
“After Shock: New Perspectives in Literary Studies and Linguistics” (Sapienza University of Rome, 10th & 11th June 2024)

“After Shock: New Perspectives in Literary Studies and Linguistics” Sapienza University of Rome, 10th & 11th June 2024   Email address: Website:

“After Shock: New Perspectives in Literary Studies and Linguistics” (Sapienza University of Rome, 10th & 11th June 2024) Read More »

AIA Seminar Series: LGBTQ+ and Feminist Digital Activism: A Linguistic Perspective

In this video of the AIA Interviews series, Nicol Ellecosta sits down with Angela Zottola to discuss her latest book, “LGBTQ+ and Feminist Digital Activism: A Linguistic Perspective”

AIA Seminar Series: LGBTQ+ and Feminist Digital Activism: A Linguistic Perspective Read More »

Alessandro Serpieri Lecture: Thursday 23 May at 11 am

Alessandro Serpieri Lecture Thursday 23 May at 11 am Emma Smith (Hertford College, Oxford) will hold the second Alessandro Serpieri Lecture on Thursday 23 May at 11 am (Italian time) in Biblioteca Frinzi (Verona) and on Zoom. The lecture is organised by Silvia Bigliazzi, Fernando Cioni, and Rocco Coronato. Prof. Smith’s lecture is entitled “Who Wrote Pericles? Shakespeare and Authorship in the 21st Century” and will be preceded by a conversation (with Silvia Bigliazzi and Emanuel Stelzer) on her book Portable Magic. For attendance via Zoom write to:

Alessandro Serpieri Lecture: Thursday 23 May at 11 am Read More »

CfP: International Conference Marginalities/Marginalità (Tor Vergata University of Rome, 9-11 October 2024)

International Conference Marginalities/Marginalità (Tor Vergata University of Rome, 9-11 October 2024) After the Inaugural Symposium held at the University of Calabria in 2022, the research group Margini/Margins is pleased to announce its International Conference Marginalities/Marginalità. Whilst the former gathered momentum with questions of spatiality, the latter hinges on the broader quality or state of being marginal across the Humanities. In this sense, directors C. Bruna Mancini (Unical) and Elisabetta Marino (Uniroma2) wish to foster interdisciplinary dialogue by investigating marginality through four thematic areas (e.g. gender and animal studies), which seek to grasp its multifaceted nature, thus enhancing the need for the plural form ‘marginalities’. Proposals for individual presentations, in either English or Italian, must be submitted by 10 July2024, to the following email address: For more information, please visit our website:

CfP: International Conference Marginalities/Marginalità (Tor Vergata University of Rome, 9-11 October 2024) Read More »

AIA Seminar Series: Research Approaches to English Literary, Linguistic and Cultural Studies – YouTube

AIA Seminar Series: Research Approaches to English Literary, Linguistic and Cultural Studies – YouTube E’ online sul nostro canale YouTube il video dell’incontro seminariale per dottorande e dottorandi che si è tenuto a Catania il 12 aprile 2024. Con gli interventi di: — Mariagrazia Nicolosi (Università di Catania): Literary/Cultural Studies: Patterns and Practices — Marianna Zummo (Università di Palermo): Digital Interactional Grounds and Ideologies — Chiara Sciarrino (Università di Palermo): Irish Studies: Research Approaches and Data Collection Today — Marco Venuti (Università di Catania): A Path to a Successful Career. Critical Metaphor Analysis and Neoliberal Academia

AIA Seminar Series: Research Approaches to English Literary, Linguistic and Cultural Studies – YouTube Read More »

International Conference: «Food x Language: Adapting and representing food across media and genres in English and in Spanish/Lengua y comida: adaptaciones y representaciones de la comida a través de los medios de comunicación y de los géneros textuales en inglés y español» (Venice, 17-18 October 2024)

International Conference «Food x Language: Adapting and representing food across media and genres in English and in Spanish/Lengua y comida: adaptaciones y representaciones de la comida a través de los medios de comunicación y de los géneros textuales en inglés y español» (Venice, 17-18 October 2024) Sala B – Ca’ Bernardo – “Ca’ Foscari” University of Venice The Organising Committee is happy to present the International Conference on “Food x Language: adapting and representing food across media and genres in English and in Spanish” (“Lengua y comida: adaptaciones y representaciones de la comida a través de los medios de comunicación y de los géneros textuales en inglés y español”). The event will take place on 17th and 18th October 2024 in Ca’ Bernardo, one the buildings hosting the Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.   Call for Papers Food is an important means for human societies not only because it provides nutrition but also for its socializing function. The rituals accompanying its preparation and consumption have always favoured social bonding in any kind of human civilization. However, the participants in communication about food and the ways in which this form of communication happens vary according to several factors, which include gender and age of the participants as well as their role and status in society as well as the reciprocal relations they have with the other members of a specific group. Traditionally, communication about food has happened asynchronously through printed material, however, new technologies and – in recent years – social media have introduced a new element of interaction that has changed the way in which food and foodways are narrated and constantly remediated between individuals and social groups.   The two-day conference seeks to bring together scholars who conduct their research on food-related communication. The focus of the conference is communication involving English and Spanish, either alone or in a contrastive perspective. Particularly welcome are contributions that investigate the communicative strategies and dynamics through which cultural elements connected to food-related communication in these two languages and cultures are adapted using several media and genres through which food is narrated and represented. Socio-linguistic, socio-cultural, multimodal, and linguistic approaches are especially welcome.Therefore, we invite contributions addressing the main conference theme as well as relating to the following specific themes: Proposals should be sent no later than 30th June 2024 as email attachments in .doc, .docx, or .rtf format. Abstracts should be in either English or Spanish and should be no longer than 300 words (references included). Prospective participants should also provide a short bio note (no longer than 100 words).Emails should be sent to – object of the email: “CONFERENCE FOOD X LANGUAGE/LENGUA Y COMIDA – ABSTRACT PROPOSAL”. Plenary speakers   Committees Organising committee Scientific committee English component Spanish component Contacts

International Conference: «Food x Language: Adapting and representing food across media and genres in English and in Spanish/Lengua y comida: adaptaciones y representaciones de la comida a través de los medios de comunicación y de los géneros textuales en inglés y español» (Venice, 17-18 October 2024) Read More »

English for Tourism Discourse. A Focus on Translation Practice (Università di Palermo, 8 and 15 May 2024)

The cycle of seminars which will be held by Eleonora Federici and Cinzia Spinzi on the language of tourism and translation practices at the University of Palermo aims to offer an overview of the relationship between Tourismand Translation Studies, as well to investigate the difficulties translators may face when dealing with culture-specific terms. A corpus of texts belonging to different genres is explored within the context of intercultural communication and mediation by also highlighting the role of metaphors in the creation of tourist text types and their transfer within translation settings.

English for Tourism Discourse. A Focus on Translation Practice (Università di Palermo, 8 and 15 May 2024) Read More »

AlA Brixen 2024 A Linguistic Lens on Narratives in Professional Settings 16-18 May 2024​

AlA Brixen 2024A Linguistic Lens on Narratives in Professional Settings16-18 May 2024 Conference for the Italian Association for the Study of English (AIA) organised by the Faculty of Education of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano PLENARY SPEAKERS Paola Catenaccio (University of Milan) Alexandra Georgakopoulou (King’s College London) Camilla Vasquez (University of South Florida) PROGRAMME LOCAL SCIENTIFIC AND ORGANISING COMMITTEE Maria Cristina Gatti (chair), Martina Irsara, Cecilia Lazzeretti, Graham Burton, Francesca Vitali and Laura Narisano CONTACTS

AlA Brixen 2024 A Linguistic Lens on Narratives in Professional Settings 16-18 May 2024​ Read More »

Ciclo di seminari su Multimodality and Identity Representation – Università degli Studi di Palermo (2 maggio e 23 maggio 2024)

Ciclo di seminari su:Multimodality and Identity Representationorganizzato da: Ester Gendusa (RTDA – Dip. Scienze Umanistiche)Università degli Studi di Palermo – 2 maggio e 23 maggio 2024 Aula Magna, Ed. 12 – Viale delle Scienze, Palermo. 2 maggio 2024 EMILIA DI MARTINO (Professoressa ordinaria di Lingua inglese, Università Suor Orsola Benincasa, Napoli) The Semiotic Construction of Chavettes as Working- Class Folk Devils 23 maggio 2024GIUSEPPE BALIRANO (Professore ordinario di Lingua inglese, Università L’Orientale, Napoli – Presidente AIA) Masculinity and Representation: A Multimodal Approach to Male Identity Construction

Ciclo di seminari su Multimodality and Identity Representation – Università degli Studi di Palermo (2 maggio e 23 maggio 2024) Read More »

CfP “Cross-Media Languages. Applied Research, Digital Tools and Methodologies” (E-ISSN: 2974-8933)

È attiva la Call for Papers per il terzo fascicolo della rivista “Cross-Media Languages. Applied Research, Digital Tools and Methodologies” (E-ISSN: 2974-8933), consultabile all’indirizzo: La rivista, soggetta a revisione a doppio cieco, esplora le intersezioni tra ricerca, riflessione critica e sperimentazione didattica delle potenzialità applicative di strumenti e metodologie digitali nell’ambito della formazione linguistica, e privilegia un’ottica plurilingue. Essa si pone come luogo di confronto e dibattito secondo una cifra che è l’intersezione tra riflessione critica e sperimentazione applicativa, contaminazione tra tradizione e innovazione metodologica, con particolare riferimento alle potenzialità del digitale, in una prospettiva interdisciplinare e transmediale. Data di invio delle proposte corredate da abstract: 15 giugno 2024. Il fascicolo n. 3 (2025) uscirà nella primavera del 2025. Il secondo fascicolo (2024) è online e consultabile al link: Accanto alla sezione “Saggi – Essays”, il numero ripropone la sezione “Esperienze didattiche – Teaching practice” che presenta report di sperimentazioni didattiche innovative. Per maggiori informazioni:

CfP “Cross-Media Languages. Applied Research, Digital Tools and Methodologies” (E-ISSN: 2974-8933) Read More »

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