PhD students

AIA FOR PHDS – “Life after the PhD”

*****AIA FOR PHDS***** Facendo seguito alle richieste che ci sono venute da dottorande/i e young researchers incontrate dal Direttivo AIA in diverse sedi (Catania, Milano, Napoli, Roma, Torino), abbiamo organizzato un evento online di informazione e orientamento sulle opportunità di ricerca post-dottorato: Life after the PhD. Incontro informativo e di orientamento organizzato dall’AIA sulle prospettive di ricerca post-doc in Anglistica L’incontro si terrà martedì 11 giugno, a partire dalle 14:45 sulla piattaforma Cisco Webex. Parteciperanno: Dr Lucia Salto, Project Coordinator Career Development Facilitator and Career Tracking Expert. Università di Torino Dr Svetlana Dimitrova, Euraxess Borsiste/i Marie Curie Ci aspettiamo un dialogo proficuo tra relatrici, dottorande/i e young researchers per approfondire le varie opportunità di ricerca. All’incontro potranno partecipare esclusivamente soci/e dell’AIA. Vi aspettiamo numerose/i!

AIA FOR PHDS – “Life after the PhD” Read More »

AIA Summer School – “Place, Space, and Identity in the Anglophone World: Linguistic, Literary, and Cultural Insights” (9-12 July 2024, Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara)

AIA Summer School Place, Space, and Identity in the Anglophone World: Linguistic, Literary, and Cultural Insights 9-12 July 2024 Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara The summer school in “Place, Space, and Identity in the Anglophone World: Linguistic, Literary, and Cultural Insights” aims to bring together students and early-career researchers and develop knowledge, methodologies, and new perspectives on the complex relationship between space, place, and identity. The evolving global scenario calls for a redefinition of temporal and spatial dimensions in terms of cosmopolitan, transnational, and transcultural practices. These, in turn, contribute to shaping new identities that are characterized by evolution and fluidity. People negotiate their relationships with the environments and the communities inscribing their identities onto physical spaces imbued with power dynamics, socio-economic factors, and cultural memory. Within this framework, the summer school intends to develop relevant theoretical approaches to investigate identity construction at the intersection of linguistic, literary, and cultural studies. The aim is to provide a forum to explore the multifaceted dialogue between space, place, and identity, and their mutual influences. Lectures and seminars will explore how – language engages with the pragmatic and discursive construction of space-place relationships in transnational contexts and their identitarian implications; – literature delves into the complexities of individual experience and amplifies marginalized voices, shedding light on the intersection of identity construction and categorization; – the agency of individuals and communities negotiates identities within spatial environments, navigating between belonging and exclusion, rootedness and mobility. More detailed information regarding the AIA Summer School, including sessions, speakers, and registration details, will be made available shortly. Please stay tuned for updates as the organising committee finalises these details.  

AIA Summer School – “Place, Space, and Identity in the Anglophone World: Linguistic, Literary, and Cultural Insights” (9-12 July 2024, Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara) Read More »


The next Board meetings with PhD candidates will take place in Turin (December 2023), Naples (January 2024), Milan (February 2024), Rome (March 2024). In this first operational phase since its inauguration, the Board has consulted repeatedly to define the strategic lines to be prioritised. Among all the issues that have emerged, one seemed to us to be of fundamental importance: to focus on early-career researchers, supporting them in their academic progression and involving them in the projects and activities of our Association thereby encouraging them to increasingly play a role in it. Among the initiatives we intend to promote is the establishment of routine meetings where doctoral students can discuss their projects with their peers and with senior scholars – first and foremost the members of the Executive Board, but in fact, ideally, any AIA member willing to participate. Our idea is to propose a series of meetings in which PhD students and their mentors can meet to share and discuss research topics primarily, but also broader disciplinary issues and career prospects. We propose to organise meetings at a local level (in a broad sense: we envisage a North, Centre and South subdivision) to encourage participation and at the same time reduce the economic burden. As regards the topics to be addressed and the ways in which the initiative should be articulated, we would first of all like to hear the opinions of members, and in particular of PhD students and tutors. To this end, we ask you to fill in this questionnaire The questionnaire is addressed to all AIA members, with the request that it also be circulated to fellow Anglicists who, although not yet members, have an interest in the topic.


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