
“Age.Vol.A., Ageing Volunteers Assistance”. Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, 14 ottobre 2022

Si segnala che il giorno venerdì 14 ottobre 2022, dalle ore 10:00 alle 13:00, si terrà presso l’Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Aula Magna di via Ravasi 2 a Varese, l’evento finale del progetto “Age.Vol.A., Ageing Volunteers Assistance. Multilingual tools for assisting the ageing”, finanziato dalla Fondazione Cariplo per il periodo 2018-2022 e diretto dalla prof. Alessandra Vicentini (PI, UnInsubria), in collaborazione con l’Università degli Studi di Milano (responsabile: prof. Kim Grego). Colleghi anglisti, linguisti ma anche delle scienze umane e sociali in genere sono invitati a partecipare all’evento, estendendolo anche a quanti altri fossero interessati. In caso di emergenze non prevedibili al momento, si prevedrà la possibilità, su richiesta, di collegamento da remoto.

“Age.Vol.A., Ageing Volunteers Assistance”. Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, 14 ottobre 2022 Read More »

Contra Imperium Forms of Dissent in England 1300-1700: 16-17 June 2022, Aula Magna, Chiostro di Sant’Abbondio, Como (IT)

CONTRA IMPERIUM: EXPRESSIONS OF DISSENT AND OPPOSITION TO POWER IN ENGLAND FROM THE FOURTEENTH TO THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Contra Imperium Forms of Dissent in England 1300-1700: 16-17 June 2022, Aula Magna, Chiostro di Sant’Abbondio, Como (IT) The purpose of this international conference is to examine expressions of dissent and opposition to power in England from the fourteenth to the eighteenth century. Our aim is to establish a network of researchers investigating the cultural, social and political dimensions of polemical texts. This first colloquium, which focuses on the language of dissent in England 1300-1700, will be followed by workshops at Insubria University and elsewhere on other relevant aspects of polemical writing. Keynote Speakers: Andrew Hadfield (University of Sussex) and Alessandra Petrina (Padua University) Scientific committee: Paola Baseotto (Insubria University, Italy), Omar Khalaf (Padua University, Italy), Marie-Christine Munoz-Levy (Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier 3, France) Contra Imperium: Forms of Dissent in England 1300-1700 is a in-person event, but online participation via Teams is possible too. There is no registration fee, but registration is required for in-person attendance. Please send an email to contraimperium@uninsubria.it with indication of your name, surname, and affiliation. ➡️ IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE: DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION 13 JUNE 2022

Contra Imperium Forms of Dissent in England 1300-1700: 16-17 June 2022, Aula Magna, Chiostro di Sant’Abbondio, Como (IT) Read More »

CfP: «Cross-Media Languages. Applied Research, Digital Tools and Methodologies», 1 (2023)

Cross-Media Languages. Applied Research, Digital Tools and Methodologies è una rivista accademica internazionale double-blind peer-reviewed, che esplora le intersezioni tra ricerca, riflessione critica e sperimentazione didattica delle potenzialità applicative di strumenti e metodologie digitali nell’ambito della formazione linguistica. Privilegiando un’ottica plurilingue, la rivista si interessa, inoltre, alla pubblicazione di risultati di ricerche relative all’uso del linguaggio non verbale o visivo in diversi contesti linguistico-culturali attraverso differenti generi e tipi di testo. I volumi saranno miscellanei; ma è prevista la possibilità di proporre e coordinare delle micro- sezioni tematiche che contengano almeno tre contributi scientifici di autori diversi. E’ aperta la call for papers per il primo volume. Le proposte dovranno pervenire entro il 30 giugno all’indirizzo: cml.journal@uniba.it. Per le modalità di presentazione delle proposte si può consultare la sezione “Call for papers” del sito della rivista (https://ojs.cimedoc.uniba.it/index.php/cml/pages/view/callpapers).

CfP: «Cross-Media Languages. Applied Research, Digital Tools and Methodologies», 1 (2023) Read More »

CfP: “Virginia Woolf & Simone de Beauvoir: Intersections and Resonances”, Paris, 29-30 September 2022

The international conference “Virginia Woolf & Simone de Beauvoir: Intersections and Resonances” (Paris, 29th-30th Sept 2022) aims to rethink the relationship between the two ‘mothers’ of second-wave feminisms in a synchronic and diachronic understanding of reception and influence. The organisers invite proposals for individual or collective papers as well as for roundtables on themes connected to Woolf and/or Beauvoir, both within and beyond their literary and philosophical productions. The deadline for proposals is 20th June 2022; notifications of acceptance will be sent by 30th June. For further information do not hesitate to contact the organisers at woolfbeauvoir22@gmail.com or luca.pinelli@unibg.it

CfP: “Virginia Woolf & Simone de Beauvoir: Intersections and Resonances”, Paris, 29-30 September 2022 Read More »

Teaching and Researching Children’s Literature in the Digital Age: New Perspectives and TechnologiesAn International Symposium, 24 June 2022, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Teaching and Researching Children’s Literature in the Digital Age: New Perspectives and Technologies An International Symposium 24 June 2022 Hosted on Zoom by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice Over the last two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the already ongoing process of digitization of resources and creation of online tools for teaching and research. This period saw the rise of new websites and databases, including in the area of children’s literature and culture. As our individual space became smaller and confined to our homes, the web became a locus for the sharing of information, resources, and experiences. The past months have seen numerous projects, databases, and conferences being devoted to the challenges and opportunities posed by this sudden shift in academic teaching and research. Now that we are starting to come back to in-person teaching and research, this study day intends to be an occasion to showcase innovative research and the tools created to respond to the pandemic emergency and meant to outlast it, becoming important resources for the academic and wider community, especially in the face of the new challenges that we are currently facing. It will be a chance to initiate an international conversation on what this shift and the new resources that derive from it entail for Children’s Literature scholars and how we may deploy these emergency tools in the long run to improve teaching and research, making them more accessible at all levels to both students and researchers around the world. We welcome proposals – including from postgraduates and ECRs – for 15-min presentations on topics including, but not limited to: innovative teaching methods/tools and digital technologies databases digital archives and repositories digital collections ebooks and digital libraries digitization projects websites research projects social media the limits of digital research methods Please submit a 200-word abstract and 100-word biography to childrenslitita@unive.it by the 31/05/2022.

Teaching and Researching Children’s Literature in the Digital Age: New Perspectives and TechnologiesAn International Symposium, 24 June 2022, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice Read More »


Call for Papers LAVENDER LANGUAGES AND LINGUISTICS CONFERENCE The 28th Lavender Languages Conference will be hosted in Catania (Italy) from 23 to 25 May 2022, both onsite and online. The Conference has an intense and fruitful commitment towards investigating language use and representation concerning lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, heterosexual, and/or queer life, as well as language and sexuality more broadly. The Conference supports a broad idea of “language” which encompass all areas of semiosis, including pronunciation, lexical choice, grammar, semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, (critical) discourse analysis, and the analysis of communication in various text genres, modes (spoken, written, signed, multimodal, non-verbal) and media. Historical, literary, cultural, and descriptive studies are also welcomed, as are performance-centered presentations and poster displays. The Conference proudly maintains a “no attitudes” atmosphere, which will continue in Catania (IT): all attendees should feel welcome in what will be a supportive and collaborative conference space. We are pleased to announce our plenary speakers: Jeremy Calder – University of Colorado (USA) tbc Adriana Di Stefano – Università degli Studi di Catania (ITA) tbc Busi Makoni – Penn State University (USA) Metalinguistic discourses of styling the other: The discursive construction of liminal masculinities. Pietro Maturi – Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (ITA) Gender and language in Italian: an ongoing struggle toward inclusivity” Tommaso M. Milani – University of Gothenburg (SWE) Queer stasis Eva Nossem – Saarland University (D) tbc Since its origin, in 1993, the Conference has always included papers and posters addressing a very wide range of topics and themes, and we do hope to keep that diversity maintained at LavLang28. We invite abstracts for presentations that explore both macro and micro contexts, but which acknowledge the need to position research into site-specific practices within broader contexts of social, cultural, and linguistic theory. Specific interest will be devoted to papers and panels that address future directions for language and sexuality inquiry. The language of presentation is English, research on languages other than English is greatly encouraged. Possible topics include, but are by no means limited to: • LGBTQ+ discourse • Literary and media representations of LGBTQ+ life • (Anti)homophobic and transphobic discourses, and other languages of discrimination • Pornography and/or the language of desire • Queer linguistics and (hetero/homo)normativity • Queer lexicology and lexicography • LGBTQ+ in Institutions: policies and inclusiveness • Variationist approaches to LGBTQ+ language/identity • Intersectionality, language, and sexual identity • Language, sexuality, and affect • Language, sexuality, and pedagogy Abstracts are invited for individual papers and panels. INDIVIDUAL PAPERS Abstracts for individual papers should be no more than 500 words, reference included. They should include the presentation title and the presenter’s name, affiliation, and email address. Abstracts should describe the paper’s focus, research method, findings, and ties to language and sexuality interests. Proposals will undergo a review process. PANELS Every panel can be made of 5 papers maximum. Scholars willing to organize a panel should submit a 300-word proposal together with the list of participants’ names and titles of contributions (5 max) to lavlang28@unict.it. Panelists will send their proposals as individual papers for the review process. Panel organizers are welcome to advertise a call for submissions to their panel via our website, where we will have a section entitled “Sessions under development”; please contact lavlang28@unict.it. DATES The deadline for panel and paper presentations is 1st March. Abstract submission, through Easychair (https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=lavlang28), will open on 15th January. Notification of acceptance will be communicated on18th April. Further information concerning LavLang28 (registration, travel, accommodation) can be found on the conference website: http://www.lavlang28.unict.it/.


CfP: ESPRit Conference, Budapest, 8-9 September 2022

ESPRit Conference, Budapest Call for Papers Conference theme: Periodicals beyond Hierarchies: Challenging Geopolitical and Social “Centres” and “Peripheries” through the Press Time and venue: 8– 9 September 2022, Museum of Fine Arts – Central European Research Institute for Art History (KEMKI) – Artpool, Budapest, Hungary. The hybrid event is co-organized with the Petőfi Literary Museum (PIM) – Kassák Museum. Scientific committee: Gábor Dobó (PIM–Kassák Musem); Dávid Fehér (KEMKI); Emese Kürti (KEMKI – Artpool); Eszter Őze (KEMKI – Artpool); Evanghelia Stead (UVSQ Paris Saclay); Merse Pál Szeredi (PIM – Kassák Musem). Contact persons: Gábor Dobó (dobo.gabor@pim.hu), Merse Pál Szeredi (szeredi.merse.pal@pim.hu), and Eszter Őze (eszter.oze@szepmuveszeti.hu). Call for papers: For the first time in East-Central Europe, the European Society for Periodical Research (ESPRit) convenes its 2022 (10th) international conference in Budapest, Hungary, to focus on the following theme Periodicals beyond Hierarchies: Challenging Geopolitical and Social “Centres” and “Peripheries” through the Press The conference should reflect on how periodicals challenge, transform or interpret the notion of “centres” and “peripheries” in a context of permanently shifting and historically unstable situations. Papers should investigate these questions through essential forums of the public sphere, namely periodicals, from the mid-18th century to the present day. The generation of knowledge, social dialogue, and transnational communication (both textual and visual) hosted by periodicals gave visibility and platforms to politically and economically “peripheral” areas, as well as socially marginalized groups. At the same time, other journals provided means to maintain cultural and political hegemony of “central” social classes or global powers. We invite scholars to reflect on the ways periodicals represented, created, maintained, or challenged, even deconstructed the notions of “centre” and “periphery” as related to the status of their community, audience, editorial board or geographical areas. We are particularly interested in encounters, and negotiations between geopolitical or social “centres” and “peripheries” taking place in periodicals. The conference should focus on matters, including but not limited to, such as: • Theoretical reflections on “centres” and “peripheries” and the possible contribution of Periodical Studies to define the shifting meaning of this conceptual model • Circulation, adaptability and reworking of periodical models and genres, including the mainstream press; middlebrow periodicals and “little magazines” • Hybridity, performativity, materiality – how researching periodicals opens up new perspectives in literary, art and media history? • Shifting, emerging, and declining geopolitical centres and the press, from the Napoleonic wars to the end of the Cold War and beyond • Challenging the concept of “Eastern”, “Western”, “Southern” and “Central” – the periodicals in the entangled history in Empires – from a post-Empire perspective • Colonization, decolonization, and the periodicals – a postcolonial perspective • The effect of dominant discourses on marginal/”peripheral”/”provincial”/local contexts – and vice versa. • The role of journals in social conversation, including the voice of marginalized groups in/out of/against the mainstream press: the rise of counter-publics in periodicals • The diachronic and political dimension of artistic canons, and the role of periodicals in canonizing, theorizing, and financing art and culture • De-centring established cultural “centres” through a transnational network of “little magazines”. Establishing “imagined communities” (a term coined by Benedict Anderson) in periodicals The working language of the conference is English. We welcome proposals from researchers at all stages of advancement. Proposals of around 250 words (references not included) for 20- minute papers and a short CV (no more than 200 words) should be sent to 2022esprit@gmail.com by February 28 2022. We also welcome proposals for joint panels of three papers. Please include a brief rationale for the panel along with an abstract and CV for each presenter. Updates can be found on the 10th ESPRit Conference website, forthcoming. We look forward to welcoming you to the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest!

CfP: ESPRit Conference, Budapest, 8-9 September 2022 Read More »

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