Past AIA Conferences

XXXI AIA Conference – 13-16 September 2023 – Università della Calabria

XXXI AIA Conference Rende, Cosenza, 13 -16 September 2023 CALL FOR PANELS – Deadline extension  Future Horizons:New Beginnings in English Studies The horizon leans forwardOffering you space to place new steps of change‘On the Pulse of Morning’, Maya Angelou When the Covid-19 pandemic rapidly and unexpectedly spread across the globe in February 2020 and the world we used to know suddenly came to a halt, many of us felt suspended in time and confined in space, the only glimpse of the horizon being the view from our windows. We turned into Proserpina-like creatures waiting for the long winter to come to an end and restrictions to be lifted. The cycles of lockdowns projected us backwards – our previous lives becoming a bittersweet memory for many – and forwards – the anticipations of the future to come, new beginnings that for some equalled the so-called new normal (an issue of Textus was significantly devoted to this topic in 2021) and for others was an act of intellectual creativity and imagination. Indeed, our present was – and still is – a time of change, conflict, resistance, resilience, vulnerability, survival, and hope. As scholars and academics, our way of teaching, doing research, studying and ultimately working was directly and deeply affected by the pandemic. This resulted in an impelling need for a critical re-thinking of our privileged lives, our disciplines and the whole university system. Today, more than two years after that watershed moment, we are still staring at the horizon, which – in Maya Angelou’s words – “leans forward [and offers] new steps of change”. Such transformations reverberate and bring new awareness into the way we critically look at the linguistic and literary phenomena not only of our present but also our distant and/or recent past, both in terms of the cultural production of writers and artists, performers and storytellers, and the language used to communicate, translate and discursively construe the world around us. This is even more so in the English-speaking world and especially in English Studies, as testified to by the adoption of new theoretical paradigms and the introduction of methodological innovations which has gone hand in hand with a redefinition of academia that promotes inclusivity and interdisciplinarity in order to decolonise Eurocentric epistemological models and offer cutting-edge educational programmes.  As an association, AIA has fostered the dissemination of interdisciplinary knowledge and competences since its very foundation. Over the years, its conferences have been a space where Italian angliste and anglisti could experiment and innovate (Catania 2022), think out of the box (Padua 2019), and explore the notions of complexity, creativity and conventionality (Pisa 2017), just to mention some recent meetings. For its 31st edition, which will be held at the University of Calabria on September 13-16, 2023, the AIA Conference welcomes panel proposals that examine and navigate the complexities of our past, present and future times, aiming to becomean arena where steps of change can be taken in English Studies, both from a theoretical, methodological and thematic perspective. Through Seminars and Poster presentations, the different souls of the Association –Language and Linguistics, Literary, Cultural and Translation Studies – will be staring at the horizon again, leaning forward and being willing to take English Studies in Italy to new beginnings.  The local organising committee looks forward to welcoming you to the 31st Conference that will focus on “Future Horizons: New Beginnings in English Studies”. Call for Panels AIA members are invited to submit proposals for panels on any subject within the major fields of research (language and linguistics, literature, culture, translation). Proposals with a 200/250-word description should be submitted jointly by two Convenors from different Universities to the Academic Programme Committee ( by 30 march 2023. Notification of acceptance will be given by 10 April 2023. Call for Papers The full list of Panels with outlines and contact addresses of Convenors will be published in March 2023. Abstracts of 200/250 words should be submitted directly to the Convenors of the targeted Panels by 15 June 2023. Deadline for Panels proposals by Convenors: 30 march 2023 Notification of acceptance to Convenors by Academic Committee: 10 April 2023 Publication of list of Panels and Convenors’ contact addresses: 15 April 2023 Deadline for submission of abstracts for individual papers: 15 June 2023 Notification of acceptance by Convenors: 30 June 2023 Please note that: – Panels will include from a minimum of three to a maximum of five speakers (presentations of max 20 minutes); – AIA members may give only one presentation at the conference (this applies both to single-author and co-authored presentations). Posters Posters are to be devoted to research-in-progress and project presentations. Abstracts of 200/250 words should be sent to the Academic Programme Committee ( by 15 June 2023. Notification of acceptance will be given by 30 June 2023. Link: Sito AIA XXXI: Gruppo Facebook:

XXXI AIA Conference – 13-16 September 2023 – Università della Calabria Read More »

AIA30 Conference – 15/17 September 2022

AIA30 ConferenceExperiment and innovation: branching forwards and backwardsUniversity of Catania, Department of Human Sciences15-17 September 2022 I read some history: it is suddenly all alive, branching forwards and backwardsVirginia Stephen, 1903 Over forty years have passed since the first AIA national Conference was held in Rome, on 27th-29th April 1978. On that occasion Giorgio Melchiori presented the Association’s objective: “saggiare il livello scientifico raggiunto dalla ricerca nel campo dell’anglistica in Italia” [“to test the academic level achieved by research in the field of English Studies in Italy”]. In a radically changed University – “l’Università di massa” of the 1970s – the newly born Associazione Italiana di Anglistica set out to study the relationship between research and teaching, and to discuss, in Melchiori’s words, “il ruolo dell’anglista in una nuova Università, ossia la metodologia e la politica della ricerca” [“the role of the English Studies scholar in a new University, namely the methodology and the politics of research”].These words still resonate today. In 2001 the University of Catania hosted the twentieth AIA Conference – poignantly titled Rites of Passage – and now we have a further opportunity to look back to our past, reflect on the state of the art, and look forward to the future of English studies in Italy.On the exciting occasion of the AIA30 Conference, it seems particularly relevant to bring today’s sharpened awareness of the methodology and politics of research to the contexts of a profoundly changed academia and a radically altered post-Brexit geopolitical situation.The theme of that first AIA Conference in 1978 was “experiment and innovation”: in 2022 we would like to invite AIA members to pick up on that same challenge by contributing to the scholarly conversation in all broad areas of research – literature, culture and language – through Seminars and Poster presentations.The local organising committee looks forward to welcoming you to the AIA30 Conference in Catania, from 15th to 17th September 2022.

AIA30 Conference – 15/17 September 2022 Read More »

AIA Pre-Conference Symposium for Early-Career Researchers

AIA Pre-Conference Symposium for Early-Career Researchers CALL FOR PAPERS L’Associazione Italiana di Anglistica ha, tra i suoi obiettivi primari, quello di promuovere e incoraggiare gli studi di anglistica in Italia, sostenendo e coordinando la ricerca scientifica in questo settore e facilitando i contatti tra gli studiosi a livello nazionale e internazionale. Strumento principe a tal fine è il convegno che l’Associazione organizza con cadenza biennale ogni volta in un diverso ateneo, un evento che forse rappresenta il principale punto di convergenza degli studiosi di anglistica e offre un’importante occasione d’incontro, confronto e dibattito tra accademici nelle tre principali aree di ricerca rappresentate dall’Associazione: Letteratura, Cultura e Lingua. Ispirandosi a esperienze internazionali ormai consolidate come, ad esempio, l’ESSE Doctoral Symposium, l’AIA Pre-Conference Symposium for Early-Career Researchers vuole contribuire alle finalità scientifiche dell’Associazione creando un momento aperto a tutti, ma dedicato particolarmente ai ricercatori accademicamente giovani iscritti all’Associazione, e cioè dottorandi, dottori di ricerca e assegnisti di ricerca. Lo scopo del Simposio è quello di promuovere la riflessione sui temi che i giovani ricercatori indagano nei singoli atenei creando uno spazio istituzionale di confronto e discussione, un’occasione per condividere informazioni, idee, approcci, scoperte e risultati relativi alla propria attività di ricerca in corso o svolta. Il Simposio, che sarà aperto da un intervento di rappresentanti dell’AIA e dell’Ateneo ospitante, si articolerà in tavole rotonde in cui i giovani studiosi illustreranno le loro ricerche con presentazioni della durata di cinque minuti. A queste presentazioni individuali seguiranno sessioni di discussione, domande e risposte, coordinate dai giovani referenti di area e da rappresentanti dell’AIA. Questo momento di confronto sarà reso particolarmente proficuo dal fatto che ciascun partecipante sarà invitato a condividere la propria relazione con tutti gli altri prima del Simposio, così da stimolare e favorire domande puntuali e riflessioni meditate. I referenti di area proporranno infine delle osservazioni conclusive che possano fungere da sintesi delle sessioni, così da mostrare le prospettive di ricerca dell’anglistica contemporanea nel suo insieme e, al contempo, favorire una disseminazione costruttiva e interdisciplinare dei saperi. Sul fondamento di questa progettualità, la prima edizione del Simposio si svolgerà presso l’Università degli Studi di Padova il pomeriggio del 4 settembre 2019, giorno precedente l’inizio del convegno nazionale, dalle ore 14:15 alle ore 18:30, secondo il programma seguente: 14.15-14.30 Saluti di benvenuto 14.30-17.30 Relazioni e discussioni di gruppo 17.30-18.30 Osservazioni conclusive Modalità di partecipazione: Rispondendo a questa Call for Papers, pubblicata tramite i consueti canali AIA, i giovani studiosi iscritti all’Associazione che rientrano nelle categorie sopradescritte sono invitati a presentare una relazione (anche schematica) di ca 500 parole che descriva la loro ricerca, con particolare riferimento all’inquadramento teorico-metodologico, all’attività analitica e ai risultati attesi o ottenuti. L’abstract, corredato dei dati personali (nome, sede accademica, ruolo, email), va inviato a entro il 31 marzo 2019. P.S.: Ovviamente, la partecipazione al pre-conference symposium non impedisce ai partecipanti di presentare una proposta di paper per il Convegno AIA vero e proprio. Organizzatori / Rappresentanti di area Lingua Silvia Pettini (Università degli Studi Roma Tre) Francesca Raffi (Università degli Studi di Macerata) Gianmarco Vignozzi (Università di Pisa) Letteratura Paolo Bugliani (Università di Pisa) Camilla Caporicci (Università degli Studi di Padova) Emanuel Stelzer (Università degli Studi di Bergamo) Cultura Barbara Franchi (Newcastle University) Alessia Polatti (Università degli Studi di Verona) Ilaria Villa (Università degli Studi di Milano)

AIA Pre-Conference Symposium for Early-Career Researchers Read More »

*** AIA CONFERENCE *** Padova, 5-7 September 2019

*** AIA CONFERENCE *** Padova, 5-7 September 2019 Thinking out of the Box in Language, Literature, Cultural and Translation Studies: Questioning Assumptions, Debunking Myths, Trespassing Boundaries “Thinking out of the Box” is a powerful metaphor, one that challenges us to consider possibilities previously not even imagined, and to extend our vision – of the world and ourselves – to include alternative, complementary, or even contrasting perspectives. It means engaging in self-reflective, creative and/or lateral thinking, beyond what is obvious or commonplace, or even implicit in what we say and do. Most of all, it means becoming aware of the existence of “the box” (i.e. what we take for granted and how this conditions our conduct) and also being willing to question the validity of our convictions so as to expand our knowledge. It does not mean being innovative at all costs or for its own sake – in fact, it may mean going back to old practices. Rather, it requires the humility to pose “simple” questions meant to ascertain the accuracy of commonly held beliefs and taking stock of the findings. Thinking out of the box is an act of the imagination that brings new insights into our values and cultural assumptions, and an act of courage pushing us away from our comfort zone. At this AIA conference we ask colleagues to be bold and curious enough to open the door of their scholarly “box” and to explore the research space around it on a quest for evidence of what we assume or claim we already know. We ask them to be non-conformist, generating ideas that may challenge prevailing practices and beliefs; to dare to cross the boundaries of their sub-disciplines, interacting with scholars from neighbouring fields; and to try out something “unfashionable” that is not guaranteed to succeed, be understood or be well-received in order to pursue knowledge. 1. Language Workshop CALL FOR PAPERS Thinking out of the Box in Language Studies – in linguistic, language teaching and translation studies – may involve relabelling phenomena and concepts; investigating familiar communicative practices through novel methods; checking whether the concepts we use are suitable for describing the phenomena we study; determining to what extent our claims and assumptions are supported by the evidence available; and exploring approaches that are sometimes claimed to have reached the limits of their potential. Thinking out of the box may also be considered in terms of innovation, creativity, a rethinking of attitudes and approaches, and even a ‘daring’ return to theories and practices that may have been swept aside in the drive to move ever forward. For this reason, analyses are also welcome to take a historical /diachronic approach to different genres. Topics that could be addressed in this domain include but are not limited to the following: Comparing and contrasting (the accuracy of) definitions of key concepts. Challenging old and new trends in English language and translation teaching (e.g. cooperative learning, competitive learning, rote-learning, drills, creativity, project-based learning, curriculum-centred learning). Cutting edge cognitive approaches to phonology, morphology, semantics, syntax, pragmatics/discourse and interpreting/translation. Standard and non-standard approaches to English language and translation testing. Language/translation learning and soft skills development. Metalinguistic awareness. Gender in linguistics, language teaching and translation. Student perceptions of language learning and teaching practices. Emerging real-world settings, goals and materials. Proficiency, translanguaging and engagement in English-medium instruction. Corpora in linguistics, language teaching and translation. World Englishes, ELF and ‘standards’ of English. Convergence-divergence of theories, practices and findings in linguistics, language teaching and translation. Literature and linguistic description, language learning and translation practices. Exploring aspects of register and genre in linguistics, language teaching and translation. Challenging established research methods and developing innovative research practice. Describing, teaching and translating cross-linguistic verbal and non-verbal behaviour. Alternative approaches to media in linguistics, language teaching and translation. Convenors: Katherine Ackerley Marina Dossena Sara Gesuato Stefania Maci Maria Teresa Musacchio Giuseppe Palumbo We will take into consideration both proposals for individual papers and for panels (3-4 participants). Proposals for each individual paper should be approx. 400 words long. Please send also a 200-word bio for each participant. Please send your proposal by 31 March 2019 to: Maria Teresa Musacchio 2. Literature Workshop CALL FOR PAPERS Thinking out of the Box in Literary Studies means rethinking, finding new approaches, challenging not only assessments on individual authors or works, but sometimes the very structure of our approach to literature. This perspective prompts a number of large-scale questions on the scope of English literature in relation to the wider frame of literatures in English. It also invites us to reassess our own remit as scholars, prompting us to interrogate the very notion of literature as system and, by extension, even our very notions of the literary and literariness. The 2017 AIA Conference (‘Worlds of Words: Complexity, Creativity, and Conventionality in English Language, Literature and Culture’) focused on the dichotomy of convention and creativity, and thus constitutes an excellent starting point for the discussion to which the 2019 Conference invites the scholarly community. We may start with the issue of canonization, the most obvious ‘box’ for literary studies. It is an immensely helpful and equally dangerous tool, which demands adherence to general rules, striving to fit each individual writer to a norm. Often, challenges to the canon, whether they come from feminist, Marxist, postmodern, or new historicist studies, have resulted in the creation of an alternative canon. In this conference we seek to interrogate canonicity itself: by looking at case studies, critical schools, influential anxieties and maverick figures, we intend to explore the tensions between creativity, old and new conventions, critical clichés. World Literature interrogates the possibility of a national canon, and asks us to look, instead, at book circulation, reception, translation, and adaptation. As we move away from the idea of national literature (based on the conventional equation ‘one nation: one language’) and towards transnational or world literature, literary genres acquire new centrality. The recent insistence on categories such as the global novel underlines this concept, but we may find this

*** AIA CONFERENCE *** Padova, 5-7 September 2019 Read More »

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