
Insediamento nuovo Consiglio Direttivo

Il 20 settembre 2023 alle ore 17.30 si è insediato il nuovo Consiglio Direttivo dell’Associazione Italiana di Anglistica. Sono presenti i/le Proff. Giuseppe Balirano, Paola Catenaccio, Manuela D’Amore, Massimiliano Demata, Bruna Mancini, Marilena Parlati, Irene Ranzato. Con decisione unanime, il prof. Giuseppe Balirano assume la carica di Presidente dell’Associazione Italiana di Anglistica per il biennio 2023-25. Il Direttivo designa, inoltre, quale Vice-Presidente la prof.ssa Marilena Parlati. Sempre all’unanimità è designato come Segretario-Tesoriere il prof. Massimiliano Demata.

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CfP: Metamorphoses and Fluidity: Ever-Changing Shapes in the Stream of Time, ‘Tor Vergata’ University of Rome, 7-8 May, 2024

Metamorphoses and Fluidity: Ever-Changing Shapes in the Stream of Time Tor Vergata University of Rome 7-8 May, 2024 “Omnia mutantur, nihil interit. Everything changes, nothing perishes” (Ovid, Metamorphoses) “For some reason, the tall, empty room where he was forced to remain made him feel uneasy as he lay there flat on the floor, even though he had been living in it for five years” (Kafka, The Metamorphosis) Prominent theoretical issues and practices in contemporary Western intellectual cultures have made metamorphosis a desirable area for scholarly study, as the topic is frequently juxtaposed or linked with something that is not only “other”. Metamorphosis, however, not only questions the distinctions between the subject and its “other” or between language and nonlanguage; it also raises issues of definition. As a result, many studies focused on the concept of metamorphosis emphasize epistemological and ontological issues pertaining to the subject’s interaction with the outside world and other people as well as the subject’s understanding of both the subject and the outside world. Another topic that has received much attention in recent studies is metamorphosis as a tropological issue. One of the most frequently made assertions regarding the tropological status of metamorphosis is that it draws from a variety of trope categories, particularly metaphor and metonymy, and yet, as a representation of a startling and seemingly miraculous change, it is also capable of playing with the line between the literal and figurative. The paradoxical nature of the metamorphosis theme further exacerbates issues with subjectivity, how it is portrayed in literary characters, and the connection between textuality and knowledge. The fourth edition of the biannual conference organized by the Research Group TrAdE (Translation and Adaptation from/into English) seeks to explore how translation and adaptation deal with ever-changing literary and linguistic shapes in the stream of time. TrAdE’s first conference was focused on words as they move from one linguo-cultural system to another, serving as means for connection and contact. The second conference addressed the issue of contamination and contagion resulting from linguo-cultural contact in Anglophone scenarios. For its third conference, the Research Group delved into alterity in the translation and adaptation of Anglophone (con)texts. The fourth transdisciplinary Conference shall be focused on (but not limited to) the following topics: Metamorphosis/Fluidity in Education and (Social) Media; Metamorphosis/Fluidity in Art(s), Music, Movies and TV Series; Metamorphosis/Fluidity in Language, Literature, Linguistics and Translation; Metamorphosis/Fluidity of Style(s) and Genre(s); Panels/Abstracts Submission Proposals for individual presentations (approximately 200 words) should include the name and contact information of the speaker, their affiliation and a 50-word bionote. Proposals for panels (maximum 500 words) should include the name and contact information of the chairperson, the abstract of each presenter (approximately 200 words) and their bionote. Please send panels and/or individual proposals to: Deadline for proposals: December 15, 2023 Notification of acceptance: January 7, 2024 Fees Early bird (before February 7, 2024) = € 60 Standard registration (before May 1, 2024) = € 80 On-site registration will NOT be available. Further info on registration and payment will be posted on TrAdE site in October ( Confirmed keynote speakers: Professor Frederic Chaume Varela (Universitat Jaume I, Spain) Professor Cristiano Furiassi (University of Turin, Italy) Download the pdf Scientific Committee Silvia Antosa, Paolo Bugliani, Mehmet Ali Çelikel, Frederic Chaume Varela, Cristiano Furiassi, Daniela Guardamagna, Giulia Magazzù, Bootheina Majoul, Bruna Mancini, Elisabetta Marino, Theodora Patrona, Eriola Qafzezi, Valentina Rossi, Rossana Sebellin, Angela Sileo, Anikó Sohár, Saverio Tomaiuolo. Metamorphoses and Fluidity (OPEN)

CfP: Metamorphoses and Fluidity: Ever-Changing Shapes in the Stream of Time, ‘Tor Vergata’ University of Rome, 7-8 May, 2024 Read More »

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