Members’ Events

English for Tourism Discourse. A Focus on Translation Practice (Università di Palermo, 8 and 15 May 2024)

The cycle of seminars which will be held by Eleonora Federici and Cinzia Spinzi on the language of tourism and translation practices at the University of Palermo aims to offer an overview of the relationship between Tourismand Translation Studies, as well to investigate the difficulties translators may face when dealing with culture-specific terms. A corpus of texts belonging to different genres is explored within the context of intercultural communication and mediation by also highlighting the role of metaphors in the creation of tourist text types and their transfer within translation settings.

English for Tourism Discourse. A Focus on Translation Practice (Università di Palermo, 8 and 15 May 2024) Read More »

Ciclo di seminari su Multimodality and Identity Representation – Università degli Studi di Palermo (2 maggio e 23 maggio 2024)

Ciclo di seminari su:Multimodality and Identity Representationorganizzato da: Ester Gendusa (RTDA – Dip. Scienze Umanistiche)Università degli Studi di Palermo – 2 maggio e 23 maggio 2024 Aula Magna, Ed. 12 – Viale delle Scienze, Palermo. 2 maggio 2024 EMILIA DI MARTINO (Professoressa ordinaria di Lingua inglese, Università Suor Orsola Benincasa, Napoli) The Semiotic Construction of Chavettes as Working- Class Folk Devils 23 maggio 2024GIUSEPPE BALIRANO (Professore ordinario di Lingua inglese, Università L’Orientale, Napoli – Presidente AIA) Masculinity and Representation: A Multimodal Approach to Male Identity Construction

Ciclo di seminari su Multimodality and Identity Representation – Università degli Studi di Palermo (2 maggio e 23 maggio 2024) Read More »

William Shakespeare and Early Modern Literatures – Doctoral Symposium and International Conference – University of Calabria (7 May 2024)

William Shakespeare and Early Modern Literatures: Doctoral Symposium and International Conference University of Calabria (7 May 2024)   9:30-10  Welcome address and conference opening: Bruna Mancini (Università della Calabria) and Carla Tempestoso (Università della Calabria) 10-11 Lucy Munro (King’s College London, Co-Director Shakespeare Centre London), “Heminges and Condell and Shakespeare: Actors and the Editing of the First Folio”.11-12 Carlo Bajetta (Università della Valle D’Aosta), “Writing at the Court of Queen Elizabeth I”. 15-16 Brett Greatley-Hirsch (University of Leeds), “What Can Computers Tell Us About Shakespeare’s Dramatic Genres?”.16-17 Iolanda Plescia (Sapienza – Università di Roma), ““Shakespeare, the father of English? Multilingualism on the Early Modern English stage”.   Link:  

William Shakespeare and Early Modern Literatures – Doctoral Symposium and International Conference – University of Calabria (7 May 2024) Read More »

CfP: Epidemic Remedies In Medical Writing (1500 – 1920), 18-19 June 2024

CfP: Epidemic Remedies In Medical Writing (1500 – 1920)18-19 June 2024 Department of Humanities – University Language CenterUniversity of Ferrara (FIRD Grant) This conference aims to discuss the representation of epidemic remedies in medical writing in England and in France between 1500 and 1920. Prospective presenters are invited to address epidemic remedies across five centuries, bearing three main methodological observations in mind. Firstly, the pivotal role of the plague and the Spanish influenza as opening and closing points to the selected timeframe. Secondly, the working definition of “remedy” as a cure “for a disease, disorder, injury, etc.; a medicine or treatment that promotes healing or alleviates symptoms.” (OED, remedy 2). This comprehensive definition intends to allow for historical specification and diachronic terminological variation, which the prospective presenters are invited to explore and specify. Thirdly, the definition of representation as “the process by which members of a culture use language (broadly defined as any system which deploys signs, any signifying system) to produce meaning” (Hall 1997: 61), with particular emphasis on language use at lexical and discourse level, as well as the interaction between semiotic systems (e.g. word and image).A vast body of research has explored medical writing across the centuries. Several of these studies have delved into how text types, discourses, and specialised vocabulary evolve diachronically (Gotti, 2006; Taavitsainen, 2006; Taavitsainen & Pahta, 2011; Taavitsainen et al., 2022) as well as into how they manifest synchronically (Gotti & Salager-Meyer, 2006). Remedies, too, have been addressed from a diachronic perspective (Jacobus et al., 1990; Laycock, 2008; Mullini, 2013).The present aim is not only to offer a diachronic perspective on the linguistic and visual representation of remedies, but also to focus on remedies prescribed during epidemics, with a view to better understanding the history of medical and health communication.Potential research questions straddle multiple standpoints – historical linguistics, the analysis of discourse, the analysis of lexis, as well as images – and multiple text types (medical treatises, medical dictionaries, periodical publications, medical advertisements through time). They include but are not limited to: – The lexical description of remedies in medical writing– The metaphorical description of remedies in medical writing– The rhetorical construction of ethos in medical writing dealing with epidemic remedies– The visual representation of remedies in medical writing– The visual representation of remedies in newspapers/magazines– The linguistic-visual construal of remedies in texts containing multiple semiotic systems (i.e. advertisements)– the insurgence of misinformation and disinformation in/about health communication (these categories may be epistemologically relevant in papers dealing with the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries) We invite proposals from a wide range of methodological perspectives. To name but a few: corpus-assisted critical discourse analysis, critical discourse analysis, multimodal discourse analysis, historical lexicography and terminology, new historicism, cultural theory, epistemology, philosophy of science, gender medicine, and gender theory.Please submit a one-page abstract (ca. 200 – 300 words excluding references). Presentations (in English or in French) will consist of a 20-minute talk followed by 10 minutes for questions and discussion.All research papers should be delivered in person. All abstracts should be submitted to All abstracts should be anonymised and include a title and up to five keywords. Key dates: – The call for papers opens on 15 January 2024.– The deadline for abstract submission is 30 March 2024.– Notification of acceptance (or rejection) will be sent out by 15 April 2024.– Registration commences on 1 May 2024.– The conference will take place from 18 to 19 June 2024. The conference is organized as part of the FIRD project “Il rimedio tra divulgazione scientifica e fake news in Francia e in Inghilterra nel XVI e nel XX secolo”, which is financed by the Department of Humanities at the University of Ferrara. Scientific and Organizing Committee: Dario Del Fante (Principal Investigator), Anna Anselmo, Daniele Speziari, Vera Gajiu. ReferencesGotti, M., & Salager-Meyer, F. (2006). Advances in Medical Discourse Analysis: Oral and Written Contexts. Retrieved from, S. (1997). Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices. London: Sage.Jacobus, M., Keller, E. F., & Shuttleworth, S. (1990). Body/politics: Women and the discourses of science. New York : Routledge. Retrieved from, C. (1996). Plague and its Metaphors in Early Modern France. Representations, 53, pp. 97-127.Laycock, D. (2008). How Remedies Became a Field: A History. The Review of Litigation, 27(2), 164–267.Montagne, V. (2017). Médecine et rhétorique à la Renaissance. Le cas du traité de peste en langue vernaculaire. Paris: Classiques Garnier.Ramsey, M. (1982). Traditional Medicine and Medical Enlightenment: The Regulation of Secret Remedies in the Ancien Régime. Historical Reflections / Réflexions Historiques, 9(1/2), 215–232.Taavitsainen, I., & Pahta, P. (2011). Medical Writing in Early Modern English. Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from, Irma. (2006). Audience guidance and learned medical writing in late medieval English. In M. Gotti & F. Salager-Meyer (Eds.), Advances in Medical Discourse Analysis (pp. 431–456). New York: Peter Lang.Taavitsainen, Irma, Hiltunen, T., Smith, J. J., & Suhr, C. (Eds.). (2022). Genre in English Medical Writing, 1500–1820: Sociocultural Contexts of Production and Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781009105347Thomas, Daniel. (2022). La grippe espagnole 1918-1919. Le virus H1N1 et la grande pandémie du XXe siècle, Collection Les Cahiers de Rennes en sciences, 15, Rennes : ChantepieVinet, Freddy. (2018). La grande grippe 1918. La pire épidémie du siècle. Collection Chroniques. Paris: Vendémiaire

CfP: Epidemic Remedies In Medical Writing (1500 – 1920), 18-19 June 2024 Read More »

CfP: Metaphors, Argumentation, and Institutions- 17-18 October, 2024, University of Turin, Italy

CfP: Metaphors, Argumentation, and Institutions – 17-18 October, 2024, University of Turin, Italy 17-18 October, 2024, University of Turin, Italy CIRM (Inter-University Research Centre on Metaphors – announces its 2024 Annual Conference, which will look at metaphors in relation to their argumentative function in a wide range of institutional contexts. The concepts of metaphor and argumentation, which have always been central to the analysis of institutional discourse, will be investigated from different viewpoints and epistemological perspectives. We call for linguistic, discursive, and rhetorical-argumentative contributions, with a special focus on topics of economic, political, and social interest such as inclusion, sustainability, artificial intelligence and innovation, immigration, and economic development. Special attention should be given to national, European and non-European governmental institutions, international organisations, as well as educational, health, social, economic, and financial institutions. We welcome contributions that pursue the following research objectives: Proposals (a 250-word abstract including at least 5 bibliographical references, institutional affiliation and contact details) should be sent to by 30th April 2024. Important dates: 30/04/2024 deadline for submission of proposals. 31/05/2024 Notification of acceptance by CIRM Scientific Committee. 30/06/2024 Preliminary programme and opening of registration. 30/09/2024 Registration deadline and publication of the final programme. 17-18/10/2024 CIRM Conference. 31/12/2024 Deadline for submission of papers for publication. The conference proceedings (peer-reviewed) will be published in the series “I Quaderni del CIRM” (TAB edizioni) in 2025. The conference will be in hybrid modality. In-person attendance will take place at the Department of Economics, Social Studies, Applied Mathematics and Statistics (ESOMAS), Corso Unione Sovietica 218/bis, Turin. Organising committee: Cecilia Boggio ( Ilaria Cennamo ( Ilaria Parini ( Scientific Committee: Michelangelo Conoscenti (University of Turin) Annamaria Contini (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia) Ruggero Druetta (University of Turin) Elisabetta Gola (University of Cagliari) Adriana Orlandi (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia) Paola Paissa (University of Turin) Ilaria Rizzato (University of Genoa) Micaela Rossi (University of Genoa) Daniela Francesca Virdis (University of Cagliari)

CfP: Metaphors, Argumentation, and Institutions- 17-18 October, 2024, University of Turin, Italy Read More »

Re(ad)dressing Classical Myths in Contemporary Literature in English”Università di Verona, 14-15 marzo 2024

Re(ad)dressing Classical Myths in Contemporary Literature in English”Università di Verona, 14-15 marzo 2024 Si terrà dal 14 al 15 marzo l’International Conference “Re(ad)dressing Classical Myths in Contemporary Literature in English” organizzata dal Dott. Cristiano Ragni (Università di Verona), in cui si discuteranno adattamenti e riscritture dei miti classici nella letteratura contemporanea in lingua inglese e ci si interrogherà sul loro significato nel mondo di oggi. Saranno previsti interventi di: Chiara Battisti, Silvia Bigliazzi, Petra Bjelica, Sidia Fiorato, Chiara Lombardi, Justine McConnell, Cristiano Ragni, Angelo Righetti, Emanuel Stelzer, Savina Stevanato e Elena Theodorakopoulos. Nel pomeriggio del 14 marzo, avrà luogo contestualmente una public reading della poetessa e saggista Ruth Padel aperta alla cittadinanza. Appuntamento a giovedì 14 marzo dalle 15.00 presso Sala Farinati della Biblioteca Civica di Verona e venerdì 15 marzo dalle 10.00 presso l’Aula Messedaglia del Chiostro Santa Maria delle Vittorie. Per il collegamento Zoom, scrivere a:

Re(ad)dressing Classical Myths in Contemporary Literature in English”Università di Verona, 14-15 marzo 2024 Read More »

Call for Papers: Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility in Education: A Global Perspective (5–6 December 2024, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)

  CALL FOR PAPERS Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility in Education: A Global Perspective5–6 December 2024, Sapienza University of Rome, ItalyOrganised by the SL@VT Research Team Over the last couple of decades, the application of Audiovisual Translation (AVT) modes (e.g. dubbing, subtitling, voiceover) and Media Accessibility (MA) practices (e.g. SDH, audio description) in foreign language teaching and learning has gained momentum (Sokoli 2006; Díaz-Cintas and Cruz, 2008; Incalcaterra, 2009; Chiu 2012; Zabalbeascoa et al. 2012; Bolaños-García-Escribano and Navarrete, 2018; Navarrete, 2018; Lertola, 2019; Talaván and Rodríguez-Arancón, 2019; Herrero et al. 2020 to name but a few). Scholarly research has concentrated on developing methodologies and technological tools within didactic AVT and MA (recently referred to as DAT, see Talaván et al., 2024) to be used in higher education settings as well as other areas such as language for specific purposes and primary education, among others. Among the projects that pioneered this approach were Learning Via Subtitling (LeViS) (20062008), Babelium (2013–2015), SubLanLearn (2009–2012), ClipFlair (20112014), and PluriTAV (2016–2019). Research outputs stemming from these projects have previously provided empirical evidence for language improvement while adopting AVT and MA practices within different learning contexts, often with a focus on foreign language education.More recent research projects such as TRADILEX (2019–2023) and SL@VT (Audiovisual Tools and Methodologies to Enhance Second Language Acquisition and Learning, 2022–) have sought to provide further understanding of the challenges and benefits in the teaching of both languages and translation. In particular, SL@VT has been designed to extend the directionality and breadth of language learning, by including for instance Greek, Polish and Korean, aside from frequently taught languages such as English, Italian, German and Spanish. We are also particularly interested in how AVT and MA practices can be effectively integrated into other disciplines, such as film studies, as well as their potential to raise awareness about societal issues such as disability, intersectionality and inclusion, among others.In light of the above, this conference aims to gather proposals that can offer further insights into the use of AVT and MA not only in language learning but other areas of education, thus helping scholarly research to reach a more global perspective in this theory and practice. As much of the AVT research available has traditionally focused on European languages, we are also interested to hear from those making use of multimodal and AVT tools to teach languages such as Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, Japanese and so forth. Furthermore, we are interested in what methodologies are being created to enhance both language learning and translation training as a professional practice. Contributions that examine DAT and MA methodologies from a comprehensive perspective, highlighting the possible challenges, benefits and drawbacks, are particularly welcome. Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility in Education: A Global Perspective is organised by the SL@VT Research Team and will take place at Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), on Thursday 5th and Friday 6th December 2024. The Scientific Committee would like to consider 20-minute paper proposals engaging with education and the following key topics: – Captioning (interlingual and intralingual subtitling)– Revoicing (dubbing, voice-over, free commentary)– Media accessibility (including audio description and subtitling for the deaf and hard-of-hearing audiences)– Other AVT-MA practices (including respeaking, surtitling, easy-to-read language)– Non-professional practices (fansubbing, fundubbing and fandubbing)– Technologies in language learning (digital platforms, applications) with a focus on AVT-MA– AVT-MA and language education in formal and non-formal contexts (e.g. curriculum design, assessment)– Curriculum design and assessment in language and translation education settings with a focus on AVT-MA– Audiovisual language and film studies education– AVT-MA as a cultural mediation tool in language teaching and learning– AVT-MA and teacher training Proposals will be subject to a double-blind peer-review process. Following the conference, the Scientific Committee will shortlist a number of papers to be included in an edited book published by an international publisher via Open Access. Working language: English ReferencesBolaños-García-Escribano, A., & Navarrete, M. (2018). An action-oriented approach to didactic dubbing in foreign language education: Students as producers. XLinguae, 15(2), 103-120. DOI: 10.18355/XL.2022.15.02.08.Chiu, Y. (2012). Can film dubbing projects facilitate EFL learners’ acquisition of English pronunciation? British Journal of Educational Technology, 43(1), E24-E27. https://doi. org/10.1111/j.1467-8535.2011.01252.Díaz-Cintas, J., & Cruz, F. (2008). Using subtitled video materials for foreign language instruction. In J. Díaz-Cintas (Ed.), The Didactics of Audiovisual Translation. John Benjamins. DOI:10.1075/btl.77.20.Herrero, C., Valverde, K., Costal, T., & Sánchez-Requena, A. (2020). The “Film and Creative Engagement Project”: Audiovisual accessibility and telecollaboration. Research in Education and Learning Innovation Archives, 24, 89-104. DOI: 10.7203/realia.24.16744.Incalcaterra McLoughlin, L. (2009). Inter-semiotic translation in foreign language acquisition: the case of subtitles. In A. Witte, T. Harden & A. Ramos de Oliveira Harden (Eds.), Translation in second language learning and teaching (pp. 227-244). Peter Lang.Lertola, J. (2019). Audiovisual translation in the foreign language classroom: applications in the teaching of English and other foreign languages. Voillans:, M. (2018). The Use of audio description in foreign language education: A preliminary approach. Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Context, 4(1), 129-150., S. (2006) “Learning via Subtitling (LvS): A tool for the creation of foreign language learning activities based on film subtitling” in Carroll M. and H. Arbogast (eds) Audiovisual Translation Scenarios: Proceedings of the Marie Curie Euroconferences.Talaván, N., & Rodríguez-Arancón, P. (2019). Voice-over to improve oral production skills: the VICTOR project. In J. D. Sanderson & C. Botella-Tejera (Eds.), Focusing on Audiovisual Translation Research (pp. 211-236). PUV Universitat de Valencia.Talaván, N., Lertola, J., Fernández-Costales, A. (2024). Didactic Audiovisual Translation and Foreign Language Education. London and New York: Routledge.Zabalbeascoa, P., Sokoli, S., & Torres, O. (2012). Conceptual framework and pedagogical methodology. Lifelong learning programme. http://clip#…/2014/06/D2.1ConceptualFramework.pdf. Deadlines and fees 01 June 2024 – Deadline for abstracts (300 words) and biosketch (100 words)01 July 2024 – Notification of acceptance5-6 December 2024 – Conference, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy Early bird registration (by 31 July 2024)€100€50 PhD studentsPlease fill this Form (active soon) Regular registration (by 15 September 2024)€150€75 PhD studentsPlease fill this Form (active soon) BA, MA students: free entry but the must email the organisers for reservation by 15 October 2024. ESIST members will enjoy the early

Call for Papers: Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility in Education: A Global Perspective (5–6 December 2024, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy) Read More »


Nella società di oggi, in bilico tra reale e virtuale, il legame tra parole e cose necessita di essere riesplorato e divenire oggetto di nuove riflessioni. Lingua, letteratura e filosofia contribuiscono a pari merito a definire l’ambito del reale: la lingua concorre a definire la visione del mondo di una comunità di parlanti e allo stesso tempo muta in relazione ai cambiamenti socio-politici e tecnologici; la letteratura contemporanea, come un prisma, continua a rifrangere gli sguardi restituendo un mondo dalle mille sfaccettature; infine la filosofia per sua stessa costituzione si rivolge al reale, determinandolo e delimitandolo, costituendolo e talvolta negandolo, eleggendo la questione del rapporto tra pensiero ed essere a sua autentica domanda guida. Il Convegno interdisciplinare del Dottorato in Studi Umanistici dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo invita alla riflessione intorno ai concetti di percezione, rappresentazione e interpretazione della realtà secondo prospettive linguistiche, letterarie e filosofiche. In ambito linguistico, l’approccio Wörter und Sachen (H. Schuchardt e R. Meringer) nei primissimi anni del ’900 ha impresso agli studi linguistici una svolta decisiva, sostenendo la necessità di non disgiungere, nelle indagini lessicali ed etimologiche, lo studio delle parole da quello delle cose e dei fatti che denotano. Con l’avvento dell’intelligenza artificiale, la lingua è coinvolta in un nuovo spazio: le parole vengono rielaborate da nuovi strumenti informatici dando vita a inedite dimensioni linguistiche fra uomo e macchina, mondo reale e virtuale. Inoltre, la presenza migrante mette in discussione lo spazio linguistico nazionale (De Mauro, 1980), ridefinendo i confini tra spazio urbano, parole, significati e identità. Le “lingue migranti”, infatti, pongono in essere la questione dell’alterità e di come i regimi di mobilità abbiano dato luogo a un nuovo spazio pubblico condiviso, che necessita di nuove strategie comunicative e di integrazione. Anche in ambito educativo vengono a crearsi nuove problematiche relative ai mutamenti linguistici e culturali che la didattica delle lingue deve affrontare, proponendo metodologie inclusive che rispondano alle esigenze degli apprendenti. Seguendo questa prospettiva, si pongono alcuni interrogativi: in che misura la lingua rappresenta una trasposizione del reale nell’immaginario collettivo e quanto incarna la visione del mondo di un determinato gruppo sociale? In che misura la lingua rispecchia l’evoluzione sociale sia nella dimensione orale che in quella scritta? Questi motivi spingono il traduttore, prima di intraprendere la traduzione di un testo dalla lingua source alla lingua cible, a scegliere quale strategia applicare: domestication vs foreignization (Venuti, 1995). A partire da queste sollecitazioni, i contributi da proporre possono esplorare, senza limitarsi ad essi, l’ambito dell’onomastica (nuova e vecchia rappresentazione verbale delle persone e dei luoghi, spazio e collettività); dell’etimologia/lessicografia (vecchi e nuovi modi per rappresentare le cose tra origine del nome e referente etnolinguistico); dell’iconimia (percorsi iconimici, legati a immagini mentali, rappresentazioni linguistiche e simboli); della testualità (lingue analogiche e lingue digitali/AI come trasposizione e orientamento della percezione della realtà); della traduzione e della didattica (metodologie e strategie innovative: come orientarsi e orientare nella contemporaneità); della filologia (analisi contrastive e comparative, diatopiche e cronologiche della rappresentazione del reale). Nel saggio del 1968 dal significativo titolo Effetto di reale, Roland Barthes si interrogava sulle descrizioni in un tessuto narrativo, attribuendo agli oggetti apparentemente privi di significato la funzione di dare una «illusione referenziale». Nella società contemporanea, la questione relativa allo studio simultaneo di parola e cosa rimane controversa in virtù della crescente tendenza alle moltiplicazioni (di senso, di prospettiva, di traiettoria). Se pensiamo ai lavori di Michele Cometa o ai più recenti scritti di Joan Fontcuberta (Contro Barthes. Saggio visivo sull’indice), «coscienti del fatto che la nostra interpretazione è sempre fallibile e che può essere migliorata, corretta, arricchita e rettificata», quello che si apre ai nostri occhi oggi è un mondo nel quale il rapporto uno a uno è soltanto il primo gradino di una lunga scalinata che tende al molteplice e all’ibridazione. Già nel ’49, in un articolo confluito poi in Auto da fé, Montale scriveva che «l’uomo dell’avvenire dovrà nascere fornito di un cervello e di un sistema nervoso del tutto diversi da quelli di cui disponiamo noi, esseri ancora tradizionali, copernicani, classici»: passando per Poema a fumetti di Buzzati, i lavori delle neoavanguardie (Niccolai, Balestrini), le nuove forme di life narratives (Mari, Ernaux, Roth) e di giornalismo (l’incontro tra graphic novel e reportage da Sacco a Zerocalcare) e di saggistica (Pajak, Trevisan), si delinea un caleidoscopio di realtà e di sue rappresentazioni che «si propongono più come una ricerca che come una meta». Con tali premesse, si accettano contributi che esplorino queste poliedriche rappresentazioni del reale nella letteratura italiana e straniera contemporanea e “ipercontemporanea”, sia da un punto di vista teorico che di analisi tematico-formale. Il problema della relazione tra interno ed esterno, rappresentazione e realtà – inizialmente tematizzato nella grecità – emerge in tutta la sua forza nella modernità, nel riassestamento ontoteologico della metafisica, divenendo con Cartesio e Leibniz prima questione fondamentale. Tale questione sopravvive poi alla svolta trascendentale kantiana, che ne risemantizza gli elementi costitutivi, e ciclicamente ritorna: come originaria scissione dello spirito (Fichte, Hegel), inganno primo (Schopenhauer, Nietzsche), epoché fenomenologica (Husserl), mondità (Heidegger), corrispondenza costitutivo-simbolica (Cassirer), reversibilità (Merleau-Ponty). A partire anche da tali suggestioni saranno accettate per la sezione di filosofia proposte che contribuiscano alla riflessione e alla discussione sul tema gettando luce, secondo diverse angolature, sulla questione essenziale dei rapporti tra soggetto-oggetto, coscienza-natura, io-mondo. –––––––––––––––– Il convegno si terrà presso le aule dell’ex Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo (edificio 12, viale delle Scienze) nelle giornate del 3, 4 e 5 Giugno 2024. Gli interessati (dottorandi e dottori di ricerca che abbiano conseguito il titolo da massimo 2 anni) potranno inviare un documento word contenente un abstract di massimo 1000 battute, 5 titoli per la bibliografia di riferimento, recapiti, affiliazione accademica e breve nota biografica (massimo 100 parole) all’indirizzo convegnoparolecose24@gmail.comentro e non oltre il 25.02.2024 specificando nell’oggetto della mail la sezione di riferimento. L’esito della selezione sarà comunicato entro il 15.03.2024. Ogni comunicazione avrà la durata di 20 minuti. È prevista la pubblicazione, in volume, di una selezione dei contributi. Per ulteriori


CfS: 12th World Shakespeare Congress (July 20 to 26, 2026)

Call for Submissions 12th World Shakespeare Congress July 20 to 26, 2026 The Twelfth World Shakespeare Congress will be held from July 20th to 26th 2026, in Verona. This will be the first time that the WSC has been held in Italy. The International Shakespeare Association invites submissions of proposals for seminars, workshops, and panels engaging some aspect of the congress theme, ‘Planetary Shakespeares’. The Local Committee is chaired by Silvia Bigliazzi and co-chaired by Emanuel Stelzer. This is the website of the WSC: For more information, click here: The Congress will foster discussion of the many ways in which Shakespeare may be conceived as ‘planetary’, reaching out to resonances with new cultural galaxies of enquiry, debate, and knowledge. It will bridge the Gutenberg print age with the flourishing of humanism and the era of the virtual and the post-human, raising questions about our own understandings of the humanities at a time of manifold crises. In addition, the Congress will provide the occasion for connecting Shakespearean studies and practices to new forms of social awareness and engagement, as well as of innovative takes on our sense of the real. It will offer several areas of debate, emphasising the relation between eco-concerns and the position of the human and post-humanity, in relation to the rise of technology, the digital and the virtual. Proposals for seminars, workshops and panels must be submitted online via the congress website. The deadline for all submissions is 15th September 2024.

CfS: 12th World Shakespeare Congress (July 20 to 26, 2026) Read More »

CfP: HOW CAN AI TRANSLATE? University of Naples Federico II (April 22-23, 2024)

 Call for Papers International Conference HOW CAN AI TRANSLATE? University of Naples Federico II April 22-23, 2024 Description The translator’s role, historically contentious and shrouded in controversy, continues to invite criticism from the very origins of translation. In the context of an increasingly globalised world, a critical examination regarding the elusive and unidentifiable role and identity of translators has long been underway (Cavaliere, 2021). Ethical dilemmas persist, centring on the translator’s (in)visibility(Venuti, 2018). Shouldthe translator adopt a domesticating approach, seamlessly assimilating into the target language, making the translated work indistinguishable? Or, on the contrary, should the translator inject foreign flavours, challenging the norms of the target language? Centuries of debates echo, and the ‘deforming tendencies’within translation fabric remain unresolved (Berman, 2021). Positionality(Munday et al., 2022) raises its own set of questions: the notion of translators as neutral communicators is challenged, with some deeming the infusion of ideologies as potentially manipulative, while others, like Tymoczko (2003), assert that translators are active participants in communication. To what extent is it ethical for translators to interject personal convictions and ideologies into the target text? Against the backdrop of ongoing cultural exchanges, linguistic diversity, and global phenomena such as trade, migration, and human rights standards, the demand for translators has surged. However, this upswing is accompanied by challenges, including the imperative to minimise translation costs and a widespread lack of awareness regarding the significance of the translation profession (Lambert & Walker, 2022). Complicating matters further is the engagement of untrained individuals from disparate fields, suchas marketing, finance, business, and education, in translation responsibilities. In addition, the digital age presents challenges in translation with Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) and Machine Translation (MT), sparking debates on their impact (Hartley, 2009; Dunne & Dunne, 2011; Jiménez-Crespo, 2013). Tools such as Translation Memory (TM) enhance efficiency, and the ascent of Artificial Intelligence (AI), exemplified by ChatGPT, raises questions, fostering discussions on the ‘human-like’quality of machine-translated texts and distinctions between Human Translation (HT) and MT. The development of CAT, MT, and TM tools relies on corpus-based methods, providingempirical linguistic evidence as well assupplyingquantitative data and rigour that intuition alone cannot attain. In view of this, corpus-assisted strategies, first advocated by Sinclair (1987), constitute a relatively new instrument in the world of translation, thus signifyinga “new paradigm in translation studies” (Laviosa, 1998). The alignment of source and target text in parallel/comparablecorpora enables to contrastan original text againstits translated counterpart, offeringvaluable insights into the varied ways in which distinct linguistic communities articulate and interpret the same underlying discursive phenomenon. In light of the issues hitherto raised, the conference aims to investigatehow contemporary translation can navigate the intricate intersection of ethical considerations, digital advancements and the evolving demands of a globalised world to redefine the boundaries anditsimpact on cross-linguistic communication. This call for papers extends an invitation for contributions spanning a wide array of themes, including, but not limited to: Submission of abstracts Authors wishing to submit their contribution are invited to send an abstract of their proposed paper of no more than 3 50 words (excluding references) in MS Word format by 1 st March 2024 to Flavia Cavaliere )), Luisa Marino and Fabio Cangero Important dates Deadline for abstracts: March 1 , 2024 Notification of acceptance: March 15, 2024 Conference dates: April 22-23, 2024 Submission Guidelines Proposals must exhibit a clear and organi s ed structure, featuring theoretical and methodolog ical contributions that emphasi s e the innovative elements of the proposed research. Analyses should distinctly outline the objectives , materials, theoretical and methodological approach ( and anticipated outcomes. The APA citation style should be employed for references. Electronicsubmissions are to be sent adopting the template provided via email to, and , accompanied by a cover letter detailing the author s name, affiliation, contact information and contribution title. Scientific Committee Lucia Abbamonte (University of Naples Parthenope) Raffaella Antinucci (University of Naples Parthenope) Giuseppe Balirano (University of Naples L’Orientale) Flavia Cavaliere (University of Naples Federico II) Delia Chiaro (University of Bologna) Jorge Diaz Cintas (University College London UK) David Katan (University of Lecce) Silvia Osman (University of Bucharest) Irene Ranzato (Sapienza University of Rome) Maria Grazia Sindoni (University of Messina) Tania Zulli (“G. D’Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara) Organising Committee Fabio Cangero (University of Naples Federico II) Paolo Donadio (University of Naples Federico II) Federico Gaspari (University of Naples Federico II) Walter Giordano (University of Naples Federico II) Luisa Marino (University of Naples Federico II) Cristina Pennarola (University of Naples Federico II) Sole Alba Zollo (University of Naples Federico II) References Berman, A., 2021, Translation and the Trials of the Foreign, translated by Venuti, L., in Venuti, L. (ed.) The Translation Studies Reader, 4th edition, Routledge: London and New York, pp. 247-60. Cavaliere, F., 2021, “L’Identità del Traduttore: Una, Nessuna, Centomila”, in Traduttologia: Rivista di Interpretazione e Traduzione, vol. 12, n. 23–24, pp. 45–75. Dunne, K., Dunne. E., 2011, Translation and Localization Project Management: The Art of the Possible , Amsterdam and Philadelphia, PA: John. Hartley, A., 2009, Technology and Translation, in Munday, J. (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Translation Studies, Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 106 27. Jiménez Crespo, M., 2013, Translation and Web Localization, London and New York: Lambert, J., Walker, C. 2022, “Because Were Worth It: Disentangling Freelance Translation, Status, and Rate Setting in the United Kingdom”, in Translation Spaces, vol. 11, n. 2, pp. 277 302. Laviosa, S., 1998, “The Corpus Based Approach: A New Paradigm in Translation Studies”, in Meta, vol. 13, n. 4, pp. 474- 9. Munday, J., Pinto, S. R., Blakesley, J., 2022, Introducing Translation Studies: Theories And Applications, London and New York: Sinclair, J., 1987, Looking Up: An Account of the COBUILD Project in Lexical Computing, London: Collins. Tymoczko, M., 2003, Ideology and the Position of the Translator: In What Sense is a Translator “in between”?, in Pérez, M. C., (ed.) Apropos of Ideology: Translation Studies on Ideologies in Translation Studies, pp. 181 201. Venuti, L., 2018, The Translator’s Invisibility: A History of Translation, London

CfP: HOW CAN AI TRANSLATE? University of Naples Federico II (April 22-23, 2024) Read More »

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