimiliano DEMATA, Università di Torino Claudio GRIMALDI, Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope” Véronique MONTAGNE, Université Côte d’Azur Irma TAAVITSAINEN, University of Helsinki Girolamo TESSUTO, Università di Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’ Federica VEZZANI, Università di Padova The conference is organized as part of the FIRD project “Il rimedio tra divulgazione scientifica e fake news in Francia e in Inghilterra nel XVI e nel XX secolo”, which is financed by the Department of Humanities at the University of Ferrara.

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE — Pandemic Remedies across History. The Cultural and Discursive Representation of Pandemic Remedies Between the XVI and the XX Centuries (18-19 June 2024 – Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici) Read More »

“Counsellors and Counselled. The Advice to Princes Tradition between the Hundred Years’ War and the British Interregnum”, University of Padua, 12-13 September 2024

Counsellors and Counselled. The Advice to Princes Tradition between the Hundred Years’ War and the British Interregnum. University of Padua, 12-13 September 2024

“Counsellors and Counselled. The Advice to Princes Tradition between the Hundred Years’ War and the British Interregnum”, University of Padua, 12-13 September 2024 Read More »

Le Disobbedienti (Università di Chieti-Pescara, 13 e 14 giugno 2024)

LE DISOBBEDIENTI I giorni 13 e 14 giugno 2024 si terrà presso l’Università di Chieti-Pescara il convegno internazionale “Le disobbedienti” dedicato alle forme di disobbedienza, resistenza e autoaffermazione femminile sia sul piano letterario che filosofico. Il convegno, coorganizzato da Mariaconcetta Costantini, ha carattere interdisciplinare e vedrà la partecipazione di studiose e studiosi provenienti dall’Italia e dall’estero.

Le Disobbedienti (Università di Chieti-Pescara, 13 e 14 giugno 2024) Read More »

International conference “Remembering the Past, Inventing the Future: Italian American Artists and Writers between Nostalgia and Dream” (CUSIAC)

The international conference titled Remembering the Past, Inventing the Future: Italian American Artists and Writers between Nostalgia and Dream, organized by Professor Francesca D’Alfonso, Director of the University Center for Italian American and Canadian Studies (CUSIAC), aims to explore how Italian American artists and writers have imaginatively manifested their bond with their roots. In its complex and varied manifestation, this phenomenon implies a discourse that must be considered both in terms of socio-historical roots and – for those born in the United States – through an identity forged by behavioral codes, linguistic traces and folk tales understood as part of familial context and ethnic-regional tradition. Although the critique of Italian American literature is a terrain that has already been widely explored, it must be said that there is still significant space for further exploration of the phenomenon, especially when analyzed from a culturological perspective.  In this respect, the conference aims to highlight how, in recent years, research is uncovering and rediscovering personalities, hidden narratives and less well-known, if not completely forgotten, aspects of the Italian American literary and artistic tradition. At the center of the conference promoted by CUSIAC are innovative and stimulating readings, analyses and methods that, from a variety of perspectives, will address the paradigms of nostalgia and dream as declined by writers, poets, painters, and musicians from the American continent (United States, Canada, Latin America) profoundly connected to Italy.

International conference “Remembering the Past, Inventing the Future: Italian American Artists and Writers between Nostalgia and Dream” (CUSIAC) Read More »

3rd International ELT Conference “New Trends in English Language Teaching, Learning and Education” (University of Ferrara 19-20 September 2024)

3rd International ELT Conference New Trends in English Language Teaching, Learning and Education University of Ferrara 19-20 September 2024   The 3rd International ELT Conference “New Trends in English Language Teaching, Learning and Education” will be held at the University of Ferrara on 19- 20 September 2024. The event follows the international debate launched by the first and second editions of the Conference hosted in 2022 by the University of Naples “L’Orientale” at its Procida Summer School, and in 2023 by the “G. d’Annunzio” University of Chieti- Pescara. The 3rd International ELT Conference aims to foster ongoing debates on the challenges of language teaching, language learning, and special needs education. The conference intends to develop critical discussion along two main axes: firstly, the post-pandemic scenario, which challenges traditional in-person learning environments; secondly, the importance of addressing special needs education in language learning. Digital technologies, AI, and student engagement  tools  have been reshaping rapport in the classroom, and the demand for distance learning and fully online language learning (OLL) has been growing exponentially, especially in higher education and continuing education settings. ELT professionals are faced with an increasing demand for flexibility, and have had to adapt lesson planning, target language selection, presentation and practice tasks, correction techniques, and assessment. This scenario proves even more challenging in the context of special needs education and the need for ELT professionals to receive dedicated training. Against the backdrop of such a demanding scenario, the conference wishes to provide an international forum for ELT educators and scholars to discuss current challenges, share their innovative educational and teaching experiences, and further reflect on special needs education, digital technologies and their relevance for teachers and learners. All abstract submissions will be peer-reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research depth, accuracy and relevance to the conference theme and topics. Keynote Speakers Elena Di Giovanni, University of Macerata Franca Poppi, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia Elena Refraschini, EFL Teacher and Owner of “Inglese Americano” Heath Rose, University of Oxford   Possible themes and topics for papers include, but are not limited to: special needs education teaching methods, approaches, and teacher beliefs in the post-Covid scenario new technologies for online, blended, and hybrid learning environments  e-learning methods and the use of digital content  the Companion volume and distance/digital learning and teaching varieties of the English language, including ESP social media, smartphones and apps in ELT and ELL online assessment digital content for test prep courses and certifications e-tutoring and virtual LMS (Learning Management Systems) educational multimedia, animation, 3D applications corpus linguistics and ELT Abstracts    (of    about     200    words)    and     a     short     bio     should     be     sent to: Conference Dates: Abstract submission deadline: 30 June 2024 Notification of acceptance: 5 July 2024 Registration deadline: 25 July 2024 Conference dates: 19-20 September 2024 Fees for Full Conference participation: 122 € (Fees include registration costs, lunches, and coffee breaks. Travel and accommodation are not included) Scientific Committee: Anna Anselmo, Giuseppe Balirano, Marco Canani, Richard Chapman, Dario Del Fante, Maria De Santo, Maria Luigia Di Nisio, Eleonora Federici, Giuseppina Scotto di Carlo, Tamara Zappaterra, Tania Zulli. Organising Committee: Anna Anselmo, Richard Chapman, Dario Del Fante, Eleonora Federici, Valentina di Francesco, Ilaria Iori, Tamara Zappaterra.

3rd International ELT Conference “New Trends in English Language Teaching, Learning and Education” (University of Ferrara 19-20 September 2024) Read More »

“After Shock: New Perspectives in Literary Studies and Linguistics” (Sapienza University of Rome, 10th & 11th June 2024)

“After Shock: New Perspectives in Literary Studies and Linguistics” Sapienza University of Rome, 10th & 11th June 2024   Email address: Website:

“After Shock: New Perspectives in Literary Studies and Linguistics” (Sapienza University of Rome, 10th & 11th June 2024) Read More »

Alessandro Serpieri Lecture: Thursday 23 May at 11 am

Alessandro Serpieri Lecture Thursday 23 May at 11 am Emma Smith (Hertford College, Oxford) will hold the second Alessandro Serpieri Lecture on Thursday 23 May at 11 am (Italian time) in Biblioteca Frinzi (Verona) and on Zoom. The lecture is organised by Silvia Bigliazzi, Fernando Cioni, and Rocco Coronato. Prof. Smith’s lecture is entitled “Who Wrote Pericles? Shakespeare and Authorship in the 21st Century” and will be preceded by a conversation (with Silvia Bigliazzi and Emanuel Stelzer) on her book Portable Magic. For attendance via Zoom write to:

Alessandro Serpieri Lecture: Thursday 23 May at 11 am Read More »

CfP: International Conference Marginalities/Marginalità (Tor Vergata University of Rome, 9-11 October 2024)

International Conference Marginalities/Marginalità (Tor Vergata University of Rome, 9-11 October 2024) After the Inaugural Symposium held at the University of Calabria in 2022, the research group Margini/Margins is pleased to announce its International Conference Marginalities/Marginalità. Whilst the former gathered momentum with questions of spatiality, the latter hinges on the broader quality or state of being marginal across the Humanities. In this sense, directors C. Bruna Mancini (Unical) and Elisabetta Marino (Uniroma2) wish to foster interdisciplinary dialogue by investigating marginality through four thematic areas (e.g. gender and animal studies), which seek to grasp its multifaceted nature, thus enhancing the need for the plural form ‘marginalities’. Proposals for individual presentations, in either English or Italian, must be submitted by 10 July2024, to the following email address: For more information, please visit our website:

CfP: International Conference Marginalities/Marginalità (Tor Vergata University of Rome, 9-11 October 2024) Read More »

International Conference: «Food x Language: Adapting and representing food across media and genres in English and in Spanish/Lengua y comida: adaptaciones y representaciones de la comida a través de los medios de comunicación y de los géneros textuales en inglés y español» (Venice, 17-18 October 2024)

International Conference «Food x Language: Adapting and representing food across media and genres in English and in Spanish/Lengua y comida: adaptaciones y representaciones de la comida a través de los medios de comunicación y de los géneros textuales en inglés y español» (Venice, 17-18 October 2024) Sala B – Ca’ Bernardo – “Ca’ Foscari” University of Venice The Organising Committee is happy to present the International Conference on “Food x Language: adapting and representing food across media and genres in English and in Spanish” (“Lengua y comida: adaptaciones y representaciones de la comida a través de los medios de comunicación y de los géneros textuales en inglés y español”). The event will take place on 17th and 18th October 2024 in Ca’ Bernardo, one the buildings hosting the Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.   Call for Papers Food is an important means for human societies not only because it provides nutrition but also for its socializing function. The rituals accompanying its preparation and consumption have always favoured social bonding in any kind of human civilization. However, the participants in communication about food and the ways in which this form of communication happens vary according to several factors, which include gender and age of the participants as well as their role and status in society as well as the reciprocal relations they have with the other members of a specific group. Traditionally, communication about food has happened asynchronously through printed material, however, new technologies and – in recent years – social media have introduced a new element of interaction that has changed the way in which food and foodways are narrated and constantly remediated between individuals and social groups.   The two-day conference seeks to bring together scholars who conduct their research on food-related communication. The focus of the conference is communication involving English and Spanish, either alone or in a contrastive perspective. Particularly welcome are contributions that investigate the communicative strategies and dynamics through which cultural elements connected to food-related communication in these two languages and cultures are adapted using several media and genres through which food is narrated and represented. Socio-linguistic, socio-cultural, multimodal, and linguistic approaches are especially welcome.Therefore, we invite contributions addressing the main conference theme as well as relating to the following specific themes: Proposals should be sent no later than 30th June 2024 as email attachments in .doc, .docx, or .rtf format. Abstracts should be in either English or Spanish and should be no longer than 300 words (references included). Prospective participants should also provide a short bio note (no longer than 100 words).Emails should be sent to – object of the email: “CONFERENCE FOOD X LANGUAGE/LENGUA Y COMIDA – ABSTRACT PROPOSAL”. Plenary speakers   Committees Organising committee Scientific committee English component Spanish component Contacts

International Conference: «Food x Language: Adapting and representing food across media and genres in English and in Spanish/Lengua y comida: adaptaciones y representaciones de la comida a través de los medios de comunicación y de los géneros textuales en inglés y español» (Venice, 17-18 October 2024) Read More »

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