Join AIA or renew your membership

If you are:
Joining AIA for the first time as a "Socio/a di diritto", or
Renewing your AIA membership as a "Socio/a di diritto" or "Socio/a cultore" and your personal information or status has changed,
please go to this link and pay your membership fees:

AIA membership

If you want to renew your AIA membership and pay your membership fees and your personal data and status have not changed, please go to this link:

AIA membership

If you are a Dottorando/a, Collaboratore/trice Esperto/a Linguistico/a, Borsista a vario titolo, Specialista di studi anglistici who would like to join AIA for the first time as a Socio/a cultore, you need to:

1) fill the relevant form (modulo A) and have two reference letters from two AIA members, and

2) send the form and the two letters of reference to The AIA Board will then discuss the application and, if approved, new members should then fill the following form, which includes a payment form:

Join AIA

Membership fees

Socio/a di diritto

Professore/ssa di 1^ fascia (quota associativa € 75,00)
Professore/ssa di 2^ fascia (quota associativa € 75,00)
Ricercatore/Ricercatrice RU (quota associativa € 75,00)
RTT (quota associativa €75,00)
Socio/a “senior” (quota associativa € 70,00)
RTDb (quota associativa € 60,00)
RTDa (quota associativa € 50,00)
Assegnista (quota associativa € 50,00)
Dottore/ssa di Ricerca (quota associativa € 50,00)
Socio/a sostenitore/trice (quota associativa € 100,00)

Socio/a cultore

Dottorando/a (quota associativa € 50,00)
Collaboratore/trice Esperto/a Linguistico/a (quota associativa € 50,00)
Borsista a vario titolo (quota associativa € 50,00)
Specialista di studi anglistici (quota associativa € 50,00)


AIA members enjoy various benefits, including:

  • receiving three issues of Textus annually
  • having the opportunity to publish in Textus, subject to the acceptance of their articles by the editors who announced the Call for Papers and subsequent successful completion of the peer review process
  • proposing papers, reports and information for publication in the AIA Newsletter
  • participating in AIA meetings with voting rights
  • introducing new AIA members
  • presenting/participating in AIA conferences and seminars
  • availing themselves of the conventions exclusively reserved for AIA members
  • ensuring that all their publications are included in the AIA bibliography
  • participating in the AIA Book Prizes
  • qualifying for the AIA/British Council scholarship

In addition, members who activate the permanent renewal will receive a 20% discount on all Carocci volumes when ordering via e-mail ( or, phone (06/42818417) or fax (06/42747931).

Those who have renewed their AIA membership are automatically granted ESSE membership. They gain access to the electronic edition of The European English Messenger and can benefit from a 30% discount on the purchase of The European Journal of English Studies ( 


PAY YOUR MEMBERSHIP FEES WITH CARTA DEL DOCENTE. You can pay part of your AIA membership fees with your “carta del docente”. Please do not pay through the Carocci website directly. Please write to for information about how to proceed.

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